GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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I don't see why. You have gone the extra mile, above, and beyond.
I bought my HDVR 3500 from Titanium because I previously bought an ASC1 dish motor controller from them and they stood behind their sales on that product as well. The original ASC1 units had quality issues and Titanium recognized that they did and sent out NEW and corrected units to all of the customers who had already received the initial poor quality units. When my old receiver recently quit working I researched and decided to buy the HDVR 3500 from them based on that initial experience with them. Now with the issues we are experiencing here and they are still standing behind their sale, the next time that I need to buy something else for my system I will definitely look to see what they have to offer.
The UyeSee Hi3798M box looks pretty good, plays 4K video, but I'm not sure if it receives DVB-S2. Now you know why I'm trying to find the 3798M specs.

EDIT: It doesn't do DVB-S2, but I wonder if that capability exists in the 3798M chip? (This is off topic and I should probably start a different thread).
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EDIT: It doesn't do DVB-S2, but I wonder if that capability exists in the 3798M chip? (This is off topic and I should probably start a different thread).
Its possible, doesn't the chip in the HDVR 3500 include unused DVB-T functionality?
Hope that they continue with the firmware revision and don't leave us hanging.

If that happens it would be the same as shooting oneself in the foot since no one would trust them enough to buy from them in the future.

I just do not believe there was enough testing on this receiver before it was brought out to the public. :(

Hopefully there are lessons that will be learned here and never repeated.
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I have not heard anyone else mention this but the receiver is not listing some channels properly.

On 101W

The receiver lists 3953 V as Decades and shows up as such but 3953 is actually H&I !

The receiver lists 3957 V as H&I and shows up as such but 3957 V is actually Decades.

(Every other receiver and I tested out 3 of them including the Micro hd lists those 2 channels at the proper freq.)

I have replicated this time and time again so it was not a one off. This occurred on a blind scan and a manual scan after all TP's were deleted, Also even when setting up on a different sat in the receiver it occurred again. (If I had not had a list in front of me I would not have taken notice of it and I thought maybe there was a new change, but when testing out 3 other receivers all showed the 2 channels on 101 to be incorrect on the HDVR3500.

Also on 99W there was another low SR channel that the receiver mistook for another channel.

If this continues then this receiver will be worthless for trying to keep track of signals out there as it appears to be putting some lower SR channels at incorrect frequencies.
I have not heard anyone else mention this but the receiver is not listing some channels properly.

On 101W

The receiver lists 3953 V as Decades and shows up as such but 3953 is actually H&I !

The receiver lists 3957 V as H&I and shows up as such but 3957 V is actually Decades.

(Every other receiver and I tested out 3 of them including the Micro hd lists those 2 channels at the proper freq.)

I have replicated this time and time again so it was not a one off. This occurred on a blind scan and a manual scan after all TP's were deleted, Also even when setting up on a different sat in the receiver it occurred again. (If I had not had a list in front of me I would not have taken notice of it and I thought maybe there was a new change, but when testing out 3 other receivers all showed the 2 channels on 101 to be incorrect on the HDVR3500.

Also on 99W there was another low SR channel that the receiver mistook for another channel.

If this continues then this receiver will be worthless for trying to keep track of signals out there as it appears to be putting some lower SR channels at incorrect frequencies.

Yep, reported on July 14 on post #47 and #49. I even recorded multiple .ts for them to replicate. :D

The 4/5MHz spacing and using identical SID has challenged many STBs in the past few years. All have been able to overcome this technical challenge.
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This unit went from greatness to WTF and unit price dropped to $119.00 from $175.00. Is this still viable receiver? Better yet, is it an upgrade from the microHD?
unit price dropped to $119.00 from $175.00. Is this still viable receiver? Better yet, is it an upgrade from the microHD?

Just the 16Gb Flash is $119 just have a few left.
Is this still viable receiver? Better yet, is it an upgrade from the microHD?

