GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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Well I have gotten no where. I tried. I will now re-post the best I can from the kodi forum. I thought maybe I would get somewhere but I was wrong. Here it goes. Oh and here is the link as my repost might be hard to follow .

GEOSATPRO HDVR3500 with XBMC nightmare HELP

I am a active member of Same user name to make everything simple.
I am seeking the help of the xbmc / kodi community to help with a problem many of us are having who have bought a geosatpro hdvr3500 fta stb receiver with xbmc.

For those that are a little lost already, fta = free to air satellite.
The box I am referring to is a receiver that does both fta satellite reception and internet iptv and xbmc.
This is a linux based box. The problem at hand is that there does not seem to be a way to upgrade xbmc.
There also seems to be missing features of xbmc and a nighmareish hell of xbmc script errors.
If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.


neutronspin' pid='2136810' dateline='1445190555 said:
I would go to the box supplier Geosatpro and ask them. Also the firmware update may help. This is a proprietary box I believe.


That download is for a different receiver.
XBMC can not be made closed source. The whole point in reaching out to xbmc/kodi in the first place is to bring this problem to your attention. I am hoping for you xbmc / kodi pro's to walk us through how to disassemble this issue. Anyone?


glover31' ] no. That download is for a different receiver. XBMC can not be made closed source. The whole point in reaching out to xbmc/kodi in the first place is to bring this problem to your attention. I am hoping for you xbmc / kodi pro's to walk us through how to disassemble this issue. Anyone? [/quote] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [quote='Matt Devo' pid='2137036' dateline='1445215530 said:
so you're expecting team Kodi to support a box they've likely never seen, had nothing to do with, and has some bastardized version of their software on it?


My apologies if I sounded offensive. But I did come here knowing that you guys have the knowledge to diagnose.
I am just one of many members of another forum that mostly deals with satellite. Its a hobby. I had seen that there were many individuals with the same problem as I. And that is xbmc was and is not functioning as it should. The box itself is fine. Works with satellite fine. Its just the XBMC that is having issues. It could be simple. But for most of us including me, we don't know where to start. I myself have used XBMC for years. I think its one of the best media center front ends hands down. I don't know if its an altered version or just included. I have not used xbmc since version frodo. I have used xbmc on windows/ linux/ and as a stand alone os only on a home built htpc. Not on android or anything else. This box is running linux of some sort.
This is the description:
GEOSATpro HDVR3500 DVBS S2 Hybrid Satellite Receiver PVR IPTV XBMC WiFi Media Player

Full 1080P HD, PVR, DVBS/S2 MPEG-2/4
Dual Core ARM Cortex A7 @1.5GHz
64GB internal Flash for DVR
IP Based Clock - 100% Accuracy!
WIFI and LAN Enabled
Designed for North American FTA Hobbyist
Glorystar Enabled
AC3 Dolby audio, HDMI 1.3 1080P
Closed Captioning both EIA 608/708
Linux Based
Full Size Remote 50 Keys
Single Tuner with loop-through
Hardware Fast Blind Scan
Auto or Manual Updates Via Internet or Satellite
Installed Apps
Google Maps
Web Browser

Biggest issue is script errors. Every script for me.
Believe me when i say: I and other owners of this box will greatly appreciate any input and time that might be given.
Warmest Regards
Glover 31

glover31' pid='2136916' dateline='1445202183 said:
My apologies if I sounded offensive. But I did come here knowing that you guys have the knowledge to diagnose.
I am just one of many members of another forum that mostly deals with satellite. Its a hobby. I had seen that there were many individuals with the same problem as I. And that is xbmc was and is not functioning as it should. The box itself is fine. Works with satellite fine. Its just the XBMC that is having issues. It could be simple. But for most of us including me, we don't know where to start. I myself have used XBMC for years. I think its one of the best media center front ends hands down. I don't know if its an altered version or just included. I have not used xbmc since version frodo. I have used xbmc on windows/ linux/ and as a stand alone os only on a home built htpc. Not on android or anything else. This box is running linux of some sort.
This is the description:
GEOSATpro HDVR3500 DVBS S2 Hybrid Satellite Receiver PVR IPTV XBMC WiFi Media Player
Dual Core ARM Cortex A7 @1.5GHz

