HBO - Game of Thrones (No Spoilers)

Very disappointing overall. I think that the first 4 seasons were the best television ever made. Not coincidentally they tracked very true to the books. Season 5 was a bit of a mess with the sand snakes and the very abbreviated Dorne plot. Season 6 got back on track and was again excellent. I actually enjoyed season 7 and although I had minor complaints, I think that the major complaints (characters seemingly being able to jetpack around the map and the stupid weight in a box plot) were fair, but they didn't really bother me. In that I mean, I don't fault people who had those issues, but to me they didn't take away from the story. No doubt it was a bit rushed, but I think if the final season was better it would have all been forgiven. Season 7 was pretty much a disaster:
Episode 1 - I actually liked, but in retrospect I think I liked the fact that Game of Thrones was back more than anything in particular in the episode.
Episode 2 - I really liked this episode. It was a lot of what made GOT great back in the day - characters that we liked interacting with each other
Episode 3 - Very frustrating. I have a VERY nice TV (77" OLED) and because of the way the battle was shot it was difficult to follow. Additionally, I think the overall battle plan was dumb, several more key characters should have died (especially when we see them under a pile of weights), but they didn't and WTF was the future King of the 6 kingdoms doing the whole time?
Episode 4 - A lot of this was pretty good. I liked the aftermath, but the whole navy scene was a complete disaster with so many plot holes it is absurd.
Episode 5 - Why? This was visually stunning at times, but they didn't tell the story. Why did she snap? Is nature the only thing that matters (she was always going to go mad because of her heritage)? Best point of the episode - Clegane Bowl - couldn't have asked for more
Episode 6 - Culmination of everything results in an ending that didn't feel right because they didn't tell the whole story. Totally cool with John killing Danny and even with Bran ending up on the throne, but I needed more about how we got there. Lots more plot holes - How does Drogon know that the Iron Throne is what caused all of this? Why wouldn't Grey Worm have killed John instead of taking him prisoner? Where are the Dothraki now - just roaming Westeros? Why are the Unsullied going to Nath (where they will die in 2 days from the butterfly disease that kills outsiders? Why is there still a Night's Watch? Why does no one bring up the fact that John is the heir to the Iron Throne during the council meeting? Why would the other kingdoms let Sansa leave the kingdom without doing the same (especially the Iron Islands who Danny had already granted that to and Dorne who never even knelt to her Aegon the Conquer)? Too many more to count.

Essentially I'm just disappointed that the show runners didn't take HBO up on the offer to add 4 more episodes to season 7 and 3 more episodes to season 8. That might have been enough time to get the story that we should have been told.
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Hard to believe that it's been over a year since this show ended. HBO should have held up that final season yet another year and then it would have been just one more s**t storm that 2020 will be known for…

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