Future Feature Thread

Older versions starting point

I know that sounds vague, but let me explain....

I turn it to channel 8 (for example).... I get the last 1/2 of Journey song.... obviously the song wont record.... i came in halfway through....

The next song is Toto.... I want that one... when I hit record during this one, it still says "waiting for next song" even though Ive had it on "8" for this entire song.

This has happened on the last few versions.

On the older versions... as long as you had it on that station the whole song, you could hit record at any time during the song and it would record.

Could we bring that back?
spt72 said:
This has happened on the last few versions.

On the older versions... as long as you had it on that station the whole song, you could hit record at any time during the song and it would record.

Could we bring that back?

Please let us know if this is a bug or a change in you made, I really liked being able to select record at any given time to grab songs on a channel I was on, but not actually needing to record that whole channel to just grab whatever is on it.....
There was no change (intentional at least). I tried this out on my machine and that functionality worked as usual.

Anyone else experiencing a problem with this functionarlity please let us know - either by posting here or by opening a support ticket.


New Feature

So - as long as there is some undisclosed need to have a constant and consistant internet connection for this software. Then How about a way to schedule programs from the internet. I mean if TiVO forces you to always have a connection to something and so are you folks - how about a way to schedule from the internet - something like a website to log into or maybe a way to run your own webserver out of the product...

Not sure - just wanted to throw it out there. TT seems to make a connection to the internet in a good interval - so when it connects to do whatever you want it to do then it could check for programing updates.

Just a thought - I realized this just know when I set TiVO to record something from work...
I noticed that the genre is not added to the track tag, but is displayed on the GUI. This would be good for some players with DJ features thatuse the genre.

Also, how come you can't schedule recordings in 256 or higher bitrate?
rpp124 said:
I noticed that the genre is not added to the track tag, but is displayed on the GUI. This would be good for some players with DJ features thatuse the genre.
Also, how come you can't schedule recordings in 256 or higher bitrate?

There is no reason to record at a higher bitrate - the signal you are getting is on par with 168K MP3. Any higher is a waste of disk space.
New Feature

How about TimeTrax being able to parse or read the extra PAD data coming from the XM information stream. This way - I could sports scores OR stock ticker type stuff while recording or listening to XM.

Just a thought. Not sure its possible...
Another Future Feature....

Allowing TT to shut down the PC. When TT has recorded the last thing for that day, it pops up a window stating that its done recording and is to shut down the PC in 'x' seconds (maybe even makes a sound too) then - if the cancel shutdown button is not hit, the TT software initiates the shut down...

Most PCs allow for a time to be set when they should turn on, so this would allow you to be able to conserver on power and strain of the computer.

Just another thought - not sure if it was mentioned, if it was, well then that just shows how good a feature it is ;)
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Fortunately my biggest gripe so far is not having more that 16 characters for the song title and artist name. It sure would be nice to be able to see the entire artist name and title as well. Why the limitation?

16 character limitation

Most XM radios only have the ability to receive and display the first 16 characters on the artist and song title. This is a limitation of the hardware, not the software.

There is any easy way around this however- XM Online does provide the entire title, artist AND ALBUM. The 'killer' set-up includes using both the hardwire receiever as well as logging into XM Online. In the configuration screen, there are fields to provide your XMO username and password and a checkbox. If you fill that information in, the system will compare what it is getting from the satellite to what is playing online, and if the extended information is available, it will populate the fields with the additional data.

I hope this works for you and resolves the issue!

David K.
Time Trax Customer Service
How about a bundle with a simple MP3 editor, so that we could eliminate the intro/out DJ, etc. and to take out all the commercials from talk..........
A couple of thing I haven't seen requested is

1) the ability to select/deselect mute while recording.
2) An option to allow TT to run as a system service, with the ability to launch a gui to control the service. As it is now I leave my account (yes I am running a full domain controller with accounts at home), logged in. The kids either then log me out (shutting down TT) or use my account, forcing me to have stricter parental controls than I would normally want.....
1. AAC encoding, with bookmarkable AAC option. Replay Radio has this.

2. Control over ID3 tags. For example, I would prefer my album names on my TimeTrax recorded songs to be the XM station name, it makes them easier to find.

3. Automatically load songs into iTunes after recording. Replay Radio also has this.
It would be extremely helpful for antenna placement, if the signal strength meters continuously updated. If the signal at startup is weak, you have no way of knowing when you've found a stronger placement without shutting down TT and restarting.

If the TT interface used the same messages and responded in the same manner as other Sirius radios, it would help greatly in dealing with Sirius CSR's.

An up or down channel button would be nice.

As someone else already mentioned, having a TT service manage the recording so the full program did not need to be left running all the time would also be a good feature.
Great idea; Plenty of Opportunities for Improvement

First off, thanks very much to the TimeTrax guys. Great idea, and I wouldn't have bought Sirius without it.
1) New User Interface
Instead of listing a bunch of tiny nits (drop-downs don't scroll correctly, screens too crowded, etc.), let's just say: start over. Pay some systems development house a few hundred thou to build it from the ground up, and build it right. The UI now looks like something that an ok (not great) hacker did by himself over a couple of weekends with a bottle of Jolt.
I can't believe that this isn't there or people haven't complained!
3) TiVo-like Wishlists
This is what I thought that the Grab List was, until I figured it out. I would like to create a list of artists or songs, and have TimeTrax change the channel for me and begin recording. As it is, if I want to record everything by, say, David Bowie, I need to guess which channel he would most likely be on, tune to that channel, press record, and have David Bowie on my Grab List. I don't like having to sit by my computer watching the Channel Listing to decide which channel to tune to.
Override for scheduled recordings while recording

Taken from the Beta Thread:

I think a pop-up box or check box for certain recordings to force a pop-up and then time out and goahead with the schedule is important.

For instance. I go thru the channels, and BPM has my favorite DJ on, so I start recording and walk away. In 20 minutes or so, I had a scheduled recording come up, I would like to see a pop-up, that asks, (maybe 5 minutes before) I have a scheduled recording - change the channel OR over ride this by the check box being checked in the scheduler.
That is exactly the way a VAIO computer handles their GigaPocket recordings. A Pop-up reminds you that a recording is scheduled to start in 3 minutes. Even if you are recording a channel manually, a scheduled recording will take over at the preset time, unless you cancel the timed recording.

Further, and this is probably asking a lot, a GigaPocket will wake the VAIO from hibernate mode in time to begin a timed recording.
TT needs a file length splice option.

For example, I want to record a 5 hour Stern block every day from 6-11am. No Perfect Track or Split Track crap, just record the whole block.

But I'd to split each file into 30 minute segments. Right now, as far as I can tell, the software won't do this.

TimeTrax Must Release Fixit Patch for Software Right Now

STILL getting false characters every 10 sceonds or so

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