Getting new software V726, are you?

Other firmware problems

Besides the caller ID issues, I have noticed a couple of other problems. Twice when flipping through the guide it got confused - I would page through it but if I tried to arrow down to a specific channel it got confused as to which page it was on. Then I noted that I could not change channels and it would not clear the description from the screen. So - reboot.

I also noted that when it gets confused that it does not downsize the picture up in the corner when you go to the channel guide. It has a picture there, but rather than a downsized version of the whole picture - it only takes the corner of the picture - not downsized at all. The reboot fixes that too.

It never did this prior to the update.
V726 Caller ID

I was away for a week. Upon return I find I have received V726. I had to do a cold reboot to get the Caller ID to work. I have the same problem noted by others: it displays the last previous call rather than the current call. No other problems detected so far.

My stb has target software but no update for over 8 days now. Funny, my other stb had been updated over 8 days ago.
Polar said:
My stb has target software but no update for over 8 days now. Funny, my other stb had been updated over 8 days ago.
Are you turning it off at night? You should!
Also, if you are targeted, you can force the download if you really want: just go to the Installation Wizard and select the last item on the list. Follow the on-screen instructions.
stockymd said:
My program guide finally came through...this was after calling voom and having them send the signal again.
Also experienced a strange lock-up, where I went to the program guide to select another program. It acted as if the channel changes on the little info bar, but the channel was the same. I couldn't change the channel through the program guide or by entering the number of the channel...only by scrolling. Had to do a soft reboot to fix this. Now my program info is gone again DANG IT!!!!

This has also happened to me twice since the update. I have to do a soft reboot, and it takes about 20 or 30 minutes for the program guide to update again.
Caller ID feature is a lifesaver

I love the caller ID feature. It works off the bat for me after the download. I used to hate to get up to see phone numbers off my caller id device while watching voom. I get to see all the names and numbers on my set. I would love voom to activate the clock on the device that would be great

Any other cool features on this unit, please post
jtrayall said:
One thing I have noticed with the caller id is the current call is not being displayed when my phone rings. The previous call gets displayed instead of the current caller. Anyone else notice this???

Get this -- when a call comes in, I get a Caller ID reading for the person that called 9 calls ago! It's consistent...every time the phone rings, I see on the screen who called 9x ago. Amazing. Hopefully they are working on it.
The last time I received a call while watching Voom, not only was the callerID info for a previous call, but it was also corrupted. The last letter of the name was missing, and the number was messed up and also missing a digit.
I had my Boxes installed on the Dec 6 and the Firmware got updated last night. (My boxes rebooted around 2:30 in the morning.)
I had a problem wherethe Animation Channel would not show up and the Box would lock up. Thats Fixed and the Caller ID is working correctly...For now.

(I did need the CSR to force the PG down onto one of my Boxes though)
I'm getting a weird problem with the new software and with the new channels. I was getting a "call VOOM to subscribe" message on the new channels (and on Action, Love and Mystery which I've had forever) on one of my boxes and a "can't access card" message on the other box for those channels (I think this box had its' software updated). The VOOM installer came out and said the access number was entered wrong on the one box and I had to call VOOM about the other box.

Last night I forced the software upgrade on the box that said to call VOOM for the subscription and now it can't read the access card for those channels. I looks like the new software might be changing the access card number entery. Either that or the orginal installer screwed up the access card entry on both of my boxes.

Now the situation is reversed, the box that said call VOOM now says can't read access card and the box that said can't read access card now says call VOOM. I called VOOM today and they seemed pretty serious about trying to figure this out.

