History Channel becoming more annoying?

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It could be a Nielsen ratings trick. If you have a popular show extend it by a few minutes into the next hour. the high ratings of the first show spills over into the first segment of the (usually weaker) second show, artificially skewing the second show's ratings and ad rates

USA did(still does?) it with wrestling

That sounds totally plausible.
It could be a Nielsen ratings trick. If you have a popular show extend it by a few minutes into the next hour. the high ratings of the first show spills over into the first segment of the (usually weaker) second show, artificially skewing the second show's ratings and ad rates
the thing is most of these are what would be called "west coast" time of it.....a show is on at say 8:00 Central...normal 1/2 hour show
The "rerun" of that show is on at 11:00 and runs til 11:31

USA did(still does?) it with wrestling
That goes back to the Monday Night wrestling wars with WCW in the mid 90's
They still go some weeks 18 minutes past 5 after (the scheduled stop time)

When they tape the show (usually a west coast venue right before they go across the world for a week or so) the taped show ends 5 or 6 after the hour. Live shows have ended at 3 after up to 28 after
It could be a Nielsen ratings trick. If you have a popular show extend it by a few minutes into the next hour. the high ratings of the first show spills over into the first segment of the (usually weaker) second show, artificially skewing the second show's ratings and ad rates...

We just finished a Nielsen survey a few weeks ago. They send a diary for each TV in the home to be filled out for a week. It's pretty detailed and broke down the hour into 15 minute segments. If a channel wanted to cheat with ratings, that would be a way to do it.

It was nice to see they still had a selection in the providers for satellite dishes larger than 4 ft.
Remember "Turner Time" when WTBS started at 05/35 after the hour? That was to keep you watching their shows
I'll tell you what... This UFO and Alien BS they are on is really p****ng me off!
That was on ALL NIGHT thursday and it's nothing less than T-Total KOOKERY!
And this psychotic camera method of fast cuts back and forth, zooming in and out rapidly, and other assorted childish herky-jerky BS makes me want to smash the TV with a hammer!

It's bad enough that the UFO/alien stuff is on to begin with but then that have to add insult to injury with this maniacal camera stuff, it's like Blair Witch Project meets Cloverfield. Whoever came up with that method needs to be drawn and quartered! The camera men and directors all need to lay off the coke and meth.
Even the Chasing Mummies show was doing that. It totally ruined what potentially could have been a good series. Of course inserting fake people into the show didn't help much either.

But really, :wtf: is up with this nuttery on the History Channel?
And if it's not that it's the idiot Nostradamus BS or 2012 end times BS!

. . . turn it OFF ! - :up

I have noticed that in the past few years my viewing of the History Channel (both FTA and the Canadian version I get with Shaw Direct) has declined. Sure, I like Pawn Stars, IRT, etc., but they are more entertainment than history (though there is a bit in Pawn Stars). What I have really noticed in the past few months, is that if I want history/archeology/documentary programming on FTA, I tune in to the Chinese channel CCTV 9 Documentary on 95 Ku. Fascinating stuff on that channel. In fact, I'd say it is my most watched channel on FTA (of course, I don't have C-band, if I did, it probably would be MeTV!).
These cable fare channels have all been going down hill for years. If it's not crap programming its repeat after repeat. Anything we get free we really shouldn't bitch about. (hey its free) It's when your paying a high dollar Tv bill each month thats when your getting screwed. Feel sorry for those stuck with no options like we have with FTA.
And can they squeeze in just a few more commercials? - just a few more don't want an overload or anything.
Watching IRT and they are running some real monkey poo for commercials. They keep running an ad for some conspiracy theory video for the tin foil hatters, then there is that immature bunch of idiots on "Top Gear" tearing up cars like foolish children and ads for violent Xbox games. History channel is going downhill real fast..
I think our FTA commercials are different than the actual "cable" commercials on subscription. Didn't switch over to the subs on my 410 (like the pause on FTA) but....have you noticed how rough the cut in and cut out for commercials are? That's why I think maybe those conspiracy ads are filler for H.Networks or just "place holders" to be covered by particular carriers. I've never quite understood who is putting commercials in for whom in the FTA/Sub world and where! I know many are covered by cable systems, and those seem different than our subs on the h2h system.
I'm happy just to get it. They can put on anything they want. Don't sweat the small stuff, to many big problems in life.
IRT on Discovery Channel

Watching IRT and they are running some real monkey poo for commercials. They keep running an ad for some conspiracy theory video for the tin foil hatters, then there is that immature bunch of idiots on "Top Gear" tearing up cars like foolish children and ads for violent Xbox games. History channel is going downhill real fast..

Ice Road Truckers is an insult to trucking industry........Hugh and Rick are a joke. :mad: (Rick and his blue hair or is it green) :sick: Don't get me started on the two bimbo's and the clown from I think Georgia. (that's supposed to be a over 20 year veteran) :eek: Alex isn't too bad. (he seems some what real)
I don't mean to sound like I am being a braggart, but I probably have forgotten more about driving a Tractor Trailer Rig than those two clowns will ever know. The two demolition derby drivers (Hugh & Rick) Glad they do not work for me they way they destroyed that mans equipment and no wonder Carilile Transportation Systems in Fairbanks did not hire Hugh back this season.

Also the man that taught me to drive trucks and my Father in Law are probably or would be both rolling over in their graves a 90 mph, if they were to see what hose clowns do. :doh:

Sorry for the rant. :coffee
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It's like TLC. That channel has gone to crapola. If you have 304 screaming kids, you got a show. As for History, make HI the new "History Channel" and call the current one something else.
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