Well, the chit is gonna hit the fan!

I'm not sure I want to see some of this happen but here are the previews.
The secrets will ALL be out in the open soon -- and not just the ones you think. Now that Sonny knows that Dominic is an undercover cop, and Dom has the goods to arrest Sonny, it's a race to see who gets who first. Look for Olivia to do all she can to get Dominic thrown off the case. It's for his own protection ... or, is it for Sonny's? That's what Johnny thinks, and this could be the last straw for him. The end of Jolivia?!
Anyway, despite Olivia's best efforts, we're headed for Sonny vs. Dominic. It's a face-off that's been months in the making. And in the mother of all confrontations, Sonny SHOOTS Dom. AND learns he's his son! Don't miss a minute of it. Seriously ... if you are going to watch any week, make it this one. It's completely insane -- in the good way.
Meanwhile, Lucky continues his downward spiral now that the Elizabeth/Nikolas affair is out in the open. He's drinking, and generally falling into a pretty bad place -- and he might just take his lady and his brother down with him. Particularly when Carly finds out about the affair. Obviously, Carly will be delighted to hear about St. Elizabeth's fall from grace. But more importantly, Carly gets the idea that Jason should move to get custody of baby Jake. Does Jason really think Liz is an unfit mother now?
All this, PLUS: Patrick and Lisa team up on a crucial surgery as Sonny's father, Mike, gets badly injured. Will Lisa use this as another chance to get close to Patrick?