I'll have VOOM check the other access card number and do some hard reboots tonight to see if that clears the problems. Anybody have any ideas what going on?
I had a weird problem last night: I watched The Omega Man live and recorded it at the same time. The picture was flawless, yet on the SD recording, I had jerky playback & later that night my HD started going jerky and I has to reset the box. This is the 2nd time in a week this has happened.
Please stay here

FreddyvsJasonvsAsh said:
But why is it VOOM has no clue what I'm talking about? LOL I think they need to FIRE all of the CSRs and start from scratch. This companies CS is soooo poor it's unbelievable. I mean everytime I call I get a different answer. I mean come on they all work for the same company, they should all give us the same answer. The people at my local cable company "Cox" are smarter then these gabonzos

We have no idea what is going on because we are never told what is going on. If you want to blame someone, then blame the program managers and Voom Corporate for letting this happen. We still haven't been told how the caller id works, this is something that we are finding out from our customers. Go ahead and fire us, we are getting fired every day, not because we don't know how to do our jobs, but because we don't follow scripting some moron with his thumb up his butt thought up while staring at the walls of his office. Cox CSA's probably do a better job because Cox, unlike Voom, gives them the tools to do their jobs right. We're fixing a problem here with case knife and bailing wire. Please give us a break before you decide that we are worthless and need to be replaced.
Dan Berndt said:
I'm getting a weird problem with the new software and with the new channels. I was getting a "call VOOM to subscribe" message on the new channels (and on Action, Love and Mystery which I've had forever) on one of my boxes and a "can't access card" message on the other box for those channels (I think this box had its' software updated). The VOOM installer came out and said the access number was entered wrong on the one box and I had to call VOOM about the other box.

Last night I forced the software upgrade on the box that said to call VOOM for the subscription and now it can't read the access card for those channels. I looks like the new software might be changing the access card number entry. Either that or the original installer screwed up the access card entry on both of my boxes.

Now the situation is reversed, the box that said call VOOM now says can't read access card and the box that said can't read access card now says call VOOM. I called VOOM today and they seemed pretty serious about trying to figure this out.

I'll have VOOM check the other access card number and do some hard reboots tonight to see if that clears the problems. Anybody have any ideas what going on?

Well when I got home last night those channels I talked about above were coming in on the box with the card problem, but, that box must have froze half a dozen time when I surfed the local channels and now I have the PIN problem. I guess I'll get there eventually.
V726 Problem

On three separate occassions within the last 10 days when I turned on the stb there was no sound or picture on any of the channels. The channel banners and information were shown. In addition, the stb would not turn off from the remote or the button on the front of the stb. I had to unplug after which the picture and sound came back. Since this has been occurring only since the "upgrade" I wonder if it results from that or whether there is another problem with my stb. Anyone have any ideas?

martin21 said:
On three separate occassions within the last 10 days when I turned on the stb there was no sound or picture on any of the channels. The channel banners and information were shown. In addition, the stb would not turn off from the remote or the button on the front of the stb. I had to unplug after which the picture and sound came back. Since this has been occurring only since the "upgrade" I wonder if it results from that or whether there is another problem with my stb. Anyone have any ideas?

Martin, same problem here. It has been posted on...

another thread (forgot which one) that unplugging the phone line from the STB resolves the problem as it seems to be tied to the new download and telephone ID. Will try it this weekend as have to get behind the equipment to get to it.
Will post results.

Watching HDTV under rainy (sat sig qual-77/78) Seattle skies, Gill
Got 726 only yesterday and the CallerID does not work for me. I have the phone line plugged in and CallerID works on all my other phones. I can't get it to display *anything* on my screen (small font or not). Does the CallerID work on the DVI out?

I turned the callerid on and hit the green "Done" button so that's not the issue. Has anyone got CallerID to work on a DVI-connected TV?
rvaidyan said:
Got 726 only yesterday and the CallerID does not work for me. I have the phone line plugged in and CallerID works on all my other phones. I can't get it to display *anything* on my screen (small font or not). Does the CallerID work on the DVI out?

I turned the callerid on and hit the green "Done" button so that's not the issue. Has anyone got CallerID to work on a DVI-connected TV?

Yes, I am connected through DVI and it works for me. At least one my first box...I got a second box yesterday that is connected through DVI to another TV; I'll try and test that today and let you know.
I'm ready to throw this POS through the window! Yesterday I set all of my Program Planner events for Auto On then before I went to bed I had to reset the stb because of jittery video (3rd time in about 10 days) and the stupid son of a bitch reset all of the Program Planners back to Remind so I missed 2 events before I caught it.

I think Voom should fire who ever writes their stupid program for this stb.

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