Matt Devo' pid='2137036' dateline='1445215530 said:
Just because it's running Linux and has XBMC loaded doesn't mean there's necessarily any way to access it to update it - similar to a Tivo box. Plus, since it's ARM-based, there's no standard Kodi Linux distribution for that hardware. You're most likely SOL.

All I can say is I tried.
Sorry guys. Unless someone can get the firmware and unpack it I don't see what more can be done. Not unless someone can get linux for arm to run from usb on the stb itself. Build are own linux flavor os based on arm for stb boxes.
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The Hi3712 SOC does have the ability to boot from serial, so running a different Linux isn't totally far out. But, the serial boot has left me hanging a few times and almost bricked the box, it's not reliable for some reason. :(

It's funny, I read back through a few posts and saw you'd mentioned Fusion, pretty sure I remember seeing fusion in the receiver when I was in there once before, I might go look again and see if I can find it.

Unpacking the firmware isn't hard, look into the history of Linksys routers running Linux and the formation of DD-WRT, BusyBox, you'll at least get an idea of it, if not see how. Reading on the multiple lawsuits brought against big companies like Linksys/Cisco, Samsung, a lot of big names, that were won by BusyBox, is also interesting reading.
As a former 3500 owner, I believe the best thing about it is the DVB demodulator built into the Hi3712 SOC. Thats what gives it the ability to receive ACM, which few other receivers do. I think its also what helps give it the super fast blind scan.

Unfortunately the rest of the system seems like a mismatch. Its got a 16-bit wide data bus which limits memory throughput and degrades performance. And with only 256MB of RAM you've got a box without much if any room to grow in IPTV capability..

Releasing the source code and letting advanced users explore / adapt it to suit their needs seems like the logical thing to do. If that doesn't happen then I wouldn't waste my time with it, especially with the IPTV part of it.
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As a former 3500 owner, I believe the best thing about it is the DVB demodulator built into the Hi3712 SOC. Thats what gives it the ability to receive ACM, which few other receivers do. I think its also what helps give it the super fast blind scan.

Unfortunately the rest of the system seems like a mismatch. Its got a 16-bit wide data bus which limits memory throughput and degrades performance. And with only 256MB of RAM you've got a box without much if any room to grow in IPTV capability..

Releasing the source code and letting advanced users explore / adapt it to suit their needs seems like the logical thing to do. If that doesn't happen then I wouldn't waste my time with it, especially with the IPTV part of it.
I have got the iptv to work. All it took was a firmware update. xbmx is not working with scripts. I didn't find fusion. It is added by typing in a web address and that function in this modded version of xbmc is missing. I REALLY THINK THIS IS A POSSIBLE ANSWER. If someone could package fusion into a zip and upload it so we could put it on our receivers then that might fix the issue.
There also seems to be missing features of xbmc and a nighmareish hell of xbmc script errors.
If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
Please provide add-on you need to run, and what error you are experiencing. It most likely has to do with add-on version.
Please provide add-on you need to run, and what error you are experiencing. It most likely has to do with add-on version.
no add-on's work except jazreel. not the included or what I had added. "Script failed" . I would like to get fusion 3rd party add on installed to see if it could fix issues through xbmc hub maintenance. But I am not sure that will work. As I was able to get the xbmc hub maintenance but it failed as well. The only thing that works on this box is the satellite end and iptv channels. XBMC is essentially broke.
Ultimately I think it would be great to back date it to frodo version. " full menu options" .
Now... I would agree that add on version would be issue. However not with all of them but one. No way.

I have used xbmc for years. Different version work different on different hardware.
lol, your statement may be slightly exaggerated.

