HBO - Game of Thrones (No Spoilers)

My main question now is where the heck are the dragons?
Hopefully getting nice and big.
I guess I was right. I let out an "OH S*$^!" when Drogon's shadow darkened the valley and Dothraki hoard riding with Danny. Horses must agree with Drogon...

The show seems to have so many balls in the air that it can't get to them all in the 50 minutes allowed, what with the "Previously, on Game of Thrones", "Next Week, on Game of Thrones", and "Behind the Scenes of Game of Thrones" segments. HBO, there's this wonderful thing called the Internet that people watching "Game of Thrones" seem to understand. Give us more of the story and save the Behind the Scenes stuff for the podcasts and/or "After the Thrones" show that is accessible via HBO Now/HBO Go. I didn't like it when it showed up for Season Five, and I still FF when watching the episodes.
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Ho Hum. Least favorite episode of the season so far. The Hound is back, no surprise there and now he is out for revenge. The Blackfish story line, eh. Arya getting stabbed a bunch of times in the stomach. Not sure how she lives through that one, but she must. Otherwise, why have we spent so much time on her? I was hopeful that all of that training would result in her getting the best of the girl that is always beating the crap out of her. Also, how about that promise not to let her suffer. I think multiple stab wounds in the stomach would be a terrible way to go.
Looks like the last two episodes of the season are going to be longer than the others.
Episode 9 "The Battle of the Bastards" is 60 mins
Episode 10 "The Winds of Winter" is 69 mins

Quite a bit more than the standard 50 mins.
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Season 6 episode 8 - I enjoyed the episode. I especially liked the scenes with the Hound. His lines when killing the last dude of the 4 were fantastic.

I can't understand the story-line with the Blackfish though. Why bring him back in with such a weak ending that we didn't even get to see? Is he not really dead?

Arya - this was a very long detour but she is finally heading home. Hope she finds her wolf.

Dani is back, time to let the dragons loose.

Next week's battle is going to be epic. Ramsey better get destroyed.
The showrunners are really making up for the slowness of following the books the previous season. I imagine that all of next season will be dany tearing through Westeros claiming her kingdom, providing that Jon Snow doesn't potentially have a better claim to it,& that he'd want it. I'm surprised that the writers didn't go with the Red Witch resurrecting [you know who] instead of burying him in the family crypt next week. It would be nice if they could get her to bring back the BFG.
The showrunners are really making up for the slowness of following the books the previous season. I imagine that all of next season will be dany tearing through Westeros claiming her kingdom, providing that Jon Snow doesn't potentially have a better claim to it,& that he'd want it. I'm surprised that the writers didn't go with the Red Witch resurrecting [you know who] instead of burying him in the family crypt next week. It would be nice if they could get her to bring back the BFG.
Almost too quickly for me. But since we only have 14 episodes total left i guess it is necessary.
Rumor control: Sansa is pregnant with Ramsey's child. That is why she told Littlefinger that she still feels Ramsey inside of her, & why Ramsey, before he became "dog chow," told her that he was part of her now.
And a counter argument that she is not pregnant and that he was implying that he impacted her do the degree that now she was now the one feeding someone to the dogs (i.e. part of his evil personality was a part of her now).

I personally don't think she is pregnant as I don't see how it would play into the overall story. What does it really add if there is an unwanted baby in her life other than it just sucking for her. The rest of the Ramsey house is gone. It isn't like they can rise up under the baby in the next 13 episodes.

Also, just an FYI (I know this is a no spoilers thread, but since we have moved past the books I don't think this matters anymore because the stories are so different), in the books, it is not Sansa that is married to Ramsey, but another girl (Jeyne Poole) who is passed off as Arya Stark by the Lanisters and sent to marry him. Although he potentially knows that the girl is a fraud. So with all of that I can't see how Sansa being pregnant fits into the story.
And a counter argument that she is not pregnant and that he was implying that he impacted her do the degree that now she was now the one feeding someone to the dogs (i.e. part of his evil personality was a part of her now).

I personally don't think she is pregnant as I don't see how it would play into the overall story. What does it really add if there is an unwanted baby in her life other than it just sucking for her. The rest of the Ramsey house is gone. It isn't like they can rise up under the baby in the next 13 episodes.

Also, just an FYI (I know this is a no spoilers thread, but since we have moved past the books I don't think this matters anymore because the stories are so different), in the books, it is not Sansa that is married to Ramsey, but another girl (Jeyne Poole) who is passed off as Arya Stark by the Lanisters and sent to marry him. Although he potentially knows that the girl is a fraud. So with all of that I can't see how Sansa being pregnant fits into the story.
How does being pregnant fit into any story? It's a part of life that just happens & changes the dynamics of everything.
How does being pregnant fit into any story? It's a part of life that just happens & changes the dynamics of everything.
If it is a part of a movie, show or book it almost always has a point. What dynamics would it change in this story? It doesn't do anything other than make you feel sorry for Sansa. Haven't we already done enough of that? I just don't see how it adds anything. Especially with the short time that we have left in the story. Seems pointless to me. Not saying you're wrong, I just don't get the point if that is true.
Time has been very curious on the show. I'm not even sure that everything that happens on an episode is actually happening at the same time. For instance it would have taken a very long time to travel by ship from the Iron Islands to go see Dani (heck they even had a stop over at a brothel). klang is right though. Heck, she had enough time to sew a new coat for her and Jon. I can't imagine that was done overnight. That said, it appears very little time has passed in King's Landing. This is part of the trouble with having so many people in so many different places.
Interview with Iwan Rheon (Ramsey):
I have to ask: what did Ramsay mean when he told Sansa that he's a part of her now?
"Well I think what he means is that, what he's done to her, she won't be able to shake off and he has kind of broken her. In the same way that Theon will never be able to shake Reek off because of the psychological torture and physical torture. By doing all these horrible things to her, he has left his mark on her and therefore he is part of her."

So, it's not that she's pregnant? (As many fans have speculated.)
"(Laughs) "Well unless Ramsay has got an incredible talent of being able to spot pregnant women, then I don't know. I don't know if he has examined her or anything. I have absolutely no idea, so you'll have to just wait until next season to find out. Like me."
How much time has transpired in the show since Sansa left Ramsay? Seems to me if she was pregnant it would show or she would have given birth already.
In "my" perception, maybe just a few weeks. Who knows!
Just got my wife to finally sit down and actually start the show. She tried before and dropped off after three episodes.

So we start again. Get to the behead Ned episode and she screams, "what?!?!?!, he's like the main character '''

I laughed and said, I know baby. And it only gets worse. Hahaha hahaha.

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Has anybody been watching the HBO "podcast" show, "After the Thrones"? I'm not sure it's part of the programming service, as I've only watched it on the HBO apps. They brought up a good point, Sansa had crucial information (a raven to Littlefinger) that might have been nice to share. Obviously, she is keeping things from Jon and his counsel, so it should be interesting to see where that goes. But we all knew that the calvary would be riding in to save the day at the end. Still, with the way favorite characters have a tendency to be killed, I would not have been surprised to see Jon die again.

So, next week we are headed for the Wall with "The Winds of Winter". After this week's slaughter will there be enough humans left to fight the Night King and his White Walkers?

Regarding the unfurling of the direwolf banners over Winterfell, I expect that a lot of people will be cheering the opening when the Winterfell pieces have the proper sigils on them!

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