Never heard of a HOA foreclosing on a house. The legal way to do it is put a lien on the property, and when the property is sold the HOA lien is paid off, before the seller receives his money from the profit of the sale.
Some have made comments that HOA officers have been jerks. Yes, I have seen that any times before, but I have also seen individual home owners who are also jerks. They have to buck everything and push everything to the limits. I think some of them move into a HOA community just to cause trouble. If they didn't want to follow a few rules, to maintain a decent looking community, why did they move into a HOA community to begin with.
Remember, it is easy to get rid of the officers who are jerks, when it comes time for the annual election, start a campaign against them to vote them out. If they are that much of a jerk, it shouldn't be very hard to get support, to get them out of office. If you can't get the support to remove them from the position, maybe you have to re-evaluate the situation and see who the real jerk is.
The biggest problem with HOAs is the fact that no one wants to serve on the Board and committees, so a lot of times you end up with the people with ego trips running them. maybe the answer to having a productive HOA is to GET INVOLVED.