You're missing the point.

These folks want to call in, and be offered MONEY, irrational amounts, to satisfy their anger. They want disproportionate amounts, not tied to any rational calculation, to make them be quiet. Plenty of people on this thread have said "call in and see what they offer you" when they don't even care about the channel. I'm telling folks...the spigot of free money has a limit, and it not "free". I am sure Dish is very carefully measuring the amount of cancellations, the amount of money given out as "hush money" versus how much the channels will cost them. They may possibly reach a point where offers are reduced, and customers will be told "thank you, we will note your concern".
This is a dynamic process, Dish functions on a budget, and that budget is not tied in any way to Charlie Ergen's wallet. There are budgets for departments, and it is possible, quite possible, that Dish will stop offering money to those upset about the loss (and the B.S. 'ers who are greedy and just want to take advantage of the situation).