General Hospital

I can't sleep, so here I am. Today was interesting enough. Steve is right about telling Nik to leave for awhile. I hope he does so that this bad love triangle goes away. I kinda wish Luke would just tell Lucky so it stops weighing him down. I like Happy Luke, not drinking at all hours of the day depressed/angry Luke.

I really like Dante and Lulu together too. Hope they keep him around for awhile!

Where did Helena go? And what about this Valentine character we heard so much about?
I can't sleep, so here I am. Today was interesting enough. Steve is right about telling Nik to leave for awhile. I hope he does so that this bad love triangle goes away. I kinda wish Luke would just tell Lucky so it stops weighing him down. I like Happy Luke, not drinking at all hours of the day depressed/angry Luke.

I really like Dante and Lulu together too. Hope they keep him around for awhile!

Where did Helena go? And what about this Valentine character we heard so much about?
Sorry to hear that you could not sleep...should have checked on here at that time...could not sleep here either. Have you received your prize yet? It is exciting waiting on your package to come..congrats again.
I think I liked how they did today...liked the past moments with Liz and Lucky....blast from the past indeed. I agree with you this triangle needs to go poof. Happy Luke is great....Drunken Luke is Pukey Lukey.

Dante is great with Lulu...always liked her but not when she was with Johnny....just seemed like there was no chemistry between the two.
Helena vaporized again like Luke does....but she will be back.

Valentine, I thought that this Franco would be him....could still be???? Who the heck knows with the Cassies?
No Franco is not Valentine. Valentine will be played by Matt Borlenghi and that storyline has been postponed until Jan or Feb. They delayed it when Franco told them he wanted to be on GH. I think he just wanted to be on GH to promote this art stuff he/his friend talk about in the interview.

We're going to start off with the really exciting news: Sam and Jason exchange "I love you"'s with each other this week. Happy holidays! OK, on to the rest of Port Charles ...
The good people of PC are getting closer to piecing together the unhinged killer that Franco really is (unhinged? In this town? Are you shocked?). Between Jason and Spinelli and Lucky, they stumble upon some old murders of Franco's in Europe. But in the meantime, it looks like Franco wants to get to Jason through Carly. Run, Carly, run!
As for Rebecca, she's getting out of Port Charles -- but will she drop the bomb about Liz and Nikolas on her way out? This is Natalia Livingston's last week on the show -- but former GH star Chad Brannon makes an appearance on her last day, so don't miss it!
This week also marks Port Charles's Christmas celebrations. Sonny wants to spend the holidays with his kids, but the family holiday he gets is pretty unexpected (let's put it this way -- he does spend it with one of his kids). Also, Luke refuses to spend the day with his children as long as Nikolas is around ... can Lucky convince him to reconsider?
General Hospital will be preempted on Friday -- but on Thursday, you can celebrate Christmas Eve with an encore episode: Spinelli and Maxie's non-wedding reception.
The guy is downright creepy to me.
I want the Maxie thing over with.... at first I was really happy they gave Spinelli someone but now I would like it to be anyone BUT Maxie and they need to stop making Spinelli into a love sick puppy all the time. Once they put them together the only thing they had Spinelli do was drivel on about her.
I want the Elizabeth and Nicholas story over with... it's just wasting time as far as I can tell. Tired of looking at it.
I would much rather see more of Dante and Lulu... so cute when he kissed her and backed into the door.
Only 3 days of the soap next week so you can be sure we will be left hanging until New Years week.
I was all caught up but "old fart" is home this week so he takes over the tv in the family room where my computer is and if I want to be able to use the computer I cant watch the soaps. :(
Only 3 days this week so I will catch up easily. Bet they have a cliffhanger on wed!
Today was good. Jason told Sam he loves her. YAY!!!

Xander or Zander looks good, even though he's not zander anymore. So Rebecca is gone now for good? Or just for a while? Or will they bring her back as Emily sometime? It's a soap, so anythings possible! LOL!
I have not watched today's episode as of yet...been really busy here. I saw on or at the end of the show a preview where Franco does go after Sam. It would be neat if the writers could work it into this saga with Franco that Jason will quit doing what he does and becomes a regular type guy. You know go and see his son and/or get married to Sam and he and her have their own child together(even though Sam was told that she cannot have a child). As we all know anything is possible on a soap.

