Correct, we do pay Dish for a service, and that is a satellite signal. We do not have any channels guaranteed. in my opinion, anyone unhappy with Dish, should leave, and find a service they are happy with if there is no chance of reconciliation. If it is solely over a dispute, I do feel the customers should vote with their wallet, and wait till after the dispute has been settled, then leave if they are just unsatisfied about the dispute. That wait the Channel Owner doesnt get the impression they are that much more important, and the Provider still loses the business. The customer takes control of the situation. When you just leave, knowing it will be back soon enough, then you are a pawn of one side of the other, and your voice is pointless other than to say "I like paying higher prices, and annual increases do not affect me". This is something I have said for any channel takedown. I couldn't care less if it was one I watch or one I don't, there are far to many channels on with temporary substitute programming that will get me by. This is my 2 cents.