What New Channels Are Mandatory for You/Your Family?

:) Without a DOUBT, freezetime!! That's part of why I quizzed you so hard on exactly what they are! Have to admit, I get more confused about how to present them in a poll, because it's so broad...yet, from what I gather...so specific to certain areas.

I have no idea how to formulate them in the poll, or convey the final results when votes are tallied. My current thinking is to have them a separate part of the poll, with votes cast for individual specific channels, within the general heading of RSN's. Does that make any sense to anyone?

I don't honestly know if that is possible or feasible (either in the poll, or for VoOm to deliver).

Hopefully one of the Mods will help me out. I plan to ask for their help in other ways before I post the actual voting poll, since I am not familiar with many of the requests I've seen. In some cases, posters did not stipulate whether the requested channels were SD or HD...and I think that is an issue that needs to be illuminated...for better or for worse.

Again...suggestions welcomed in trying to develop something that can reflect everyone's views of what the VoOm Customer or Potential VoOm Customer wants to see.

Thanks again! Vicki :)
Vicki said:
My current thinking is to have them a separate part of the poll, with votes cast for individual specific channels, within the general heading of RSN's. Does that make any sense to anyone?
One catagory "My RSN" or "All RSNs" is all that is needed.

Regional Sports Networks are by definintion regional. While D* and E* both offer packages where one can get ALL the RSNs, those packages are heavily blacked out. The rules for what an RSN can show and where it can be seen are complicated.

HDNet Movies

And if they want to give us a little more, these:

Outdoor HD
What New Channels Are Mandatory for You/Your Family?

We don't have mandatory channels. We are content to watch what we get. Of course that attitude probably stems from being raised without cable (it didn't exist and still doesn't where I grew up) and you watched whatever you got :)

If I wish for more channels I wish that everyone gets what they want and wouldn't be opposed to receiving Wealth TV (in is an HD channel).

Vicki, in a poll just make it simple and put "Local RSN" most only have one, but there are a few with 2 RSNs. Like I said keep it simple and put "Local RSN" otherwise the poll would get skewed as people will use all their votes for each RSN instead of the 1 or 2 they really would be eligible for.
NASA Channel
FOX Network
Science Channel
Discovery Times
Military Channel
Goodlife Network (ALN now)
International Channel
vinnyv07 said:
As lame as it sounds....QVC is a big ch that my wife watches. I forgot that one.

Although some would balk at adding shopping channels VOOM can make some money by adding a couple shopping channels and we need VOOM to get as much income as possible. True SD shopping channels (not SD upconverts from analog) are excelent PQ wise compared to analog.

I wouldn't be opposed to a couple shopping, a couple more porno, and a couple PPV channels as these can be tremendous money makers. Subscriptions alone isn't cutting it. We all want VOOM to survive and if adding these keeps VOOM afloat then add them :D
NASA Channel
(I live in FL so I've already got my RSN's Fox Sport FL and the Sunshine Network)

INHD (all flavors)
HDNET (all flavors)

HD PPV - (I don't sub to Netflix- when we want to catch a movie its pretty much spur of the moment..)

Regular PPV would be OK in pinch but not at the expense of HD PQ.

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