I will check on Fusion and i would like you to specifically give me few examples of the add-ons so I can test with officially approved Kodi add-ons.
No my statement is not slightly exaggerated. I would not have set out to seek help for just a plug in or two. I wasted several weeks now since I bought this receiver trying to get it to work. A firmware upgrade solved the iptv not working issue. But that is it. Only one stinking add on works. And that is for what came with it. I obviously am not the only one seeking to solve issues with this stb. I just didn't give up the ship.

From the words of matt devo
so you're expecting team Kodi to support a box they've likely never seen, had nothing to do with, and has some bastardized version of their software on it?
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in fact I see more has been posted. i will now attempt to re-post:

Koying Team-Kodi Developer' pid='2137149' dateline='1445235028 said:
Simple answer: If you don't have root access to the box somehow, you can assume you're screwed.

Even if you do have root access, you'll have to find someone owning the box and willing to do the work. We provide an open-source piece of software, we don't support every random boxes.

glover31 : understood
My guess would be that is likley runs some version of "E2BMC" or other derivative/fork, and if it does then you are at the mercy of the manufacturer which in turn probabably do not have access to the source code themselves because the people behind "E2BMC" who they got it from does not comply with the GPL open source license that XBMC/Kodi is bound by.

Probably your only real hope then if it does run "E2BMC" is to turn to the above mentioned OpenATV OE-Alliance teams who might be working on third-party images for your device if it is "E2BMC" compatible and you are lucky that someone in their team with the nesessary skills and interest have the same box.

If that is not the case then that means that you are basically screwered unless your community can put enough pressure on the manufacturer to make them convince the people behind "E2BMC" to release the full source code of thier modified version of XBMC/Kodi, which they have to as per the GPL license.

Regardless you're unfortuntly unlikley to get much help with end-user support here when it comes with a unknown and locked-down box if the manufacturer does not provide root access and provide full source code to the version of XBMC/Kodi used on the box. Well, at least not if you are not a hardcore linux hacker and skilled developer yourself that is willing to activly contribute to the upstream version of Kodi. Hell even with a not as locked down box like Vu+ or PrismCube which does provide source code to their version of XBMC/Kodi you are still unlikley to get much help with end-user support here, again at least if you are not a hardcore linux hacker and skilled developer yourself to the upstream version of Kodi.

PS: By the way, also read this PVR article in the wiki: to understand how PVR should work in and with XBMC/Kodi, though it might not work like so on your box.
From the words of matt devo
so you're expecting team Kodi to support a box they've likely never seen
LoL, do you expect Matt to have likely seen all Kodi devices?

I am thankful for any effort to make the box bring value to those that use it.

no add-on's work except jazreel
What are you doing wrong, or what are your settings on HDVR3500?
I have personally turned on my receiver just now (took me some time) and counted following add ons as working:

4Players Videos
AL Jazeera
Apple iTunes Podcasts
Apple iTunes Trailers
CBS News
CNET Podcasts
Discovery Networks
ESPN Video
FilmON (Includes BBC News Live Feed and other Brit feeds)
Football Today (Soccer - great matches, but not all links are up at all times)
Fox News
Kids Place
NASA (after updating manually) - nasa is also available on IPTV list.
The Guardian
The Wall Street Journal
The Hollywood Reporter
UK Music Video Jukebox
yify Movies

Please, send me a picture of your Network setup. Your experience is not reflecting many other people's experience, so is it possible you have a failed box?

PS: By the way, also read this PVR article in the wiki: to understand how PVR should work in and with XBMC/Kodi, though it might not work like so on your box.

I absolutely love it and will work on implementing it.

LoL, do you expect Matt to have likely seen all Kodi devices?

I am thankful for any effort to make the box bring value to those that use it.

