General Hospital

Maybe Dante will say Sonny was cleaning his gun or loading it, or something like that and it went off accidentally. I'm sure Sonny has the proper permits to have guns, right?
If Michael comes clean with the fact that he killed Claudia in defense of his mother and sister then it could somehow work out. The arrest warrant was over the fact that the evidence seems to show that Sonny killed Claudia but we all know that Sonny did not. As far as him shooting Dante.....I just cannot see how they can overlook that unless like you said Mallory he was cleaning his gun and it was an accident. As far as legal guns in Sonny's world...not. I liked what Johnny said though today about how can Lulu and Olivia stand to be near the guy that shot Dante?
I think that they are going to have Patrick cheat on Robin with what's-her-name, his college girlfriend, and that's why they are showing him taking off his shirt and her making googly eyes at him all the dang time.
Yes I guess they have to cause some friction between Robin and Patrick...just hope that Patrick does not fall into it. Today was kinda funny seeing Sam dressed up as a redhead and talking so swanky. Figures she would be able to get the gun of Sonny's. There will be lack of sufficient evidence, not to mention the part of the police for losing the gun. It says on the previews on the guide this week that Olivia and Dante will lie to protect Sonny. So it seems that Sonny will escape the wrath of this incident.
What's happening, ladies? We haven't talked in a while.

I wish Carly and Jax would make up their minds about each other and either get a divorce or work things out. Lord, how many times have they threatened to divorce each other? It's getting ridiculous.

Why would Lucky give Liz ANOTHER chance? It seems never ending with her. Plus, she's going to come up pregnant.

I love Sam and Jason. They are just so good together. I would really like to see them have their own baby, even though Jason doesn't want to put a child in danger. Sam deserves a baby. Her get-up the other day was hilarious. Her accent and everything was so good.
wow I feel like I never get in here any more!
Ok So Liz is definitely going to show up preg .... Lucky asking her about protection really leads the way for that and since the actress is preg they probably want to write it in. Oh! and grandma arrives. She will want that Cassidine heir.
Liz is having flashbacks and etc... I know it sounds mean but I'm not feeling very sympathetic towards her. AND.. they have her fall into Jasons arms and I dont think they should mess up Jason and Sam.... They make sense together.
What's happening, ladies? We haven't talked in a while

You are right Mallory we have not talked in awhile...hope all is ok with you and SatGal?

Today Michael goes to Mac and tells him that he killed Claudia. Elizabeth gets a visit from Helena. Helena tells her that she can get her a life time discount on anti-depressants. I really hate how they have ruined the character of Nikolas on this story. He use to be such a good guy. Nikolas would have never thought of hurting his brother the way he has. Such a waste. I wonder if or who they will pair up with Lucky now?
Now they want Dante to turn in his badge for lying about the shooting. Dang Sonny sure can mess up alot for so many people. I am on Jax's side as to what he did and if Carly cannot understand that she is a nut.
Now I wonder after today's episode if Elizabeth being found in the church by Lucky will result in her being taken to the hospital and that is how she finds out she is pregnant?

This Maxie/Spinelli thing is so boring!!! I fast forward through when Maxie shows up.

Hope that everyone is having a good weekend. Frank is happy as punch because we have 7 inches of snow here. Praying that we do not lose power:)
I think it is... Once again Lucky saves Elizabeth on Valentine's Day, but will soon find out that she is preggo. What was she doing in that church anyway, trying to freeze her *ss off? I mean, HELLO! Sorry, just wish they'd hurry up and do something with this triangle, it's annoying. But I love Jonathan Jackson!

I miss Spinelli, now it's all about Maxie, maxie, maxie.

Still loving Lulu and Dante. Woohoo!

I think Jax was un-necessarily harsh to Carly when he showed up at Sonny's and all she was doing was giving him a hug. Sonny is a big part of Carly's life, and she cares about him. Just like Jax cares about Alexis, or one of his many other exes.
Lulu and Dante' ..... really cute today ..... it was really funny when he found Maxie's contribution. I did skip through the Maxie - Spinelli thing though. I miss the old Spinelli stories.
Really.... I agree about the hug. Geesh everyone hugs someone at some point. It's not a big deal.
It was strange seeing Elizabeth taken to Shady Brook where Laura had been. Does every room there have a white rocker? ....then in pops Helena the one that should be at Shady Brook. She seems like such a nice lady in real life but such a B on the show. Why can't Lucky have his very own child??? He fathers all the children from Liz's flings but cannot have his own.....not fair:(.
I love Jason and Sam together but it would have been a neat twist if Lucky had gotten Sam pregnant...oh well ------History.
Today they had Nikolas stating his rights to Liz's child, to Lucky of all people. Lucky was like what the heck? I use to like Nikolas but he has really turned around now and he stinks. Then Helena is in the room with Liz and VOILA in pops Lucky with a gun telling her to get away from Liz. Nikolas needs to go away like Rick did.
I felt bad for Liz today in Shady Brook. It was nice of Patrick to visit her.

Nik was kind of a jerk when he said that stuff to Lucky. If the baby's his, he's going to marry Liz? Doesn't Liz get a choice? Hello, this isn't the stone age!

Carly cracks me up. I wonder if she will convince Dante to lie again.
I felt bad for Liz too.....I wish that GH would lose the whole Shady Brook thing, it is getting old....zzzzzzzzz.

Nik is truly being a jerk...kinda like Stefan was with Laura. I really do not think that Liz would marry Nikolas or who knows how this will turn out.

Carly really is something when she is defending Sonny....she just might convince Dante to keep his mouth shut....I still feel sorry for Jax though:(
I hate to say it, but the whole show is getting predictable and kinda boring. When are the next sweeps? OR when is something else interesting going to happen? I will keep watching, out of habit, but I'm so bored with it right now.
I love the new opening credits!
Yes and it was LONG overdue.

So what do you think will happen to get Sonny out of this stuff with the new she attorney??? He says he is going to run...not good.

Patrick and Robin are in for some big time fussing now......and I agree with Patrick that Robin should have stayed out of trying to sway Dante. Should be interesting to see the outcome of Dante in court with Papa.
I side with Robin. Sonny is good, I think, at heart. I kinda think he will win over the new attorney and she will be his new thing. He hasn't had a love interest for real since Kate, not counting Olivia cuz she made herself unavailable to Sonny and obviously Claudia was just a business deal (even if he did sleep with her), and it's about time he used those dimples on a new girl.

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