Since NBC is continuing their ridiculous policies that they had during the Sydney games, I am doing just like I did then. I am not watching the Olympics.
I remember watching the Olympics in the '70s and '80s and catching as many events as I could. And most of it was live.
Since NBC would not allow me to see any of the opening live, I went and saw the still shots on others websites, including the Athens Olympics site. You were able to see much of the opening, and know what all happened hours before they broadcast it in the US.
My wife flipped over to it when I got home, and I watched a little of the SD feed, and then checked the HD feed. Interested time warp doing that.
Well, when they HD feed kept getting interrupted with dead air, and endless ads for the local news, I gave up. That was all I've seen of this one.
I am boycotting them unless they show us LIVE HD feeds.
Please PM me if they open it up to all.