Future Feature Thread

Dr.Woo said:
That's probably beyond the scope of this software, but here are a few freeware tools which might help you achieve the same results:
Are both direct Mp3 editing tools.
Those don't really help me.

Because TT doesn't create a file until its finished with the recording, so I can't grab the 30 minute chunks halfway through the 5 hour show.

I.e., I don't really care about having the file split into 30 minute chunks for utility purposes. I need TT to do it so I gain access to the earlier parts of the show before its over without having to make a separte daily schedule for each 30 minute segment in TT.
Here is another behaviour that should be modified in a future release...

I would bet that most users have the Perfect Trax selected...afterall, who wants up-cut files?

I have found that if you schedule a timer recording to start at a particular time, but perhaps the "broadcast event" has already begun (so your essentially end up joining the broadcast in progress, if even only by a few seconds!) the timer will be "waiting for the next track" before it goes into record (because of the Perfect Trax selection). The end result, is it will NEVER go into record during the event!

I would suggest, that if you set the timer to begin recording at a certain time, it should begin recording at that time, regardless of whether it thinks it is going to record an imperfect track or not. This is the way your home VCR does it, and I would hope that this would act in a similar fashion. I now understand the current way that the settings interact with each other, but it would be safer to expect the recording to begin at the stated time no matter what! What do you think?
I'd like to be able to change channels while recording. I leave TT recording pretty much all the time, and when I switch channels, I have to first stop recording, then change the channel, then start recording again. Because of the delay, this can take up to 30 seconds. It would be cool to change channels with just one click (even if not instantaneous) while recording and still have PerfecTrax work or not work per your default.

A couple others I'd like to see that have already been mentioned:

Put the Genre and the Channel Name into the ID3 tags, or have more control over ID3 tags, similar to how you can configure the filename.

Make the Grab list a wish list instead of a white list - i.e. TT scans channels and attempts to grab tracks with those keywords by switching channels, instead of rejecting anything that is not on the list. As it is now, the Grab list has fairly limited usefulness.

Bug Fix: the Mute button is very flaky for me. Maybe this is addressed in v1.5?

Thanks for a great product, guys! Loving it.
cyphonix said:
allow the DATE as a filename/subdirectory qualifier (i.e. 2006-01-17 for sorting purposes)

thats already there isn't it?

It includes the time stamp but if you do %d\%n-&a-&s you get directories created for that date stamp, with numered recordings...
There have already been a couple features mentioned that I'd like to second:

- "Record This!" button to only record the current song

- Fix the Grab List. IMHO, the grab list should work the same way as the Song Notify/Artist Notify on XaMpD (notifies you of songs/artists on the list and then automatically changing the channel and beginning recording - not filtering out everything BUT what's on the list..) Right now, the Grab List is useless to me.

- Drop the need for constant internet connectivity. Looking through this forum I am well aware as are you that I am not the only one unhappy with this requirement. I understand the need for piracy protection, but requiring a 'heartbeat' signal from your servers for the program to function is ludicrous. A one-time check-in to validate the key each time TT is started should be sufficient to protect your assets. This requirement also keeps me from being able to install TT on my carputer. For these situations (or any other situation where a constant internet connection is unavailable) there should be a Micro$oft-style activation process where the activation key is generated based on a hardware hash, rendering it useless on any computer but the one it was originally generated from. Of course there should be SOME flexibility, allowing for user hardware changes, as well as a hash updating process if a major hash component is replaced (CPU, Motherboard, etc.)

- Compact Mode. This should consist of nothing more than the channel name or logo, Title, Artist, a Direct Channel Entry box, and a RECORD button.

- Option to override PerfecTrax at the beginning of a scheduled recording. This should be a checkbox option on the scheduler. It should not affect PerfecTrax in any other way but to force recording at the start time.

And here's my additions:

- Direct Channel Entry. There should be some sort of manual channel controls (up/down and/or a type-in box) that dont require bringing up the listing or adding to your presets.

