FOX News Channel/DISH dispute

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[QUOTE="Claude Greiner, post: 3589626, member: 66"

But really this fighting has got to stop. The pricing on Dish is no different than Directv, customers are no longer saving any money keeping Dish then going with another provider.

Claude that's simply not true. Why make things up?[/QUOTE]

seriously, you actually have to ask?
No, plenty of channels get renewed without any interruption. Look, you need to open your eyes. Fox has brought this on itself. Fox has tried to screw us all, filing several frivolous lawsuits over the Hopper, jacked up rates on FX and other channels while pulling content, had a nasty fight over ridiculous fee increases over its owned broadcast stations, ridiculous increases on FSN channels, and so forth. This is not just about Fox News. It is bigger than that. It is about Fox being ridiculous and greedy.

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Didn't Dish and Turner just end a dispute? ESPN has been arguing for rate hikes for years. This is not just a Fox issue. All of the providers are fighting the content holders. Both sides will blame the other. They launch idle threats to pull the plug. Usually at the last minute they work out a deal. Rinse and repeat. If the main cable providers really want to lower prices they would say nope we are not going to pay your high carriage fees. If enough of the companies did this the networks would be forced to lower rates. Unfortunately they get their way in the end.
Oh, it's just another dispute Dish is having with one of their programing providers. It happens all of the time. The programing interruptions only last a short time generally. No biggie. It will get settled sooner or later if the interruption in service happens at all.

That's what I thought about the Viacom fight. But Fox News has a huge audience, so I bet they will work it out.
[QUOTE="Claude Greiner, post: 3589711, member: 66"

They are all within a few dollars, and for what you save with one provider they make up in charging various fees[/QUOTE]

Ive swapped enough for new customer savings, that this is my experience as well. For my typical setup (one hopper/super Joey/joey or one genie/mini/mini or HR) the difference is not significant either way. Pretty much the same.
[QUOTE="Claude Greiner, post: 3589711, member: 66"

They are all within a few dollars, and for what you save with one provider they make up in charging various fees

Ive swapped enough for new customer savings, that this is my experience as well. For my typical setup (one hopper/super Joey/joey or one genie/mini/mini or HR) the difference is not significant either way. Pretty much the same.[/QUOTE]
Mine as well, and over all you seem to get a better experience with other providers such as full time HD RSN's or More basic channels in a better package. Is it really worth getting channels pulled to save a buck or two? Every provider has their pitfalls, but its different strokes for different folks. One person may like ESPN, where as another may like Epix. What I see happening is your going to have providers like Directv adding the remaining HD they are missing, Cable already offers the majority of it (in my area thanks to switched digital) and throw in the new rights internet video providers are getting, the video market place is going to get really tight making the user experience king. If you keep having spats like this and cant provide programming like full time HDRSN's and separate your self from your competitors, your not going to make it for very long in the way the video market is changing. Its going to be about the user experience and things like this make people think twice before subbing. Are they more likely to go with DirecTV who has less of these and provides more of a solid experience before subbing to Dish? I would say yes. People are more likely to sub with a provider who will take care of them, not one who claims to be on their side. There is a way to do these negations without getting channels pulled like this. Directv has proved that time in and time out with minimal disruption.
The Wall Street Journal reports that "there are currently no talks between the two companies." Tim Carry, the Fox News executive in charge of distribution, said the deal rejected by Dish is the same one that other distributors have accepted. As for the status of the talks, he said, "I'm hearing nothing but crickets."
The Wall Street Journal reports that "there are currently no talks between the two companies." Tim Carry, the Fox News executive in charge of distribution, said the deal rejected by Dish is the same one that other distributors have accepted. As for the status of the talks, he said, "I'm hearing nothing but crickets."

And also mention that, Ruppy owns and runs the WSJ......He owns a media empire, so I take that as being on his side, and maybe some disinformation even...

It's easy for you guys to say "bye" or "see ya" when people post that they are thinking about leaving. You don't get a share of Dish's bottom line. I doubt Dish shares your attitude though. If they did they wouldn't be handing out credits like candy.
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If it is true as claimed, that Fox is offering DISH the same deal as other providers, why is DISH making this stink. They caved to CBS and they will lose here too. Cable/Satellite providers are becoming commoditized or collectively rigging the market as seen by similar features and prices for the packages. In the not so long term, the TV content will become secondary to providing an internet connection anyway.
Tugboat, what did you expect the CSR to say. They have absolutely no control over disputes. Do you think you would get anywhere if you went into your local John Deere dealer and told a salesman that they had to change the color of their tractors because you don't like green? That's about how much power a CSR has at Dish.

As a PR and marketing professional I speak from experience that the very last thing you want to tell a customer is "There's nothing I can do" and leave it at that.
This could just be another example of Charlie being on an ego trip. He got a big front page article in the WSJ which I am sure he likes. Possibly he wants to prove he can run with the Big Dogs, like Rupert Murdoch. I am on the sidelines, munching on popcorn. I could care less how long the blockade lasts. Obviously it isn't going to be settled this week.

As for those who think Dish is so much cheaper than the others, that was a couple of years ago. He is about even with them with all of these price increases. But who needs all the aggravation from the disputes. Ergin relishes them, but do the Dish subscribers?
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Which part? Everything I post either comes from just what I have seen in the pat while working there, talking with friends there, or mostly from reading different articles throughout the Internet, and putting peices together. Only damn problem with that, is a lot of them are AP, and although a different news site, they are the exact same article.
It seemed to me the Dish supporters ( I only singled out a few) were more fact based while the Fox supporters were basing their opinion on emotion or had an ax to grind with Dish for some other perceived/real slight. Overall Dish has been good to me (free HD upgrade in early '09, no DVR fee, and 1/2 price Multisport-RedZone to name a few). The CEO team or DIRT has had to jump in a few times over the years but my interaction with Dish CSRs, installers (even a contracted one) has generally been good. I've kept prices in line by dropping from AT250 to AT200 and then AT120+ during NFL season and AT120 at the end of it. I also love the Hopper and its dual 2 hour buffer feature, used daily for commercial skipping. I didn't ask for a Roku during the AMC drop because I already had one. All in all, while I can understand that dropping channels is a life changing event for some subscribers and don't begrudge their wanting credits, I also know it affects Dish's bottom line and will drive up prices for everyone in the end.
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Lol they replaced Fox News with the blaze. I guess that's kind of like fox news.

This was a bad move for dish to drop this channel. I have a feeling they will feel some pain from this one.
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