How much longer do I have to wait for Fox Business Channel?

There is no argument about this in the scientific community. There is no debate. There is no opinion, only the reality of our environmental neglect.

Just because it might be bad for business, as in it will cost money to find green alternatives to stop dumping millions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere per second, doesn't mean Global Warming is not happening.

If you reject science you're the idiot, but every village needs one and we welcome you here skottey. May you enjoy the internet. ;)

Good God! I'm so glad that people who think like you are a minority in this world. It would be very scary if you made policy. But having said that, I respect your right to say it; and for 22 years I would have given my life so that you can continue to sprout idiotic diatribes. Enjoy the Kool-Aid! :rolleyes: Now, back to the original thread question: Will Dish Network bring Fox Business Channel into its' lineup anytime soon?
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I got into this thread late, just reading the last couple of pages because I also would love to have Fox Business Channel, and wanted to see what was happening.

The relationship between FBN and global warming is apparently slim, but it does bring to mind that those who want to watch a business channel are either interested in the process of making money, or have money and want to keep it, or are actively trying to make some money. With that perspective in mind, I would like to see FBN to gain additional views as to the best way to profit from global warming. My initial thought is that I should consider investing in property in Canada and Greenland, so as to benefit from the warmer temperatures those areas will be experiencing.

The problem with the above thought is that this darn warming process will not significantly affect those areas for at least 25 to 100 years, and I will be dead before I can secure any profit from that. So my second idea: write a book using global warming to scare as many people as possible so they will buy the book to see if I have any answers. But...that's already been done to death, and even one hickory tree descendent has done a movie about it.

My third and final idea (so far) is to invest in heavy construction that will be used to build sea walls to keep Boston, New York, and similar northeastern cities from sinking into the sea (100 years from now). I believe that idea is most meritorious, because people don't like to move, and everything I've read so far about global warming that I feel has the least bit of credibility says that there is absolutely no way anything anybody can do will stop that since the primary source of global warming is the forces of nature--not man. Sea wall building will be a big, big business in the next 50 to 100 years, and I only regret that I won't be here to see it. Aging out, you know, is an irreversible process--just like the current global warming event.

Another note: thanks tahoerob and others for the links. I always like to read the latest to see if there's any reason to change my views--to confirm the error of my ways when I have erred. No view change on this subject.

Regards, and thanks again.
Guys, I am kind of middle of the road on this but I have to say,you guys on the conservative side of things did absolutely nothing to help your cause in the discussion. If you acted like adults and discussed and debated you would have had a great opportunity to educate those to your side of this debate. As it stands, you guys lose it. Your argument was without any basis except calling the guy out as a crazy lib. Grow up boys. And ummm get this discussion out of this forum. Skottey, you are no politico, better get back to defending E* at least you know something about it.
I have to disagree on most of this. Some did, but i didnt name call at all. any question i asked for answers to, were either ignored or given no proof to back up the claim.
If someone is going to turn this into a political thread, at least back it up. Dont just run and hide when you cant defend your point

Edit: the run and hide wasnt directed at you FlyingJ. For the most part, i agree with what you say in threads. There is some childishness here for sure, as has been pointed out by me also
Everyone must remember that there is a BIG difference between association and causation.

The Earth is warmer since 1850. HOWEVER, the Earth was in an unusual 500 year cold period called the Little Ice Age. There is a higher CO2 content in the air the last 100 years. DOES NOT PROVE CAUSATION.
MARS is ALSO warmer!!! Not from our Hummers!
THE SUN IS MORE POWERFUL THAN WHAT US HUMANS CAN EVER THINK WE ARE!!!! The Sun has periodic ebbs & flows of energy output that is the HIGHEST correlation to all temp changes in known recorded & fossil history.
New Orleans had a big convention about natural disasters the week BEFORE Katrina. Same CO2 logic would claim the convention caused the hurricane. Association....not Causation!!! LOGIC IS FAULTY.

Now with that said, most pollution problems are LOCAL. UNRELATED to overall CO2 levels & UNRELATED to global warming trend. Cleaner running cars = good, less smog, less sick kids, less oil needs, less foreign dependence. If you crap in your drinking water, you will get sick & die! Always bad. Keep it clean. Trees & flowers are pretty. Plant some. It cannot be simpler.

If someone is going to get their global warming info from TV, do not get it from ANY news channel. Goto Nat. Geographic, Discovery, History Ch. They all have had well done facts & data driven shows on the subject.

BTW, I would like to see the Dave Ramsey show on FBC if it were on Dish!!!

