Version 1.5 Specific Thread

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My third post in this thread clearly states that we have not resolved the dual CPU issue.

When it is resolved we will be releasing a new version.

dserianni said:
My third post in this thread clearly states that we have not resolved the dual CPU issue.
When it is resolved we will be releasing a new version.

oooops... My mistake - I misread that...

Do you have a support ticket open for this? If not, can you?

I would like to work with you to find out what is causing this.... there shouldn't have been that many changes in 1.5 from the beta to the final to make it crash for you.

Earlier in this post I stated my attempt to open a ticket and submit a debug report. How do I do that?
Garbage - no internet connection

Am using this version.

This morning woke up and found that despite perfectrax/splittrax being off, instead of having one 5+ hour mp3 i had a bunch of little mp3s.

I checked the recording log and found that over the course of an hour it reported, multiple times, "no internet connection detected."

Apparently some sort of glitching was occurring.

It remains absolutely ridiculous that in the middle of a recording you still need to have an internet connection, and that the grace period for restoring the connection is so short. Just check once a day, or at the start of each recording, or something. And stop with the "we have something in the works" talk. In the mean time we're all living with your paranoia.

Nowhere on the "how it works" on the front page of does it mention that you need a continuous internet connection. Nor is it mentioned in the faq. You have to find the footnote on page 10 of the manual to learn you need to have a continuous connection to use the thing; i had assumed when i bought it that it was necessary only for updates and for xm-online.

I think i've had it with this junk. If all you're recording is stern you're better off hooking a regular sirius radio's audio cable to the computer's audio in, and using scheduling software to record at specified times, since you don't need to know the song titles or record specific artists/songs, etc.

So far i've had about a 50% success rate at recording stern with TT. Either the system blue screens, the internet connection is reported as missing for a split second, or, with the new version, the system keeps running but stops recording and becomes nonresponsive. Luckily with all the replays i've not missed anything yet, but i want a "set it and forget it" solution, not a "keep your fingers crossed" solution.
I've also experienced "no internet connection detected" messages during a scheduled recording resulting in split files, using the TT 1.5 prod release. At no time though does the Internet connection actually drop.
Thank god I am on using the old Classic version for XM and that I do not have to deal with this internet connection garbage.

Hey - at least they put the check box that says you don't need to have the internet connection always running... oh wait, it doesn't actually do anything... weird.
Me too, Stern was broken into 4 pieces today due to no internet connection. Based on all of us experiencing the same thing, it HAS to be on TT side. When will this stop? This is just crazy.
There really is a difference between 1.5 full release and 1.5beta, as seems clear from other's comments regarding the false detection of the "loss" of internet connection. In my case, the software has (so far!) been running reliably since I rolled my 1.5 back to 1.5beta.

I was preparing to install this on a PIII machine with more memory than my current Celeron...but I haven't had the heart yet to pull it's plug. It hasn't locked up or missed a channel change, and no "false" loss-of-internet message boxes either.

As I stated earlier in this thread, after installing 1.5 over 1.5beta, I IMMEDIATELY received notice of "internet loss" the first time I started it up. I was able to get it to run for about an an hour before it locked up, and after that, I couldn't get it to run long much longer than the "aquiring channels" phase. It would actually finish, and display the meters, but it would stop responding before a recording could even be started. Reverting back to 1.5beta cured ALL of these issues...same machine, same configurations, same environment.
******** Attention ********

We have identified an issue with 1.5 (well duh right)

We have since removed it from our downloads page and are working to release a new 1.5 or possibly 1.6 candidate.

We apologize for this and are working on it as I type this.

Guys, you need new testers. Specifically, you need new testers outside your normal group, and preferably made up of those who are willing to be critical about real problems, instead of afraid to mention it because they don't want to be dropped from the beta pool.

We can be your best resource, or we can be your worst problem. Your choice.

We moved from a private beta program to a public beta program a while ago.

Thus... the beta page on our site. When we have something for the public to test we put it on that page as well as creating a beta specific thread on this forum.

