GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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As I see much like the European STB makers, You need to be a STB maker only and have the box use a third party OS.
open ATV, open VIX, HDMU, open MIPS, meny others, Will keep flack off you.
But if open source software is used you should ensure that they supply the code, Which in Europe is just like buying
the box.
I have said I have a prismcube-ruby lets make a companion HDVR-3500- 64GB = $160.00
Ruby = $ 260.00 + shipping.
So to say the other 100.00 dallors went to buy the code for the box, Who wants to pay.
As with the European STB that use open source they are available and start at over 200-300 dallors,
The new dreambox DM 7080 cost $ 800.00 + shipping open hardware and open source code.
In a perfect world not based on money what is said would be fact, But today's USA and Europe PAY for what you want,
and china will what the want for the Dollar.
I once more officially ask that you supply the means for your end users to compile the open source software supplied within your receiver and all other software that has to be included with it by law, as specifically set forth within the terms of the GPL and GPLv2 Licenses and all others that may apply.
If the operating system is open source, should you not be able to reverse engineer it? Or has it been locked down?
If the operating system is open source, should you not be able to reverse engineer it? Or has it been locked down?

I don't want to discuss this any more, really. I'm pissed off at Eugene and probably even more pissed at myself for letting him get under my skin so much and for blasting him the other day the way I did, I really don't feel good about that. My wife is worried sick that because I've gotten so upset over this that I may drop dead from a stroke or something and she possibly could be right, with the way I've been feeling lately.

It isn't locked down or encrypted. It's completely open and in a earlier post I basically spelled it out how to unpack the firmware so access can be had to the file-system and changes made. It being open doesn't mean you can do whatever you please though. Reverse engineering's not as easy as you'd think and there shouldn't be any reason for it anyway. Maybe if you have a team of people doing it, I sure as hell ain't going to spend countless hours trying it by myself just to have my receiver work better.

Once I'd telnet-ed into the box [ way back when the core crap was going on] and looked around a bit and realized what is in there and that what's there isn't proprietary, and that with BusyBox in there, it didn't matter anyway, I unpacked a earlier firmware and fixed a lot of things, would run it emulated within a arm simulated environment on one of my Linux computers to check it, repack it and then load it back into the receiver and hoped it wouldn't brick it. Almost did, at least five or six times. My receiver was working good, but I couldn't do a lot that I wanted to though, unless I did a stupendously enormously silly amount of work and do as you asked about.

The source code is on the receiver, [most of it] but that is only a part of what is needed to compile correctly. Here is a portion of the makefile from off of the receiver, but you also need access to other things, SVN, toolchains, etc. I do have the original source code for the receiver too. Not Eugene's, the one from the manufacturer.

Makefile-2015-10-24 23:33:58.png

The arm-hisiv200-Linux is a bit of a pita to me and without access to the proper toolchain and such that built what is in the receiver, it limits you severely in what you can do. I scrapped Eugene's firmware and have been building up one of my own, but it isn't 100% yet. I am by no means a expert on satellite stuff, the opposite, so a lot has been a learning experience for me. I do have a working editor, the receiver works good and when I get it in my head that I don't like something, I change it. The Hi3712 SOC does simplify things a lot.

Unfortunately, I can't give it to anyone. Using it for my personal use, I'm fine, but distributing it, I would have to supply and maintain a SVN, toolchain and all myself, like Eugene should be doing. Not going to happen, I don't have that kind of time or ambition any more.
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Has anyone gotten metv or movies to scan in correctly yet? Im on the latest 1152 release. 99quality and metv frequency says no channels found same as movies. Scan in fine on the openbox s9 and amiko 8240. Decades and heroes/icons scan in but on the wrong frequencies constantly but work fine!! No ideas how that works but it does. Again all these work fine on all other boxes. Im watch the krbk metv feed for now as well as movies there until this is fixed.
Has anyone gotten metv or movies to scan in correctly yet? Im on the latest 1152 release. 99quality and metv frequency says no channels found same as movies. Scan in fine on the openbox s9 and amiko 8240. Decades and heroes/icons scan in but on the wrong frequencies constantly but work fine!! No ideas how that works but it does. Again all these work fine on all other boxes. Im watch the krbk metv feed for now as well as movies there until this is fixed.
Yes, on c-band I am receiving them on both 99w Galaxy 16 as well as on 101w SES-1
I wonder if OpenELEC would run in place of XMBC?
Isn't openELEC the same as or an addon for Kodi? I have a G Box Q and I was going to find and install it from Google Play onto my G Box but when I did a search on Google Play Apps it brought up all Kodi and XBMC addons. Is it a free standing app or does it require Kodi? I was going to give it a try if it will run on my G Box.... edit...Later after more research I could not find an openELEC install using the apk install format so I guess my G Box runs it through Kodi. I will have to play with it through Kodi.
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OK, after several attempts to get my motor working again, I have given up. I've reset the receiver, re-loaded the firmware, re-loaded my last known working backup. I swapped the power supply, with the one from the MicroHD, which had the same specs, and all it will do is either go all the way East or all the way West and stop. Does not move at all with DiSEqC 1.2. It's an old Fortec Star model, and doesn't have any buttons or a way that I could find to reset at the motor itself, so I'm assuming the motor is basically dead. No problem with power to the LNBFs, I have 6 connected with an 8x1 DiSEqC 1.1 switch at the moment.