There needs to be a firmware update to address several issues.
If this is done and the receiver ends up displaying the the FEC and modulation on top of fixing the other issues, then I would say it would be a decent upgrade to the Micro hd.
While there are some very nice features in this box, I do believe it was released a bit too early for all the issues that are being found, the ones known to have plagued other receivers and still happening here is plain laziness IMO.

The fact that the receiver will pick up some channels that no other receiver out there will, shows it has some real potential.
I wonder what happened to Satellite AV??? Several days ago Satellite AV was on this HDVR 3500 message and helping out but they disappeared shortly after the Core Delimma started. Seems they should be able to tell everyone about the CPU if they are still around. Hope that they continue with the firmware revision and don't leave us hanging.

I am sorry, i did not disappear. I was on the beach.

The core dilemma was never started by Satellite AV. Please, refer to my earlier message, I have supplied correct information that this is HiSilicon 3712 v100 chipset.

Our receiver is a Single Core HiSilicon 3712 v100 with 256 NAND and 2Gb RAM.

We have sold over 4000 receivers. The first batch came with 16Gb and small number with 128Gb drives. That latest batch that is sold has 64Gb onboard memory that once formatted will show around 58GB, because we do use some memory for OS. The 16Gb version is available at $10 discount. The discount is not because the receiver is not as good, it's just the cost difference to put in Class 10 Drive inside.

If you look at all our statements, I have specifically stated we do not focus on cores or stats, we focus on performance and bugs. Our goal is to provide a receiver that does fabulous Satellite Decoding. Unfortunately, dealers and resellers get into more tech data then necessary for end-user. Even if we select the latest and greatest CPU and put more memory then any competitor, the day it goes into production the newer and greater option already exists. We will chase after performance and picture quality. We will chase after bugs that prevent viewing pleasure, but we can not chase specs and numbers.

For the dealers, I will refund every receiver returned to me if it was not doing what it is suppose to. Please do not dump our product. If you are not satisfied with it, return it and go buy a competitor's box.

Thank you
Our receiver is a Single Core HiSilicon 3712 v100 with 256 NAND and 2Gb RAM.

Ram is never usually expressed in bits, as in 2Gb of RAM, the layperson will assume 2GB.
The proper way to express the amount of RAM without this confusion would be 256MB.
The expression of bits (/s) is usually reserved for Data Transmission circuit speed references,
as in a 10Gb Ethernet segment.
Bytes for RAM, bits/s for Speed.
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Here are a listing it some items that were noticed on the HDVR 3500.

Most if not all of these are reported in this 15 page thread here someplace!

Most if not all the items listed here marked "Bad" can be corrected in a firmware update.

Good- It has navigation buttons and a power button on it. That's one thing not on the MicroHD, Big plus there!

Good-- You may manually add a TV or Radio service via PIDs. It is located in the channel list edit screen.

Good --- ACM video and does 8 & 16apsk.

Good--Allows you to manually add the Muzak channels on SES 3 that do not scan in on any receiver!

Bad-- & Good--A symbol rate of just 741 will not blind scan in, however, if you manually enter the transponder, it will bring up the channels. So a manual entry is needed on symbol rates lower then 1000. It would be nice if the option was available to lower the blind scan minimum SR to 700.

Bad-- After a channel scan, the receiver exits the install menu and returns to the channel play mode. If no channel is logged during a scan, it returns to the last played satellite channel.

Bad-- Buffering issues on select HD channels (121w -Velocity / 125w PBS) and a DVR file end closing glitch.

Bad-- Weigel 101W channels with the 4MHz spacing using the same SID log the wrong APID/VPID/ PCR and Service Name. Specifically 3953 V logs as Decades with Decades correct pid info but Decades is actually on 3957 V::: on 3957 V logs as H&I with correct pid info but H&I is actually on 3953 V. This is confusing and will lead to many posting incorrect info around. It is not specific to 101W but occurs on other satellites as well.

Bad-- Reports a lower signal level and quality than other receivers making you believe that your not properly aligned on your satellite.

Bad-- The audio selection menu isn't saved per channel, so if you switch to the second audio channel on one station, when you click to the next one the receiver stays on the second audio.