PS: Michael Crichton's book, State of Fear, is a great story with his usual full of facts & trivia related to the global warming topic as an underlying theme. I highly recommend it. State of Fear: Books: Michael Crichton
I have to disagree on most of this. Some did, but i didnt name call at all. any question i asked for answers to, were either ignored or given no proof to back up the claim.
If someone is going to turn this into a political thread, at least back it up. Dont just run and hide when you cant defend your point

Edit: the run and hide wasnt directed at you FlyingJ. For the most part, i agree with what you say in threads. There is some childishness here for sure, as has been pointed out by me also

Hey, as long as it's a well mannered discussion I am in! As long as it doesn't get personal I am in. There are a lot of issues in the world that have two sides to them and both could very well be legit. So keep it fun and interesting and no msmith I was not directing those comments at you. Just a note, I am a conservative. But, that doesn't mean that I agree with all conservative thinking, abortion etc.... I just simply look at the world and say to myself, ok if we were not here would would the environment be in better shape. I can't help but think yes. That's not to say that we are destroying it, or that it would really matter because we wouldn't be here to notice it. But, I don't just dismiss everything because it doesn't fit in with a political view. And I certainly don't (though sometimes I would like to) call anyone an idiot for arguing or believing in the opposite view from me. Not everyone out there that believes in Global Warming is a crazy lib trying to fool the public. I have a feeling that there are many that feel this way that none of us in this forum could possibly contnd with on an intellectual level. If someone states that anyone that has this opinion is any lesser in the think tank, I then have to immediately dismiss anything else they have to say.
Hey, as long as it's a well mannered discussion I am in! As long as it doesn't get personal I am in. There are a lot of issues in the world that have two sides to them and both could very well be legit. So keep it fun and interesting and no msmith I was not directing those comments at you. Just a note, I am a conservative. But, that doesn't mean that I agree with all conservative thinking, abortion etc.... I just simply look at the world and say to myself, ok if we were not here would would the environment be in better shape. I can't help but think yes. That's not to say that we are destroying it, or that it would really matter because we wouldn't be here to notice it. But, I don't just dismiss everything because it doesn't fit in with a political view. And I certainly don't (though sometimes I would like to) call anyone an idiot for arguing or believing in the opposite view from me. Not everyone out there that believes in Global Warming is a crazy lib trying to fool the public. I have a feeling that there are many that feel this way that none of us in this forum could possibly contnd with on an intellectual level. If someone states that anyone that has this opinion is any lesser in the think tank, I then have to immediately dismiss anything else they have to say.
Thats well thought out and i agree with most of it(except abortion, and thats a whole different discussion). I to consider my self conservative, and in the past, i have tended to vote republican. However I wouldnt hesitate to vote democrat if i agreed with the candidate on the majority of his stances. On global warming, do i think that we as a species have an effect on the environment? Sure. Do i think we are causing a major climate change? Right now, there isnt enough evidence to convince me of that, considering that the planet does go through changes on its own. However i do think we should work to reduce our oil consumption and be more efficient. Just gets me when someone (al gore) tries to tell me that i need to be driving a POS hybrid and he flies off on a fuel sucking 747. Practice what you preach.
We all know like Hurricane Katrina.....Bush causes Global Warming. When in doubt...Blame Bush!!!
Yep, you just made me think of something, and this is pretty funny.
I have an employee who told me after Katrina that he knew Bush caused it because they already knew there was going to be a Katrina when they released that Hurricane list at the beginning of the year....How do you respond to that. lol
Yep, you just made me think of something, and this is pretty funny.
I have an employee who told me after Katrina that he knew Bush caused it because they already knew there was going to be a Katrina when they released that Hurricane list at the beginning of the year....How do you respond to that. lol

I would have fired that guy unless he is doing a job that doesn't involve using his brain. LOL.

That is funnier than the people claiming the govt. actually blew up the levies to save the 'rich' neighborhoods.
Yep, you just made me think of something, and this is pretty funny.
I have an employee who told me after Katrina that he knew Bush caused it because they already knew there was going to be a Katrina when they released that Hurricane list at the beginning of the year....How do you respond to that. lol

:D:D:DNow that is freaking funny!!!:D:D:D
I would have fired that guy unless he is doing a job that doesn't involve using his brain. LOL.

That is funnier than the people claiming the govt. actually blew up the levies to save the 'rich' neighborhoods.
Well whats scary is he is actually one of the best i have. lol
Army vet(first gulf war) and the absolute best machine operator ive ever seen. Usually pretty smart on things that pertain to his job, but every once in a while he will have a brain fart and make comments like that.
Haha, just thought of another one. Same guy. It is absolutely flooding. Not raining, its coming down in sheets. I make a comment about all of the rain, and he says, "yeah and this is only that 80% rain, imagine if it was the 100% kind."
I would have fired that guy unless he is doing a job that doesn't involve using his brain. LOL.

That is funnier than the people claiming the govt. actually blew up the levies to save the 'rich' neighborhoods.

I used to work with a guy that believed that. He said "Why you don't see no white people on tv on roofs." I said "Because they all left before the storm." So apparently George W. Bush hates black people so much he used his weather machine to send a cat 5 hurricane right at NO, then sent in buses to save all the white people, then blew up the levees to flood the black neighborhoods. That was his belief. I told him that they must have been intelligent bombs. They could send the water around the white people's houses and just flood the blacks.


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