HBO - Game of Thrones (No Spoilers)

I don't think he will be Jon "Snow" for long. I expect a flashback that gives us his true name soon.

Absolutely loved the scene where the idiot shot the giant with an arrow and then got flung across the yard. I literally laughed out loud. It could only have been better if that little punk Olly would have been the one to get flung.

Interesting that we didn't see Dany at all this episode.
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Hopefully not a white walker.
His eyes weren't blue, so I think Castle Black is safe in that regards... But this is just the shot of confidence that Melisandre needs, don't you think? No more moping around for her!

My favorite scene was Tyrion releasing the shackles of Rhaegal and Viserion. As I'm reading "A Game of Thrones" it was definitely clear that Tyrion has been interested in dragons and his talking to the pair of dragons as allies and not pets make a lot of sense for him. It may have been the bravest thing we've seen him do yet.
My Watch has ended... Wonder where Jon and Ghost are heading now.

Very frustrated we didn't get to see the Tower of Joy. I expect that since we didn't get it this week it will be very late in the season before we find out the details of what was happening up there and what it means to the whole story.

Poor little Rickon. This isn't going to be good. Although if he gets killed off that really sucks for him. Waiting all that time to come back to the show only to be killed.
Good episode. Time to march on Winterfell. I guess the story line is going to matter at some point, but I just don't care about what is going on with the Ironborn.

I had to remind myself last night that these seasons are only 10 episodes. That means next week is half way. I want to find out a lot more before the season ends!
One thing about this series, the gal who got killed off last night, I'd completely forgotten that character. There are so many characters it is hard to remember them all.
Yeah, easy to forget her since we hadn't seen Osha or (or Rickon) for a long time. So much so that she wasn't even listed in the deathpool odds:
Odds as of May 15 at Bovada

  • Jorah Mormont 5/1
  • Lady Melisandre 10/1
  • Ramsay Boston (Snow) 10/1
  • Theon Greyjoy 10/1
  • High Sparrow 10/1
  • Daario Naharis 15/1
  • Tommen Baratheon 15/1
  • Podrick Payne 18/1
  • Brienne of Tarth 18/1
  • Loras Tyrell 18/1
  • Sansa Stark 20/1
  • Grey Worm 20/1
  • Yara Greyjoy 20/1
  • Euron Greyjoy 22/1
  • Ellaria Sand 25/1
  • Margaery Tyrell 25/1
  • Missandei 30/1
  • Davos 30/1
  • Jaime Lannister 33/1
  • Tormund 40/1
  • Ghost 40/1
  • Drogon 45/1
  • Olenna Tyrell 45/1
  • Petyr Baelish 50/1
  • Lord Varys 50/1
  • Samwell Tarly 50/1
  • Bronn 66/1
  • Jon Snow 75/1
  • Tyrion Lannister 75/1
  • Cersei Lannister 75/1
  • Jaquen H'ghar 75/1
  • Arya Stark 100/1
  • Daenerys Targaryen 100/1
Good episode. Time to march on Winterfell. I guess the story line is going to matter at some point, but I just don't care about what is going on with the Ironborn.

I had to remind myself last night that these seasons are only 10 episodes. That means next week is half way. I want to find out a lot more before the season ends!
In the future, the Ironborn will play very much into the storyline. The Ironborn have ships, something Dany will need to move her armies to Westeros. Also, according to non-book related rumors(potential spoilers), one of the Ironborn(yet to be introduced) is supposed to have possession of a "magic horn" that can be used to control dragons.
My thought was Danny can't go North of the Wall. If she were to be killed, you couldn't burn her body, and she would make one bad-ass White Walker!

The Iron Islands are way the wrong side of Westeros to be of much use to Daenerys; ships in Slavers Bay are more accessible. Heck, even Bravos is practically next door to Danny in comparison to the Iron Islands. But I digress...

Brienne of Tarth's reaction to meeting the Red Lady was remarkably restrained. She must have been weary from the long trek from Winterfell. Maybe later...
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My thought was Danny can't go North of the Wall. If she were to be killed, you couldn't burn her body, and she would make one bad-ass White Walker!

The Iron Islands are way the wrong side of Westeros to be of much use to Daenerys; ships in Slavers Bay are more accessible. Heck, even Bravos is practically next door to Danny in comparison to the Iron Islands. But I digress...

Brienne of Tarth's reaction to meeting the Red Lady was remarkably restrained. She must have been weary from the long trek from Winterfell. Maybe later...
If I recall, they burned the ship's in Slavers Bay.

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