HBO - Game of Thrones (No Spoilers)

In the future, the Ironborn will play very much into the storyline. The Ironborn have ships, something Dany will need to move her armies to Westeros. Also, according to non-book related rumors(potential spoilers), one of the Ironborn(yet to be introduced) is supposed to have possession of a "magic horn" that can be used to control dragons.

Yeah, I'm sure they come into it and maybe it will be to transport Dany, but that seems like a strange "marriage".
I hadn't really gotten into the GoT Wiki site, but I guess I've lead a sheltered life. There is something known as "R+L=J" out on the Interwebs and it sounds like we'll be getting closer to an answer as Bran continues his learnings from the 3-Eyed Raven.
Jon should get used to the idea of having an "Aunt Dany"...
Yes, R+L=J is pretty well known and not too difficult to figure out especially after the first flashback this season. I expect we will "learn" about it soon.
Wow. What an episode. We learned a LOT. The White Walkers were created by the Children to fight against men but they are obviously not on the same side as evidenced by the slaughter of them under the tree. And the origin and end of Hordor. That was devastating! Not to mention we lost another dire wolf. :( Are the only wolves left Ghost and Aria's (who is off on its own somewhere)?
I think there was a reasonable doubt about Shaggydog, but yeah, Nymeria and Ghost are the remaining dyrewolves.

The White Walkers are the Children's "Skynet", a tool created for a purpose that ended up turning against its makers.

And I need to eat my words of skepticism about the new King of the Iron Islands. He wants to build those ships that I thought were ridiculous. But now Asha and Theon are in command of a pretty good sized fleet of Ironborn-wrought ships. Perhaps it's time to sail around the south of Westeros and on to the Free Cities across the Narrowing Seas before Euron can get there?
I think there was a reasonable doubt about Shaggydog, but yeah, Nymeria and Ghost are the remaining dyrewolves.

The White Walkers are the Children's "Skynet", a tool created for a purpose that ended up turning against its makers.

And I need to eat my words of skepticism about the new King of the Iron Islands. He wants to build those ships that I thought were ridiculous. But now Asha and Theon are in command of a pretty good sized fleet of Ironborn-wrought ships. Perhaps it's time to sail around the south of Westeros and on to the Free Cities across the Narrowing Seas before Euron can get there?
No, the Ironborn with the "magic horn" hasn't been revealed yet.
No, just among people speculating about how Rickon was captured.

My main question now is where the heck are the dragons?
My main question now is where the heck are the dragons?
Hopefully getting nice and big. They never actually showed the two that Tyrion unshackled leaving the catacombs, so maybe we take a lot of assumptions to advance the arcs.

So, can "Game of Thrones" wrap EVERYTHING up nice and neat in the next fifteen episodes?

Side note: I'm reading the books for the first time, and just started "A Storm of Swords". Without giving away any spoilers, it's interesting how the first season was almost 100% tied to the "Game of Thrones" book, with minor adjustments here and there, while the 2nd season started diverging from "Clash of Kings" in a big way. The view from 50,000 feet might be the same, but many changes in the story lines on the ground.

I wonder if Season 6 is even vaguely close to G. R. R. Martin's next book?
Hmm. I wouldn't say that the 2nd book diverges in a big way. Do you mean the timing or the actual events. There is quite a bit more in the books but they are generally the same story.

Edit: I just realized what you must be talking about :) yes that part is different.

As far as the current season and how it relates to the unpublished books, I think it is safe to say that John will return in the books too. The show writers have stated publicly that they got the Hodor info from GRRM so that will be the same or similar. I expect that the origin of the white walkers is the same as they have shown. Who knows about Dany and the Dothraki but it would make sense based on where she was in the books (virtually the same place as the end of last season). Either way I am excited to read them if they ever come out.
Also, I don't think it has been confirmed that season 7 is the end. I thought they were saying that it would likely be 8 seasons? If so that would be 25 more episodes.
I'd like to see another 2-1/2 years, too. I'm sure HBO is in no hurry to lose this from their lineup. It's the primary reason I pay to get HBO. The movies and other series like "Silicon Valley" and "Veep" are added value...
With the speed they are moving right now they could probably do it in one more season but it will make me sad. I think they will be unable to really tell the story.
Wow. What an episode. We learned a LOT. ... And the origin and end of Hordor. That was devastating!

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