General Hospital

Get better soon, Carolyn. I'd put this in the weather thread, but I don't post in there very often, and I know you will read this thread.
Thank you Mallory so very much:). I have missed being here but now that all the medical stuff is out of the way, hoping to be around more often. ;)
Sorry to read that the four of you were sick? Hope that all is better now? Sounds like we all need a great healthy New Year!!! Hope that Santa was good to you and will talk to you soon. :)
I hope you are feeling better Carol! You have an excuse to relax & watch gh for a while!

Previews are late this week but here they are........

Franco has captured Sam AND Carly, and it's up to Jason to find and rescue the two most important women in his life. But by the end of the week, Carly and Sam aren't the only women in danger. Lulu also gets kidnapped -- so Dominic's on the case to save her. It's starting to look like it might take all of Port Charles to bring Franco down. We want Diane in on this!
In the meantime, Michael's internal crisis over killing Claudia continues to boil up to the surface. He's been acting out, getting in trouble with the cops ... it's really been tearing him up inside. This week, it looks like it's ready to spill over. The problem is -- does Michael let it all out to his mom? His dad? Or maybe the cops? Remember, Michael is nothing if not impulsive (and, often, of poor judgment).
And speaking of cops, tune in to see how Lucky will react when he overhears Nikolas confessing how much he loves Elizabeth! Yes, he hears it. And from there, it's just a short road to "... I love her and I've slept with her." Think Lucky will make it there this week?
Sorry to hear everyone has been so sick.
We spent the past week setting up a new tv and furniture in the family room and moving the old stuff out. Now that it is time to go back to work Trevor & I are getting colds. Darn... I just may have to use up some of my sick time soon but that's ok. I just hope to get caught up first.
Today was a very good episode.

Yikes for Sam and Carly. If I were Jax, I'd be pissed and grateful at the same time. Poor Jocelyn being left there all alone, but at least she's okay. Franco was really convincing today, gave me goosebumps, but that may be cuz HIFI's travelling and I waited til tonight to actually watch the show.
Franco is the creepiest for sure. Sam in a glass box with a bomb underneath. Then he kidnaps Carly and later this week he will kidnap Lulu. What is up with him? Something tells me that it will not be a pleasant ending. Why didn't Jason just shoot him when he told him that he knew that Michael killed Claudia? I hope that Johnny will save the day for all of them...would be neat being that his sister was killed. I use to like him and Olivia together but now Olivia makes him look boring....hope he moves on from her.

I know that you must miss HiFi but he will be back before you know it. Now you can eat again what you want....have fun and be safe:)
Glad that Carly was not held up by Franco to long. Where in the heck does he have Sam at? Poor Lucky overheard Nikolas and Elizabeth today...some explaining coming or what? Franco was intending to kidnap Maxie and not Lulu...glad we did not have to suffer through another Maxie escapade. Poor Lulu. :(

This is to SatGal...I watched the 40th anniversary show for All My children tonight. It was neat seeing all of those from the past make an appearance for the show. So funny when Adam was trying to remember all the wives that he has had. Good show:)
I would be mad like Jax but I wouldn't be an *ss like he was today. And Michael calling Sonny, I'd be smacking him upside the head and Sonny too for thinking they should stay with him. Going to Australia is a way better option.

Maxie is an idiot going to Franco's place like that. She could have walked right to him, he wouldn't have even had to go to the office looking for her. Then Lulu wouldn't have to be involved.
I can't believe Sonny just let Franco walk out like that, WTH!!!! GGGRRRRR!!!!
I know....liked how Franco called him a "coward", and he still let him walk??? :confused:

Oh and there was no initial clue in a bomb going off just a block or two away but they found all this bomb stuff in Franco's huh???? :rolleyes: Jason and Sonny are just getting dumb and dumberer.
I wanted to just reach inside my tv today and smack so many people, jason, sonny, nik, michael. I hope the writers are working towards something good, otherwise all this stupid stuff going on is just that, stupid stuff.

Lulu is one brave girl, wonder what happened, if it was her that blew up or if that was a decoy bomb built into her switch so when she pulled it, a bomb went off somewhere else? I hope that's what happened, I really like Lulu, and I don't want her to take what should have been Maxie's place in dying... man, I'm mean.

BTW, what a nice attack of conscience that Maxie had about Lulu being kidnapped instead of her. Poor Maxie if Lulu dies... no, it would be poor Lulu! But I've kinda soured on Maxie lately cuz I'm so tired of her in general.
Please do not let them kill Lulu....would be such a stupid move on the writers to lose a character like her....surely they are not that stupid. I hate it that they left it hanging like that but Franco was in her face when the bomb went off "supposedly" and he turned up again at his place with a film crew for Jason's arrival. That was a really weird scene that they left us hanging with...Franco going at him with a hand held metal detector was wheeeeely strange.
I'm not hanging yet because I haven't watched. Geesh, someday I will not be so busy!

Franco's sinister, deadly art project in the city of Port Charles comes to its explosive conclusion this week. And when we say "explosive," we mean it! Somebody's dead under all that rubble, and it's anybody's guess who it is. But before it's over, Franco leaves Jason with a chilling ultimatum -- one which could have a lasting impact on Jason's life.
Meanwhile, Dominic and Johnny team up in their quest to nail Sonny for Claudia's murder. At the same time, Sonny comes up with the idea to try to frame Franco for the crime. Of course, after spending two months scrambling to keep his loved one's safe from Franco's wrath, Jason's not so keen on that idea. And he's right to be ... because Dominic's investigation takes a turn that might lead him to bust Sonny AND Michael. Y'know, his father and his brother ...
Also this week, Lucky confronts Nikolas over Nik's admission that he's in love with Elizabeth. Lucky's anger and Nik's guilt are both running high. By the end of the week, Nikolas decides to leave Port Charles rather than continue to betray his brother. Might be a good idea, Nik, considering this is the week that Lucky learns you and Liz are having an affair. Yep, it happens. He learns it all!

All this, PLUS: Michael continues to be haunted by memories of killing Claudia, and Lisa makes a play for Patrick.
I know it is really killing me of sorts as to what is going to happen....I do not want Dante, Lulu, Jason or Sam hurt or dead. They should have had Maxie in there and Franco.