FOX News Channel/DISH dispute

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Guess Dish ran out of caring. Just called them to let the know this issue with channels disappearing (regardless of fault) is getting tiresome. Explained that we pay over $200 a month and two receivers are pretty much glued to Fox daily and that if it's not resolved soon we will switch providers. I was told that they would not that in my file and said "have a nice day" and hung up. Wow, talk about bad customer service.

Might just have to look elsewhere, after all.

Lol! Well as they say, you can lead a horse to water but ya can't make him drink.
Also I didn't say Sochi went perfect but most of the issues the media went crazy about was fake.
From what I understand it was... "We want our signals off by Midnight tonight as the contract expires at 11:59PM."

DISH's reply... ok you want them off before Midnight... you got it they are off now.

I believe that story, Charlie is quite the showboat. If you have a contract to midnight, you shut it off at midnight.

Dish raised their rates another $5 next month, and UVerse raised them just $3 and not all the drama of the constant blackouts and public bickering. And TimeWarner could go off the air again in March, with TNT and TBS added to the ones from last time.. Turner wasn't settled, just put off for two months.

I believe that story, Charlie is quite the showboat. If you have a contract to midnight, you shut it off at midnight.

Dish raised their rates another $5 next month, and UVerse raised them just $3 and not all the drama of the constant blackouts and public bickering. And TimeWarner could go off the air again in March, with TNT and TBS added to the ones from last time.. Turner wasn't settled, just put off for two months.
What is ATT everyday price for the same comparable package AND equipment?
Tugboat, what did you expect the CSR to say. They have absolutely no control over disputes. Do you think you would get anywhere if you went into your local John Deere dealer and told a salesman that they had to change the color of their tractors because you don't like green? That's about how much power a CSR has at Dish.
Lol! Well as they say, you can lead a horse to water but ya can't make him drink.
I drank, and I showed you the water bowl. I'm just not interested in what you're drinking.
Also I didn't say Sochi went perfect but most of the issues the media went crazy about was fake.
Nope. Most of them were legitimate. Some may not have been. Although, I'm only aware of one.

BTW, I'm Russian on my mother's side. I've been to Russia. And, living most of my life in Brooklyn, surrounded by Russians, I am familiar with Russian workmanship, attitudes, and corruption, and have no reason to doubt any of the stories coming from there, including the one that was supposedly faked.

But, getting back to the bigger picture of your original point, I do agree that all US cable news outlets, and to a lesser extent US broadcast news outlets, are sensationalistic and inferior to many international news outlets. Even CNN's own CNN International is vastly superior to CNN in the US. (Or, at least it used to be, when I watched it.)
From what I understand it was... "We want our signals off by Midnight tonight as the contract expires at 11:59PM."

DISH's reply... ok you want them off before Midnight... you got it they are off now.
If they would have waited until the contractually stipulated time, they could legitimately claim it was Fox who removed them. As it stands, it was Dish who did so, even if it was only 9 or 10 minutes before the deadline.
I'm about ready to get a deal to switch over about 40 Burger Kings to Directv that keep their TV's on Fox News and CNN all day long.

They where ready to pull the trigger when they lost CNN, but apparently loosing yet another channel is the last straw.

As far as I'm concerned this is great.

But really this fighting has got to stop. The pricing on Dish is no different than Directv, customers are no longer saving any money keeping Dish then going with another provider.

The rates are going up anyways in February, regardless of the outcome of this dispute.

So as far as everyone should be concerned, the bickering needs to stop and Dish needs to look out for the best interest of their customers instead of their bottom line at the end of the day.

For those who say they will not call in and request credits because of your loyalty to Dish. All I can say is that Dish isn't being very loyal to their customers by putting them in the middle of these disputes and raising rates anyways.

Why does Dish only seem to have these problems? Makes me think the problem is Dish, and not Fox,CBS or any of the programmers that Dish has been fighting with lately.
I think Dish is not willing to pay what the networks are demanding, maybe Directv and others just pay whatever and pass the extra costs onto their customers, Dish knows that fees are getting out of hand.
I started off paying less than $100. per month for same package I have now give or take a few channels, now i'm paying over $150. per month, granted there's an extra receiver fee involved. But still, I'm looking
at iptv and OTA instead, I just signed up for Amazon prime after deciding not to cancel my free trial.
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I believe that story, Charlie is quite the showboat. If you have a contract to midnight, you shut it off at midnight.

Dish raised their rates another $5 next month, and UVerse raised them just $3 and not all the drama of the constant blackouts and public bickering.
Or the lower applicable comparison price too. The Uverse equiv package is more than Dish's Top 200. So, the difference got a little closer, but only a little. That is ignoring the fees.
And TimeWarner could go off the air again in March, with TNT and TBS added to the ones from last time.. Turner wasn't settled, just put off for two months.
I'm not going to lose sleep over what might happen in March. I doubt TNT and TBS are going anywhere. Unlike the slate of anemic channels Fox is using FNC as leverage over, people actually care about TNT and TBS, in general.
Is Dish's plan to block every channel as it comes up for renewal? It seems pointless for providers to have this fight every few months. In the end the channels will be back, they will reach an "undisclosed agreement" and prices will rise and people will complain and it will be business as usual. I would applaud these blackouts if they actually meant something. But prices have not come down across the industry and in the end the networks get what they want. The whole exercise is pointless.

No, plenty of channels get renewed without any interruption. Look, you need to open your eyes. Fox has brought this on itself. Fox has tried to screw us all, filing several frivolous lawsuits over the Hopper, jacked up rates on FX and other channels while pulling content, had a nasty fight over ridiculous fee increases over its owned broadcast stations, ridiculous increases on FSN channels, and so forth. This is not just about Fox News. It is bigger than that. It is about Fox being ridiculous and greedy.

If y
Guess Dish ran out of caring. Just called them to let the know this issue with channels disappearing (regardless of fault) is getting tiresome. Explained that we pay over $200 a month and two receivers are pretty much glued to Fox daily and that if it's not resolved soon we will switch providers. I was told that they would not that in my file and said "have a nice day" and hung up. Wow, talk about bad customer service.

Might just have to look elsewhere, after all.

Enough with all of the political posts and snippy comments. Let's keep it civil please.
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I'm about ready to get a deal to switch over about 40 Burger Kings to Directv that keep their TV's on Fox News and CNN all day long.

They where ready to pull the trigger when they lost CNN, but apparently loosing yet another channel is the last straw.

As far as I'm concerned this is great.

But really this fighting has got to stop. The pricing on Dish is no different than Directv, customers are no longer saving any money keeping Dish then going with another provider.

The rates are going up anyways in February, regardless of the outcome of this dispute.

So as far as everyone should be concerned, the bickering needs to stop and Dish needs to look out for the best interest of their customers instead of their bottom line at the end of the day.

For those who say they will not call in and request credits because of your loyalty to Dish. All I can say is that Dish isn't being very loyal to their customers by putting them in the middle of these disputes and raising rates anyways.

Why does Dish only seem to have these problems? Makes me think the problem is Dish, and not Fox,CBS or any of the programmers that Dish has been fighting with lately.

If there were no price increases I'd side with Dish. But there will be. This time around I'll agree with you. Heck, Dish's quality department wont even fix a simple guide issue for a customer.
[QUOTE="Claude Greiner, post: 3589626, member: 66"

But really this fighting has got to stop. The pricing on Dish is no different than Directv, customers are no longer saving any money keeping Dish then going with another provider.


Claude that's simply not true. Why make things up?
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