FOX News Channel/DISH dispute

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It's a shame to see such anger over a channel. I had to use my ignore as well. I just hope News Corp. and Dish get it together so things can get back to "normal."
While I am not a fan of disputes, I would say that Fox does not seem 100% innocent. I mean they have rebranded some channels over the past years like Fox Soccer Channel to FXX. I am sure soccer fans were thrilled. Fox Reality Channel became NatGeo Wild. I am not big on reality, but I am guessing someone may have missed it. I think the one that made me furious (and that is a strong word) is Fox Movie Channel to FXM. The movies are edited now and have commercials (reminds me of the same thing AMC Networks did to IFC). [Those were two somewhat "basic" or "superbasic" channels at the time that made satellite appealing to us which cable did not offer at all at the time.]Thank goodness they still have the Retro movies in the mornings...I would guess with most if not all rebrandings new contracts are needed...What a simple way to come up with new contracts and more money if that is the case...I am sure some people miss Speed and Fuel which were rebranded for Fox Sports 1 and Fox Sports 2, too.

To sum it up, unfortunately, I guess what I am trying to say is that owning more than one channel seems to give the owner more leverage in disputes against cable or/and satellite providers. I am also sure that online content now is also a tricky part of contracts.
FOX could have left the channels on while talks continued, but instead they pulled the channels. DISH did not pull the channels, the contract with FOX is expired and they can no longer carry the channels without permission of FOX.

The only thing that upsets me about the fights is beside us losing channels are people screaming from the top of the hills (most of them who DO NOT subscribe to DISH) that Charlie has done them wrong. And those who don't want to honor their contract and will do anything to get out. I don't know I have always been a man of my word and if I sign a contract I honor it. Now that I am out of contract I however am free to do as I wish, and if you are out of contract and want to switch providers then god bless you, no one blames you as you need to go where the programming is you want to watch... there is nothing wrong with that at all.

Actually, Dish did pull the channels, not Fox. The contract ended at midnight, and Ergin ordered Fox News be taken down ten minutes before that, signaling negotiations were at an end. As for honoring a contract, I most certainly agree with you. My contract was for 24 months, I had subscribed for 20 months, so they billed me $80, early termination fee. No Problem. My monthly bill was $105, so I wll make that up in no time. I have done everything by the book and I got an email from Dish saying I was welcome to come back as a new customer. Anyone who tries to avoid the ETF by going to the BBB is a cheater, in my book. You just can't refuse to pay it for no reason, and you will be banned as a future customer if you don't abide by the rules.

This may be quite a long Fox News Channel outage. Dish kept AMC off for 4 full months.
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Because of the direction that this thread has taken, I have a question. Is there a way to put a person that posts on here on ignore? I grow tired of being pounded with religion just to make a point. Please, someone show me where the ignore button can be found. I've had enough.
I have cleaned up this morning, however if it continues they will lose access to post.

Remember the discussion is about the channels going away on DISH, not politics, not religion, not the color of a persons skin. Keep it on topic.
Ok....Then I guess these are :"weird" as well.
Look, Im not talking about Netflix or similar services.
The issue is a change in the method by which we now receive our TV......It IS going to happen. I see it coming. I have stated that in several posts.
This all leads back to the denial on the part of some people on here that FNC does not have the clout to negotiate from a position of strength. That is just not true.
This stuff about internet tv and younger people eschewing cable/satellite is a non sequitur.
And realize this. A Netfix subscriber does not a cord cutter make.
Look, think what you want. The bottom line is this. The programmers with higher ratings are in a better position to negotiate rates with providers. Period. This is an undeniable truth. Additionally, you may not want to believe this but if Dish does drop Fox, many customers WILL walk. And there are a lot of them.....The ratings state this quite clearly.

Exactly. I'll add a wrench is thrown into this if Fox as reported is refusing to come to an agreement unless DISH negotiates existing contracts. I get the sense DISH is meeting the cost of Fox News knowing it pretty much has to and if that was the issue there would be no blackout.
I was a dish customer for 10+ years..I agree with charlie but its just too much..too many fights..I just want to watch TV..I don't need any drama
I assumed certain channels would be works both ways..its called trust