- Preset button and TimeTrax Now fonts should scale to accomodate longer text. As it is, Preset buttons go to 2 lines - this cuts off the top and bottom of the text; and with TimeTrax Now buttons, the text overflows off the edges, cutting the first/last letters. The text should scale down a few points when 14,15, or 16 character titles are detected.

- Add channel logos to the GUI, to display in the main channel display, preset buttons, TimeTrax Now, (and hopefully Compact Mode, if that feature is coming). I know this is purely a fluff feature, but it gives makes the GUI more appealing.

- Change the function of the MUTE button to mute the PLAYBACK side of the mixer rather than the RECORD side. This way, it can be used while recording, without fear of ruining the file.

And the ONE feature I'd like to see if nothing else,

- Allow integration of XMRO Exclusive channels into the main GUI. I am a huge fan of XMLM and Special-X, and it would be great to be able to access them (as well as the AOL channels) without having to close down TT and open TT Online. I despise the sound quality of the online feed, so I would not be interested in using the TT Online program for recording anything I can already get on the sat feed.

Thanks for listening

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Tazmaniac pretty much said it there! I would like to also see additional timer pages, the opportunity to temporarily override a timer setting with another, or set a priority. If you have a timer set for "every Tuesday" for example, but something else comes up, you could just "override" the older setting just for once.

There should be an option to record some "default to" channel when nothing else is scheduled. This would allow you to manage timed recording "special events" while capturing more generic channel offerings. The only way to do this now, is by entering more scheduled events that occur in between the truly desired "special events". This becomes very cumbersome even after scheduling only a few weekly settings.

Timer recordings should ALWAYS BEGIN RECORDING the channel at the time which was set. "Perfect Trax" settings or anything else should never stop the beginning of a timed recording! After all, you expect it to record at a specified TIME! Timed events could be color-flagged depending on their status...completed, pending, armed and ready, currently recording...what ever.
Check box on the "Time Schedule" to turn On and Off "Save duplicate files"

How about a check box on the "Time Schedule" to turn On and Off "Save duplicate files," so when we record a show or we could get the whole show, and when we record for music we would not get the duplicates.
  • Save duplicate files on for shows, to remove the ads.
  • Save duplicate files off for music.
Turn on record after "No internet connection"

Recording of music gets turned off when the Internet connection is lost. :mad:
How about automatically turning it back on when the connection is re-established. :D It does not even automatically turn it back on when using the "Time Schedule." What is with that? :confused:
I would like to see an option to grab the art work for the song and save it with the file and the rest of the profile info. Some 3rd party pgms do this now as a 2nd step, but it would be nice the have TT do this as best it can (best match on artist album song). I know some song names get cut off (not your falt - xm limit).
OK, how about this one...

For really prefect tracks, TT could record to the buffer, then when the track change is detected, it writes the captured file, but keeps the last second (or what ever you set) of that file and continues on while adding that last second to the start of the next capture.

Perhaps not for those running with weaker machines, but that would keep heads and tails full for every captured track, and adjustable.

Perhaps the way to implement this would be to have 2 temp files, one to cover the pre-trigger timeframe for the next track. Then TT just alternates between which track gets called "next", and trims the beginning to match the pre-delay setting.

Turning "on" this super perfect option, would basically put the machine into a constant-record-to-ring-buffer mode of perhaps a second (ideally taking place in RAM), so when the system was commanded to begin recording, it would already have the first (pre)second (or what ever) of the file it would write.

Anyway, there seems to be no end to ideas of where you guys could take this...let's just keep the internet connection headaches low, and your customer's experiences high!
Auto ADD to the Kill List

While recording, you should be able to click an add to "kill list" and add to "grab list"
PhuckNut said:
While recording, you should be able to click an add to "kill list" and add to "grab list"

You can. Either click on the artist or the song title on the main window and a dialog box pops up with the add to grab or filter buttons.

TimeTrax Must Release Fixit Patch for Software Right Now

STILL getting false characters every 10 sceonds or so

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