What New Channels Are Mandatory for You/Your Family?

My top 2 things I want needs are:
1) As much HD as possible
2) An HD-DVR

My wife's top 2 things are:
1) Networks
2) DVR

Above and beyond those things we can be patient, although I would like enough regional and alternative ESPNS and superstions, etc. to piece together a "free" baseball package and I do miss VH-1 and HDNET and INHD's....

I agree about PPV...it is pretty dopey and useless, although if they had an HDPPV with 24-7 HD previews that would be a nice little value-add.....
My top 2 things I want are:
1) As much HD as possible
2) An HD-DVR

My wife's top 2 things are:
1) Networks
2) DVR

Above and beyond those things we can be patient, although I would like enough regional and alternative ESPNS and superstions, etc. to piece together a "free" baseball package and I do miss VH-1 Classic and HDNET and INHD's....

I agree about PPV...it is pretty dopey and useless, although if they had an HDPPV with 24-7 HD previews that would be a nice little value-add.....
Standard Channels

More premium movie channels (...HBO Zone, Thillermax, STARZ Cinema, ect.)
VH1 Classic
G4/Tech TV

Hi Def Channels

INHD 1 + 2
HDNET and HDNET Movies
HDNET & HDNET Movies. No SD channels, I don't watch them. These are my only mandatory channels, all else is icing on the cake.
VH1 Classic
TMC Xtra
Much Music - Much More Music
More More Retro
Bravo! Canada aka. Bravo! NewStyleArtsChannel
SexTV: The Channel
Last but not least
Interactive Tv - I know I know it's not a station but I do wish I had wink or something similar to dish home (imo - the only thing dish is missing is the interactive app. for dominos pizza)

Ok I'm probably not going to get any of the channels above execpt for TMCXtra and VH1 Classic but then again if these channels were stopping me from getting VOOM I wouldn't be scheduled for the 31st then? I am going to miss getting FOX Sports whatever Network for: TNA Wrestling and Best Damn Sports Show Period but I can live without that channel as long as I know VOOM isn't going to go off the air anytime soon!
dragon002 said:

why does it seem you are always referring to a JOE SIX PACK?
are you some liberal on the left coast who thinks that the masses are wrong and you are somehow correct?

for VOOM to succeed , you need joe and jane six pack and it seems it is killing you to admit that????!!! if it wasnt for the six packs your bill would be $300.00 per month and they would still be where they are!! going broke and taking dolan senior along for the ride.
Ummmmmmm, NO, dragon002!! :D I see you're a relatively new poster here. I'm not quite sure what you want me to admit to. I'd like to suggest you read my post again more carefully. And if you read some of my other messages in other threads, I think you'll find that I firmly believe it is imperative to reach more than just the HD elite. The common man and woman on the street need to be brought into play. My reference to "Joe and Jane Six-Pack" is not intended in any way to be derogatory. It's a phrase often used to describe the middle income population as well as non-techie people. I AM Jane Six-Pack.

Beyond that...I'm not very liberal...lean more to the right, actually…but I DO have to cop to being a Left Coastie! … it's where I'm buying the house that needs the VoOm reception! :)

Now, other than that, do you have channel requests to add to the list? :confused:

I think if they had an HDDVR I could rent at a reasonable price I would drown myself in HD and you'd never hear from me again. Well maybe a lot less. LMAO
vurbano, if that turns out to be the case, I want to go on record as saying that I...for one...would miss your input.

Granted, you get a little cranky from time to time...usually with good reason...but I'm pretty sure you're not really on many troll lists! :)

You and many others have been patient for many long months, and patience does begin to wear thin...but I'm betting you call on your reserves, and continue to hang in here...and you know it will be worth it!! :D Vicki
As lame as it sounds....QVC is a big ch that my wife watches. I forgot that one.
Fox Sports West
VH1 Classics
1 PPV to recieve Boxing, Wrestling, etc (no need for PPV movies, just live events)
Noggin would be good since I'm having kids eventually and thats what they all like.
BBC America
Superstation WGN

HD channels like inhd 1 and 2 and HDNET and HDNET movies would be cool, but i could live without.
I find it quite hilarious the channels some people must absolutely have or they will kill themselves while others think those same channels are the epitomy of crap. LOL. Just get Dish, they have everything under the sun plus 600 channels you'll never see.
Actually 99% of the channels I watch are on voom anyway... the only thing I would like to see is PPV (SD or HD) for sporting events (boxing, wrestling, etc.) so I can get rid of D*. I am in the rare few that doesn't really care about adding more hd unless the sd channels convert to sd (i.e. usa, cmt, and a few others.) as a lot of the hd channels or rcns mean nothing to me... add more cinema channels I guess ( i am enjoying some of the 80s horror films on monsters that I haven't seen since I was like 8).
DarrellP, I know you're not a Troll either. You undertand the different strokes for different folks deal...

I'm starting to feel a lot like I did once did in the early 60's...one hit off MJ, and suddenly the Trolls are parading as supporters and the supporters are parading as Trolls! !sadroll

Honest to God...I haven't had a puff since the early 70's, but while I know patience is running thin...I'm starting to get confused. :confused: :D

I hope your message doesn't signal your decision, prior to resolution of VoOm's fate and the changes they are currently making. I've grown to respect and trust you evaluation of PQ...in spite of the skeeter factor that remains such an issue in your posts. :) Vicki
Hey Vicki, have you been noticing how many people want Fox Sports Regional? I know you don't care about it but VOOM needs to do something and quick. Lots of people will either be pleased or disappointed.

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