What are you doing wrong, or what are your settings on HDVR3500?
I have personally turned on my receiver just now (took me some time) and counted following add ons as working:

4Players Videos
AL Jazeera
Apple iTunes Podcasts
Apple iTunes Trailers
CBS News
CNET Podcasts
Discovery Networks
ESPN Video
FilmON (Includes BBC News Live Feed and other Brit feeds)
Football Today (Soccer - great matches, but not all links are up at all times)
Fox News
Kids Place
NASA (after updating manually) - nasa is also available on IPTV list.
The Guardian
The Wall Street Journal
The Hollywood Reporter
UK Music Video Jukebox
yify Movies

Please, send me a picture of your Network setup. Your experience is not reflecting many other people's experience, so is it possible you have a failed box?

I absolutely love it and will work on implementing it.

What's in the HDVR3500 isn't Kodi, it's XBMC. Any word on the source code?
Raine, kodi is xbmc. The implementations and versions are different from each other. I am working on source. Will update you.

No, it's not. Kodi is the latest implementation of XBMC. There is very distinct differences, requirements and capabilities. Calling what's in the HDVR3500 Kodi is like calling a Chevettte a Corvette, saying they're the same because they're both Chevrolets.
Well, in this case they are both Corvette.. it's just XBMC is 1967 C2 and Kodi is C6 2013

SO, you're saying that the HDVR3500 is running the 1967 version, rather than the 2013 one. Yeah, I'll buy that.

I worked on XBMC right at it's very inception and for quite some time forward from that. If Kodi and XBMC are the same, let's just use the oldest version of XBMC we can find and we'll be golden and sitting pretty. I have some really old ones you can have to use here that will probably run on the HDVR3500 with a little work. With source code.
What's in the HDVR3500 isn't Kodi, it's XBMC. Any word on the source code?
I know. But that is what is claimed. And according to Satellite AV my experience is not reflecting many other people's experience. That is why there is 913 replies and 37,335 views on this thread at this moment . L.O.L ! But I guess I am going to post pics and stuff now. Now that the problem is Isolated to me and my box. I think the writing is on the wall with this one. Bottom line is this. It is an arm based unit. Dual Core ARM Cortex A7 @1.5GHz. It is running a CUSTOM version of Linux. There are so many version of Linux. But these are what I found for arm Canonical "ubuntu on arm" Debian" Fedora" Linaro" Maemo" MeeGo Movial" Thundersoft" ArchLinuxArm".
Also From Kodi :
1.3.2 Embedded systems (ARM/MIPS-based hardware)
Other than OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics support being a must it is very hard to generalize Kodi hardware requirements for Linux-based operating-system distributions on ARM or MIPS based embedded systems. This is partially due to most of the work in this area still being early/on-going in development. For most ARM and MIPS-based devices, hardware video decoding support will also be needed for most high-definition videos, (and possibly even some standard-definition videos). Some newer and faster high-end ARM/MIPS chipset can decode some high-definition video using software video decoding, but those encoded with the latest video codecs.

I don't see why not make the current system open source. Or at least release a firmware update with fixes and an xbmc upgrade to kodi.

SO, you're saying that the HDVR3500 is running the 1967 version, rather than the 2013 one. Yeah, I'll buy that.

I worked on XBMC right at it's very inception and for quite some time forward from that. If Kodi and XBMC are the same, let's just use the oldest version of XBMC we can find and we'll be golden and sitting pretty. I have some really old ones you can have to use here that will probably run on the HDVR3500 with a little work. With source code.
Wait... Would the new add ons break an older xbmc? Am I hearing this right? Sounds like XBMC or this modded version of linux is to much for the stb.
I finally gave up. After a A3 and a few other boxes trying to do IPTV, I bought a Rasperry Pi2 and solved all my problems. I appreciate the intent of the STB developers, but they can't seem to get both built into one unit. They want their code locked up to prevent clones, yet the sources they use are under constant development and need open access to work. My A3 cost me$200 plus and functions just like my $35 dollar X2 mini. The minute I try to use Kodi on the A3 it reverts to a European STB. Let me clarify, as a STB they are the same. Not much IPTV on the X2 mini but at least youtube works on the mini.
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