What did happen to the Zander character anyway? I know that he is the father of Cameron but where did he go? To bad that Rebecca did not tell Lucky what was up with his brother and his fiancee'. But now that I think about it they will probably have Elizabeth get pregnant and then we will all wonder whose child she is that is soapland for sure.
I have not watched today's episode as of yet...been really busy here. I saw on or at the end of the show a preview where Franco does go after Sam. It would be neat if the writers could work it into this saga with Franco that Jason will quit doing what he does and becomes a regular type guy. You know go and see his son and/or get married to Sam and he and her have their own child together(even though Sam was told that she cannot have a child). As we all know anything is possible on a soap.

What did happen to the Zander character anyway? I know that he is the father of Cameron but where did he go? To bad that Rebecca did not tell Lucky what was up with his brother and his fiancee'. But now that I think about it they will probably have Elizabeth get pregnant and then we will all wonder whose child she is that is soapland for sure.

I haven't watched any of this weeks yet either. Maybe tomorrow while I am cleaning my bedroom :)
They keep doing things to convince Jason he can't change but Jason seems really tired of being a hit man.

I hope they don't do that with Elizabeth again. Been there done that ... cheating on Lucky and getting pregnant by another man.
I haven't watched any of this weeks yet either. Maybe tomorrow while I am cleaning my bedroom :)
They keep doing things to convince Jason he can't change but Jason seems really tired of being a hit man.

I hope they don't do that with Elizabeth again. Been there done that ... cheating on Lucky and getting pregnant by another man.
Good luck on the cleaning....we finally got all of ours done, and hope that you and your family have a wonderful holiday together!!!

Today's episode was something seeing Dante, Sonny and Olivia together having Christmas dinner. Then they had Lucky, Liz, Luke, Lulu, (then somehow Dante was there?), Nikolas, Spencer, Cameron, and Tracy were all there for their holiday. I think that I am growing keen of Alexis and Mac together??? The two were together with all of Alexis' girls and Diane.
Thanks, Carolyn! Merry Christmas to you and Frank as well!

Dante left Sonny's after dinner and went to pick up Lulu right at the beginning of Maxie and Spinelli's fight/discussion. They were headed to Lucky's from there.

I love Jonathan Jackson. He is now #3 on my GH hot guys list. For me, it goes Jason, Jax, Lucky. Used to have Sonny is Jax's place, but Jax is really growing on me, and I'm a sucker for an accent.

I have a question, the last scene with Rebecca and Liz, when Rebecca said she wished she would be there when Lucky found out that Liz is sleeping with Nik, they show Lucky standing there in the hospital, looking in the direction of the girls. Did he hear Rebecca? If so, why hasn't he said anything? If not, why did they show him standing there?
What in the heck were they trying to do today by having Sonny with Patrick's ex? Were they only trying to show that Olivia would be jealous? Hope so???

So now Johnny knows for sure that his sister is a goner....what was Jason thinking or not thinking...that Johnny would not feel upset over losing his sister? If that had been Emily... Jason would be on the warpath. (Is that word or two?)

Also they show Franco entering Sam's apartment with her in the sauna. So he is going to kidnap her and Carly, or so the preview said. Guess ole Franco will go out with a bang. :confused:
All four of us were so sick yesterday, I watched the episode, but don't remember much. Today is so much better and I got to see today's episode, no problem. If Jason would have gone to Sam's like he was supposed to, he might have been there before Franco and Sam wouldn't be missing. But that's not the storyline, so I guess we'll go with it this way. How is Franco going to kidnap Carly?

Michael's an idiot, talking to an officer like that when he's been drinking. All I could think was "Stupid Teenager". Grrrr! Lucky was too nice, IMO.
This one is for SG. Remember when? I always thought she was a cutie but I don't know who he is. Carol does and says he not there anymore.;) Out of Bye Bye
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