Bad-- No FEC display, there is also no indication of the modulation DVB-S/S2, QPSK, 8PSK.

Bad-- Blind-Scan by polarity is now in there, however, when doing this it appears the channels are not kept in the scanned order. The channels are going in the channel list by the Frequency order and not the order that is scanned in. It would save wear and tear on the servo polarity motors.

Bad-- 125 W music channels display a screen "Not Available" message.

Bad--If you want to manually enter a channel each time you start the receiver reverts to 177W instead of where your at. This is about the manual entry of channels not the blind scan part.

The manual add a channel's Satellite List should default to the satellite that you are currently viewing.

Bad--Deleting a single TP does not work!
Going into Menu, Settings, and then to Transponder then press the blue key to edit and pulling down the TP listing when I hit the Yellow key to delete a TP the receiver goes into load and when it comes back up the TP I wanted to delete is still there.
Deleting all TP's works fine but a single one does not work properly!

SES-1 C had several of the same TP's in it and had to delete all of them and rescan to correct this issue, since you can not delete only 1 or 2 tp's at a time.

Bad--Navigating the sat list - the page up/down buttons on the remote (or the keys that seem most logical to be "page up"/"page down") do not work.

Bad--Adding a satellite does not locate the satellite in proper slot. The new satellite ends at the end of the list instead of by the longitude. Adding a new sat should default to Longitude and could be a simple fix.

Bad--Adding a Transponder does not show up right away in the TP listing.

Several times tried adding one and when going back into the TP list the one manually entered is not viewable.

** not sure if this is true using the last firmware update::
Firmware updates don't overwrite user data. **

Galaxy 25 at 93.1 W C-band is missing from the satellite list.

Recording issues with firmware 935
This unit went from greatness to WTF and unit price dropped to $119.00 from $175.00. Is this still viable receiver? Better yet, is it an upgrade from the microHD?

I didn't buy it for the specs. And still will say this this box puts out the best HD quality of ANY HD FTA Receiver I have ever owned. For me money well spent. :)
On my system, there is no change after making an Aspect ratio change in the A/V Output Settings. There are 3 settings to select from but there is no change to the picture when changing from one to the other. Having to watch Bonanza on MEtv all stretched
On Sat Aug 1, received an email from Brian with the offer he posted (#227) in this thread.

This was less than 24 hours after it was determined that the receiver did not a quad core processor as advertised.

I responded back to him on the offer over the weekend and it was processed on Monday.

There are not many who would go the extra mile as he did on his own! I had not heard of anyone posting on the forum that they wanted a refund or anything yet I received the offer less than 24 hours after it was noticed that the advertising was off a bit.

He even wrote that he will learn from this incident and more carefully select products and verify specifications before posting and advertising.

I don't see this kind of honesty from many people so I wanted to post it here as too often we tend to tear down instead of building up.

I know Brian has mentioned several times here how bad he feels about the situation and I for one don't think he should beat himself up over it and want to let him know that by taking the extra effort as he did was more than anyone had ever asked.

Thank you for your continued help with the receiver Brian and for the offer you gave to those who purchased a receiver from you!

Even though the receiver did not have the quad core processor I believe with the proper firmware upgrade to it that this will be one nice receiver to have around.
I would like to very transparently review what happened from "greatest thing on earth to WTF" as one of the forum participants described.

In the process of preparing this receiver to the market, due to en obvious error, the current chip was mixed with an upcoming chip. My apologies.

This does not reduce the performance of the current unit, and it does not change the value. It only changes the specification that was corrected in the process of testing.

I would like to repeat my offer to any dealer, reseller or customer: if you are not satisfied with the unit or how it performs, we will refund it .

This does not resolve the pending issues. We are working diligently and hard to address the obvious and not so obvious issues.

I will update everyone on the pending issues in the next day or so.

Please submit malfunctions to or just bring it up here in the forums. We have a great product that is successful and together we will make it gorgeous.

For the spec hunters, we will bring a new model to market, code named REX. You are welcome to contribute to the wish list. Just start your post with header "Wishlist for REX"

Thank you
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