vurbano said:
Pradike strikes back!!!!!!!!!!!
By Peter Radike...
4. The 'HD Lite' issue (alleged poor picture quality) is not unique to D*, but also has been experienced from EchoStar and cable providers as well. I suspect this issue will go away within the next year as bandwidth becomes expanded at various providers. The frivolous lawsuit (See Related Links) filed will most likely be shelved by the courts, as no mandated statue exists for what constitutes HD.....
This is one of the most persistent thoughts that I just can't understand.
The government does not have to define or mandate anything in order to show that what's being provided is not what's being advertised.
Just think of how many things we buy each day that aren't controlled, monitored, or defined by the government. Such a list of definitions would be impossible to create, control, and maintain.
We all have a reasonable expectation of certain things. If we buy a pen, we expect it to have ink in it. If it were a pencil, we would be understandably upset. It's called a pen, and you should get a pen. The government doesn't control pens. It doesn't define pens. But we can all agree that a pencil isn't a pen.
It gets slightly more tricky with technical issues, such as HDTV. But, since the ATSC's standards for HDTV were a result of both government interests (to free up bandwidth), and industry members, it is reasonable for the public to expect products being advertised as HD to adhere to those standards.
We see this in tech products all the time. Imagine buying a camera featuring a firewire port, only to find that it's actually USB. Well, since the government doesn't define or regulate firewire ports, I guess you should just be happy since it still hooks up to a computer.
If people are happy with sub-standard HD, that's fine. However, they should be given that knowledge upfront, so they know what they are paying for. In the case of DirecTV and Dish, the average consumer has no simple way of knowing that what they're getting isn't HD.
"Complaint Lite" indeed.
After reading the article, the words springing into my mind are Logic Lite.