Agreed, the more people enjoy FTA, the more demand we put on content providers.Hopefully my post can be of help to tailor the unit to meet the desires of the FTA community.
My opinion, the refresh button is probably good for users who are connected using the Glorystar mode but for FTA users it wipes out any personal channel lists that you have installed and refreshes the Default Glorystar lists which I would rather get rid of. Constructively speaking and not complaining. I just work around them. But I won't be hitting the REFRESH button again and liked it better, as a FTA user, before it was added.
This is understood. The intentions are: 1. to provide solid links that work 2. make it easy to add channels 3. allow you do decide what you want to watch.
I've noticed you are mentioning Glorystar in many posts. Glorystar mode is only half of our business. When we go to FTA mode, we are open to provide much wider options of public programming by default, and then, the customers will be able to build their own experience in addition to official list.
Well, that really stinks. It sounds like the "refresh" button is really a "restore" button, rather than refresh.
I believe he's mentioned Glorystar a few different times because to people like me whom aren't religious at all, or are only a bit religious, or of a totally different religion all-together, the Glorystar option, channels, etc, are a annoyance and possibly even more than that, and he is using FTA mode, not Glorystar mode, but yet still those channels are forced onto him. No disrespect intended here, but in FTA mode the receiver shouldn't have a default, all, or for the most part, religious, channel list, IMO. Or it should at least have a option to permanently remove them in FTA mode, for us who do not have the same beliefs as you. You yourself stated that Glorystar is only half of your business, don't treat the other half as if it's the same with the same likes and dislikes, beliefs, it's not.
Don't dare say that Glorystar is your main thing either and that's why they're there in FTA mode, I could care less about your beliefs or your companies desire for Glorystar or anything related to it. All religious channels do for me is annoy me and if the annoyance was enough, the receiver would go in the trash. Your main customer base may be aligned with religion, hence the Glorystar mode, but your whole customer base is not, therefore, FTA mode.
Sure, allow for that stuff to be added in FTA mode, great, fine, awesome, the choice would be there for the person, but don't make it so there's no choice and force it onto people.
I understand that your company's main theme is Glorystar, but there is two modes of the receiver, Glorystar and FTA. I'm not saying that your'e wrong or I am right in what we believe, just that not all people want religious channels and some may be offended by having no choice as to whether they want it or not. I don't use the IPTV function and have removed the religious stuff, but if I did heavily use the IPTV and the refresh button restored the religious channels and wiped out my custom channels and I wasn't able to change it myself so it worked otherwise, I would probably be annoyed enough that I would sell the receiver.
I'm still using firmware 992 because I have it working good, so I can't check on what Gfox is talking about, short of my installing the new firmware, which isn't going to happen. It annoyed me though to read his post and see you pretty much ignore what he's talking about. Actually, "annoy" is too mild of a word. I removed all the religious stuff on my receiver, so I'm good, but he's at your mercy on that issue and can't change it like I did, so I figured I'd put in my two cents worth.
Understand, I keep open mind and taking all suggestions from the community of customers. Ideal outcome would allow you to ditch defaults and fully own it the way you like it. Most likely it will be something like that. But please accept that many of our non-religious customers are happy to get a good starter list that gets them going. Instead of deleting the list all together we may want to allow people to manage it, and refresh would only update the remote/manufacturer's list and would not touch personal list.
Let's keep the dialogue going.
Mine is starting to really tick me off. XBMC doesn't work for crap. Every time a script fails. URRRR!
I am trying to understanding what you are suggesting. I mean I have used xbmc on my computers both linux and windows, and xbmc as a standalone os as well when I had built my own media center. But I cant even get the damn scrips to run period. They all fail. I have 15 mbps + cable speed. I cant even get youtube on this unit to work. I understand there is older and up to date firmware for this unit but what about downgrading or upgrading the xbmc on it? I have a gut level feeling this is at the heart of the problems.I had done all that I could do to maximize my internet connection trying to get the streams to play without stopping and starting with the 3500. As a test, before I spent $100 on the G Box, I downloaded the KODI program (quick & easy install) onto my laptop. On my laptop I was able to play the same addons and channels that stopped and stuttered on the HDVR 3500 near flawlessly. The Kodi installation on my laptop and the G box did allow me to install several of the addons that I could not install onto the HDVR 3500 XBMC but there are still a lot of the 3rd party addons that would not install or work.
I was mainly explaining my observations of comparing the IPTV and XBMC streaming performace of my HDVR 3500 compared to my laptop and my new G Box android device using the same addons and iptv urls. As far as installing addons to the XBMC on the HDVR 3500 I have also encountered some of the same script error messages that you mention. There were a good many posts earlier in this message string where people felt that the XBMC was not up to par. Some people were wishing for a new full version of KODI be added to the unit. I do not believe that the user of the HDVR 3500 has any access to any updating of the XBMC installation. I have fou d a few select addons that I have been able to add. Phoenix is an addon that has a lot of movies, sports, and entertainment and I installed it onto my unit and it works pretty well. I put a lot of addons on and took a lot of addons off that did not work even though they did install. Some of those same addons did install and work on my other 2 KODI devices but there were still some that did not. Improvements and firmware updates are still in development for our HDVR 3500 units so we will see how it goes.I am trying to understanding what you are suggesting. I mean I have used xbmc on my computers both linux and windows, and xbmc as a standalone os as well when I had built my own media center. But I cant even get the damn scrips to run period. They all fail. I have 15 mbps + cable speed. I cant even get youtube on this unit to work. I understand there is older and up to date firmware for this unit but what about downgrading or upgrading the xbmc on it? I have a gut level feeling this is at the heart of the problems.
ok. With some thought. I decided to try to get some where on this issue. I just posted to the xbmc/ now kodi forumThe minimum hardware requirements for the current releases of Kodi is too high for the HDVR3500 to run it. Recent releases of Kodi require a minimum of 1 GB ram and dual-core processor, so upgrading the XBMC on the HDVR3500 is pretty much out as a option. Without running up to date releases, it is going to be messy and leaving much to be desired, which it is and does.
