I wish Santa would delete this entire thread. I'm tired of all the politics.Kiddies, It's Christmas Eve!
Kiddies, It's Christmas Eve!
Amen!And it's never too early to say Merry Christmas everyone
that is fine and all, but does nothing to prove your assertion that fox viewers are cheapskates.
Good to know. I think that a lot of us didn't know for sure whether new customers could sign up and request the old equipment.At least 90% of my customers sign up with VIP receivers. Very, very few actually go with the Hopper because of the overall cost. The average customer does not need a whole home DVR system yet, at least not around my area. I don't push the Hopper though since I'm looking for long term, happy customers. If I forced the Hopper on every customer then I'd lose customers after their contract because they would not be happy with the total price after the credits. My longest term customers are the ones with a 722k mirrored to multiple TVs because it's the best and least expensive solution for them. No other provider can come close to it.
While I am no fan of FNC, and can't say I have any close friends who watch it, I will defend the demographic, if you are saying that older people are cheap or poor.Some will drop with Fox, sure. But few of those people are the big spenders demographically.
Look at the demographics. The Fox viewers (while plenty) are NOT the type of folks who subscribe to premium services and ad ons. These are the services that Dish makes money off of. Dish may break even on the lowball packages, but certainly is not making money on these folks. I'd rather have a customer who pays for the more expensive services and who will spend more on my service rather than a low ball cheapo.
Look at the demographics yourself. It's all available as to what segment cable/satellite makes its money off of. The aging crowd in middle America's rural towns is NOT that group.
Well...CSI *is* science fiction...I'd get rid of about 90% of them - especially any sports crap, spanish crap, reality crap, cooking crap, and of course my favorite syfy (csi marathon?wtf)
I haven't seen a Clearasil commercial in many a year.Essentially every 18-49 year-old is worth about 2.5 times more in ad revenues than every 50-dead viewer. It's just the way TV, radio and even print is now.
I haven't seen a Clearasil commercial in many a year.![]()
While I am no fan of FNC, and can't say I have any close friends who watch it, I will defend the demographic, if you are saying that older people are cheap or poor.
The fact is that the older demographic actually has more disposable income (no rugrats to clothe, feed, and put through college), and uses it on many luxury items such as cars, clothes, vacations, etc. The fact that advertisers are always looking for that 18-49 demo is one of the most confusing things, of many confusing things, that corporate America does.
OTOH, judging from the amount of ads for gold, perhaps the older demo that watches FNC is a little more paranoid about their money, and tend to throw their coins around like manhole covers.
What does any of this have to do with the dispute between Fox & Dish?I never said older people were cheap and poor. That is too much of a generalization. The demographics of a typical Fox News viewer is someone who is in his 50s, retired, living on income in the $50K range, does not have a college education. These folks are not internet power users, in general. So what products appeal to that group of people? Probably not a new Audi for $80k, for example. It is all about finding the right product mix for the right audience.
You all keep citing the gold coins item. I have seen advertisements for tax abatement firms, emergency cell phones, and so forth.