I'm wondering if this receiver can support 2 or more 8x1 switches, and do I use a 22K switch to switch between them, if only using 2, or can I use a DiSEqC 1.0 4x1 switch, and use port 1 & port 2 for each, with the possibility of adding another 8x1 in the future. If so, I'm assuming I'd choose the DiSEqC 1.0/1.1 mode, and set the ports accordingly. Of course I noticed it has A, B, C, D for DiSEqC 1.0 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4 like my DiSEqC 4x1 is labeled. Am I on the right track here?

I think I may have found the problem with my motor. I noticed a hairline crack in the solder on the jack coming from the LNB, so I'm going to try and re-solder both jacks, and see what happens... Looks like it's a 2004 model, so it's lived a long life...


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Isn't openELEC the same as or an addon for Kodi? I have a G Box Q and I was going to find and install it from Google Play onto my G Box but when I did a search on Google Play Apps it brought up all Kodi and XBMC addons. Is it a free standing app or does it require Kodi? I was going to give it a try if it will run on my G Box.
I have it installed on my Raspberry Pi model B. I downloaded and used the [Beta] OpenELEC 5.95.5 (x86_64) Disk image. You can see all the builds here:

Seems to work better for me than other builds... I had them mixed up, OpenELEC is a operating system, not a media player. LOL

"OpenELEC is an embedded operating system built specifically to run Kodi (formerly known as XBMC), the open source entertainment media hub. The idea behind OpenELEC is to allow people to use their Home Theatre PC (HTPC)like any other device you might have attached to your TV, like a DVD player or Sky box. Instead of having to manage a full operating system, configure it and install the packages required to turn it into a hybrid media center, OpenELEC is designed to be simple to install, manage and use, making it more like running a set-top box than a full-blown computer."
I have it installed on my Raspberry Pi model B. I downloaded and used the [Beta] OpenELEC 5.95.5 (x86_64) Disk image. You can see all the builds here:

Seems to work better for me than other builds... I had them mixed up, OpenELEC is a operating system, not a media player. LOL

"OpenELEC is an embedded operating system built specifically to run Kodi (formerly known as XBMC), the open source entertainment media hub. The idea behind OpenELEC is to allow people to use their Home Theatre PC (HTPC)like any other device you might have attached to your TV, like a DVD player or Sky box. Instead of having to manage a full operating system, configure it and install the packages required to turn it into a hybrid media center, OpenELEC is designed to be simple to install, manage and use, making it more like running a set-top box than a full-blown computer."
Looks very interesting! Thanks
I have it installed on my Raspberry Pi model B. I downloaded and used the [Beta] OpenELEC 5.95.5 (x86_64) Disk image. You can see all the builds here:

Seems to work better for me than other builds... I had them mixed up, OpenELEC is a operating system, not a media player. LOL

"OpenELEC is an embedded operating system built specifically to run Kodi (formerly known as XBMC), the open source entertainment media hub. The idea behind OpenELEC is to allow people to use their Home Theatre PC (HTPC)like any other device you might have attached to your TV, like a DVD player or Sky box. Instead of having to manage a full operating system, configure it and install the packages required to turn it into a hybrid media center, OpenELEC is designed to be simple to install, manage and use, making it more like running a set-top box than a full-blown computer."

I found on the PI that the openelec image was not reliable enough to perform ongoing recording schedules.
It would act up and require a reboot every few days. You'd go to check if it recorded properly and it would be locked up.
Ok I suppose if you do not record.
I was excited about being able to directly record to a network share on a separate media server, oh well.
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I don't want to discuss this any more, really. I'm pissed off at Eugene and probably even more pissed at myself for letting him get under my skin so much and for blasting him the other day the way I did, I really don't feel good about that. My wife is worried sick that because I've gotten so upset over this that I may drop dead from a stroke or something and she possibly could be right, with the way I've been feeling lately.

Not worth getting mad or upset about it!
You should have known how he is by the way people were treated who do not agree with him, and by the way the dealers were treated, then how items listed about the receiver that were never corrected properly, all of it is in this long thread.
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I found on the PI that the openelec image was not reliable enough to perform ongoing recording schedules.
It would act up and require a reboot every few days. You'd go to check if it recorded properly and it would be locked up.
Ok I suppose if you do not record.
I was excited about being able to directly record to a network share on a separate media server, oh well.
Not having that problem with my PI...
I posted this same question in the "Posting IPTV Links" message string along with the problematic IPTV link which I did not think should be posted here. The link is to a video stream which has 2 audio streams in different languages. I am wondering if anyone knows how a user can switch between audio streams using the HDVR3500?
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