dserianni said:
Next time we open the beta program be sure to participate.
I did. One day I ran it and it didn't have any trouble. The next day I ran it it blue-screened my system, just like every previous version of Recast has done. That's the point at which I stop running a program. Frankly, Recast is no longer an integral part of my usage. It is wasted money for me, since I rarely use it more than once every couple of weeks. I rarely use it because it keeps blue-screening my system, and my earlier support tickets were not handled to my satisfaction, so I stopped submitting them. Someday it may work on my system, but for right now I've written it off and don't commit much time towards trying to test it. That will change when I stop seeing blue screens.
My point is that between the 1.5 "beta" and the 1.5 "release", there was no "1.5 stable", or "1.5 prerelease". Usually developer's do not just take the feedback from the last beta, make changes, then release that as the final version. They release _those_ changes as yet another beta, release candidate, whatever.
I'm a software developer. This has been my profession for more than 20 years. I know whereof I speak.
1.5 Release should not be 1.5 beta+changes. It should be 1.5 beta. If the beta needs changes before release, it also needs more testing. Since we didn't see that version, I can only assume that you either just released it blind, or released it to a limited set of testers who felt it was fine. If so, they were wrong, and you need more/better testers for that process. Maybe they don't represent an adequate cross section of the hardware and/or usage demographics of your user base. Maybe they just didn't test it (hey - it happens all the time - it has happened to me). Whatever the reason, the release version didn't get the testing it needed.
Mistakes happen - no one is perfect. I know that at least as well as anyone else. I have made plenty. I made several this week. I am the pot calling the kettle black. Fortunately, for me, adequate testing prevented them (this week, at least) from getting into production.
But whatever happened between the last 1.5 beta and the 1.5 release shouldn't be allowed to happen again.