Actually, I double checked and I was wrong about the CPU, single-core in Linux. It is 1 GB ram for memory though and the HDVR3500 only has 256 MB. The video requirements are another area that it probably falls short in too.
yeah your probably right. for years I had heard of many reasons as to why xbmc could not be ported to this or that, example wii from nintendo, GAME CONSOLES, certain ones could like xbox itself or playstation 3 and 4. One of the biggest issues of the fact its 1080 hd and cant run at less resolution. I have always thought that was a big down fall. Makes for the big hardware requirements. But I have proven that I could run it on Ubuntu 8.04 on an old gateway pc with 800 mhz processor flawlessly while streaming. Menu was slow. Thats all. Thats why I am scratching my head here. This receiver is not running a full fledge linux os so it should be fine. Its menu is quick and snappy. These scrips shouldnt fail. And some one has got to know how to upgrade or downgrade this version of xbmc. This xbmc version on the geosatpro hdvr is crippled in my opinion. It is missing menu options. I have also had issues with different versions of xbmc in the past. I think the best one was frodo. The main issues with xbmc on this stb is the fact you can not install important add ons like xbmc maintenance or fusion. There are options withing those to fix broken scrips and other problems.Here's the requirement page:
In all reality, dual core is needed for Kodi, but I was being generous with that a single core will run it. It will be interesting to see the answers to your posts over there Glover31, think I have a good idea what it'll be already.![]()
yeah your probably right. for years I had heard of many reasons as to why xbmc could not be ported to this or that, example wii from nintendo, GAME CONSOLES, certain ones could like xbox itself or playstation 3 and 4. One of the biggest issues of the fact its 1080 hd and cant run at less resolution. I have always thought that was a big down fall. Makes for the big hardware requirements. But I have proven that I could run it on Ubuntu 8.04 on an old gateway pc with 800 mhz processor flawlessly while streaming. Menu was slow. Thats all. Thats why I am scratching my head here. This receiver is not running a full fledge linux os so it should be fine. Its menu is quick and snappy. These scrips shouldnt fail. And some one has got to know how to upgrade or downgrade this version of xbmc. This xbmc version on the geosatpro hdvr is crippled in my opinion. It is missing menu options. I have also had issues with different versions of xbmc in the past. I think the best one was frodo. The main issues with xbmc on this stb is the fact you can not install important add ons like xbmc maintenance or fusion. There are options withing those to fix broken scrips and other problems.
There is one repository that I found that will install onto the Geosat Pro called XunityTalk_Repository which has some maintenance tools included in it for cleaning cache and old files and it does make the user interface more responsive and snappy when I do them but the maintenance tools that you want may not be included in it. There are some fixes and tweaks included.The main issues with xbmc on this stb is the fact you can not install important add ons like xbmc maintenance or fusion. There are options withing those to fix broken scrips and other problems.
You have a good point. Maybe the firmware to the unit itself that includes xbmc should be made available as an open source version. Until that time, if at all, maybe someone could dump the firmware from the unit and run it in a virtual machine with higher specs to verify if that is indeed the problem. You never know, it could just need a few tweeks. Different kernel or xbmc version.Absolutely, not being able to update or change anything with XBMC is a major bad hindrance and absolute killer of the XBMC on the HDVR3500. Or at least, not being able to change anything easily. It can be done and legally, but it's a embedded system, so it's not simply changing files on a drive. The bin {firmware} has to be unpacked and changes made, then repacked and loaded, or run in a VM, PITA. I haven't bothered changing anything to do with the XBMC because my Pi2 runs Kodi fine, so it's really a waste of time to do anything on the HDVR3500 for me, with the hardware it has. I fixed sat stuff that annoyed me, but the XBMC isn't worth my bothering with.
I also have a love/hate relationship with XBMC/Kodi and wouldn't fix anything in it for running it in a commercial product that someone is making a profit off of. The commercialization of XBMC and all the devices like the HDVR3500 that run XBMC/Kodi really don't sit perfectly well with me and a lot of people that have worked on XBMC and open source stuff with the intent of something free for everyone, only to see it locked up and put into commercial products and usually without any credit given to many of those that worked on/developed it.
That's one of the things that really pissed me off when I started digging and found that the HDVR3500 should be a open source system and technically it is, though not accessible like it should be or with the support it should have and also expensive. That's why I'd asked Eugene for the source code, which by law, he is supposed to supply because of the Linux, XBMC, BusyBox, the list is endless. Nothing to piss someone off more than to see snippets of code written for everyone, for free access, that's locked up and the ones making money from it is not the people who wrote it.
Actually, Eugene, while I'm in really foul mood over this again now, have you made the call and made any progress with the Chinese, or should I contact some of the other developers, or the SFC [Software Freedom Conservancy], or others from the multiple list of GPLv2 and other license violations and see if they can get better results? .