We welcome all feedback both positive and negative.... that is the reason for going to a public beta. All comments are passed on to the developers and we do listen to the feedback.

Everyone was welcome to download and try the beta and post in the public thread about it.

I am not going to get into the specifics as to what happened with this particular build, but we are correcting it and will get the replacement out shortly.

Next time we open the beta program be sure to participate.

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I upgraded to the l.5 from the beta, It has run well, except today stern was broken up into 13 files. The last few days I did get one big file, but I also had to deal with multiple files a few days before that. I do not have perfect trax checked so I assume that the multiple files is due to loss internet connection that I have read about here.

Also when I try to shut down TT I get a windows message stating that TT is not responding and asks if I want to shut it down.. This happens when TT has run for a long period of time. Then it asks if I want to send a report to Microsoft. Any ideas on how to just click on the X to shut it down? or why it is having a hard time responing?
dserianni said:
Next time we open the beta program be sure to participate.
I did. One day I ran it and it didn't have any trouble. The next day I ran it it blue-screened my system, just like every previous version of Recast has done. That's the point at which I stop running a program. Frankly, Recast is no longer an integral part of my usage. It is wasted money for me, since I rarely use it more than once every couple of weeks. I rarely use it because it keeps blue-screening my system, and my earlier support tickets were not handled to my satisfaction, so I stopped submitting them. Someday it may work on my system, but for right now I've written it off and don't commit much time towards trying to test it. That will change when I stop seeing blue screens.

My point is that between the 1.5 "beta" and the 1.5 "release", there was no "1.5 stable", or "1.5 prerelease". Usually developer's do not just take the feedback from the last beta, make changes, then release that as the final version. They release _those_ changes as yet another beta, release candidate, whatever.

I'm a software developer. This has been my profession for more than 20 years. I know whereof I speak.

1.5 Release should not be 1.5 beta+changes. It should be 1.5 beta. If the beta needs changes before release, it also needs more testing. Since we didn't see that version, I can only assume that you either just released it blind, or released it to a limited set of testers who felt it was fine. If so, they were wrong, and you need more/better testers for that process. Maybe they don't represent an adequate cross section of the hardware and/or usage demographics of your user base. Maybe they just didn't test it (hey - it happens all the time - it has happened to me). Whatever the reason, the release version didn't get the testing it needed.

Mistakes happen - no one is perfect. I know that at least as well as anyone else. I have made plenty. I made several this week. I am the pot calling the kettle black. Fortunately, for me, adequate testing prevented them (this week, at least) from getting into production.

But whatever happened between the last 1.5 beta and the 1.5 release shouldn't be allowed to happen again.
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dserianni said:

Next time we open the beta program be sure to participate.

It's obvious you changed something from the Beta we tested to the 1.5 you allowed for download as a final release.

Regardless of on purpose of accident- I still would have expected to see an incremented Beta be posted to let us know to DL it to test the newer version of BETA before you release a new product.

I agree with the previous poster, once you make changes to your Beta, its not ready to go to FULL RELEASE for PRODUCTION until its been Beta Tested again.

I hope we see the fixed release soon.

(I also participated in the beta but once my internet connection started to flake out I could not rely on the product and had to roll back to 3.2)

Good Luck.
dserianni said:
I am not going to get into the specifics as to what happened with this particular build, but we are correcting it and will get the replacement out shortly.



I think this is a big mistake. I thought that it was strange when I d/l'd 1.5 that there were no release notes. How are we users to know if our particular problem was addressed in this release? How are we to know what has been fixed or attempted to be repaired?

I like this product and hope it continues to improve. But I sense a bit of reluctance to keep your customers informed of the progress. You all have a history of keeping 'secrets' and it doesn't serve you or your customers well.

If you want positive feedback on your beta program post #34 by src666 is as good as it gets.

Keep up the good work, and please consider what some of these informed members are saying.

Best Regards
I am closing this thread (not deleting it...) just because 1.5 is being recalled and is not longer relevant.

We will be releasing a new version into beta shortly and I will open a thread for that version when it is ready.

Again... we apologize for the inconvinience that this release has caused.

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