Those are sentiments of many subscribers I have no doubt. We all know other carriers have disputes certainly though DISH is having quite a run of them and I too expect certain channels to available. I and many have a choice, I can stay with DISH knowing channels mostly come back and that I am saving substantially over the pricing that Direct TV has. Charter would be even more. But if I did switch chances are less of having programming disruptions. Or If someone's particular set-up isn't saving them much over switching or simply feel there are too many disputes then why even complain about the disputes, just don't subscribe to DISH. For me I put up with the disruptions because I rarely lose a signal unlike local Cable, have receivers that even though are older now still outperform what I would get with Charter unless I pay even more of an excessive price, and I pay substantially less than I would with Direct. (It also happens DISH has a couple of channels we watch daily that Direct does not have)
So it isn't out of loyalty that I have been with DISH all these years.
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Some will have their commitment waived, but not because of the dispute. There will be other factors, such as time you have been with Dish, the amount of money they feel you will cost them, how good you are arguing their own contract against them, etc. I have read every BBB complaint, both positive and negative, against Dish, and there was always common trends. And yes, I know, you can make the jab that I really have nothing better to do, but I did it for a few reasons. 1) When I worked for Dish, I used it as a tool to see what most customers were angry with, and what kind of responses they complained the most about. 2) How Dish responds to these cases 3) Sheer Boredom 4) They are actually quite hilarious most the time. Especially the ones that got declined listening to this advice of "They'll let you out, I know from experience".
If I caused the problem. I.e. moved to a new location that I could not use satellite I would pay the fee
The big question is, what is everyone getting for free today? Me, nothing. I just don't see the point. As i said earlier i don't follow the news on TV. I find that a discount would be cheating the system. Free premiums? Let's just say i have me ways to get the premiums sans Dish.
Dish seems to had bad Nov and Dec...I mean bad publicity with different channels in dispute. But the good thing is that Dish has resolved them very quickly..which is unlike Dish. So hopefully both Dish and Fox will come to an understanding soon and those missing these channels will be happy again. I do watch a bit of Fox news...but will watch some other now like happened with CNN. No biggie for me.
Dish seems to had bad Nov and Dec...I mean bad publicity with different channels in dispute. But the good thing is that Dish has resolved them very quickly..which is unlike Dish. So hopefully both Dish and Fox will come to an understanding soon and those missing these channels will be happy again. I do watch a bit of Fox news...but will watch some other now like happened with CNN. No biggie for me.
They were only "bad" because they had three major contract renewals almost on top of each other. Keep watch on the other providers...there will be more and more blackouts with them as well. This is no longer just a Dish-thing.
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Fox on Cox
12 Cox on Fox

Chicks with blocks come.
Socks on chicks

Like this trick, sir.
My tongue isn't
Quick or slick, sir.

Who sews whose socks?
Sue sews Sue's socks Cox on Fox
By the way folks, Newscorp isn't in charge of any of the Fox properties. Those are all owned by the "new" 21st Century Fox. Some may not remember, but, Murdoch split his old News Corp into 2 companies last year. Granted, Murdoch is still chairman of both companies, but I think in order to get all the facts straight, remember Dish (and all other TV providers) now negotiate with 21st Century Fox.

Old News Corporation:
21st Century Fox:
The "new" News Corp:
A couple of things.
I haven't called for credits because we don't watch FGox News. I might call and see if I can get credit for the Multisport since we don't get MSG.
Also, back in the days of BUDs, I was on a Sat Forum where in order to get to the 4DTV owners only forum, you had to prove that you had a 4DTV IRD. Perhaps it might be time to restrict, if possible, certain threads or the forum to people who can prove that they are current Dish subscribers. That might cut down on some of the highly charged posts.
First of all, I'm personally thrilled that these channels are not available because I HATE them and feel very strongly that they are part of what is wrong with our society these days. Second, I just wonder if removing channels during a negotiation is now a standard part of the Dish strategy. By removing the channels, they have a way to gauge the level of viewer demand for those channels which influences their calculations when offering a deal.
First of all, I'm personally thrilled that these channels are not available because I HATE them and feel very strongly that they are part of what is wrong with our society these days. Second, I just wonder if removing channels during a negotiation is now a standard part of the Dish strategy. By removing the channels, they have a way to gauge the level of viewer demand for those channels which influences their calculations when offering a deal.

I agree with you 100%.... To bad people don't see how there being played....
Yes but HE'S not being bent over a table and told to relax.
I am making my phone call tomorrow.
For the record, neither are you. You have other outlets to reach Foxnews and their personalities. Hannity has a radio program. FNC is online. And this ignores all the other available outlets online... and Newsmax (oi!) and Blaze. It isn't as if Dish gave its subs the finger and spat. They immediately put up relevant substitutions.

This isn't like you can't watch the Rangers or see an EPL game because of a dispute. I went about a month without TCM (though a thoughtful MGM HD was sub'd in its place). Streaming older films isn't particularly possible these days. There is no alternative. Didn't even ask for a refund, because I understood Dish's position with regards to CNN and HLN. Luckily I didn't miss the Cary Grant month, that was this month. *phew*
This is tough to bear. I have CNN, MSNBC blocked and never ever watch any of the network news programs AM or PM. Will investigate on line fox news.
In all honesty, isn't this the quietest time of the year for political news? Congress isn't even in session. A few Xmas's ago had the bombing attempt in the plane, but otherwise, there isn't much going on during the Holidays. It is the best time for something like this to happen.
I agree with you 100%.... To bad people don't see how there being played....
I'm reminded of the Wardrobe Malfunction "scandal" and how a dozen people were able to manufacture a national outrage to the FCC.
So to add my 2 cents to this discussion. Today I emailed Dish Network my is my email this morning to Dish:

This morning I find that Dish has removed Fox Network from my programing. An 3 days before Christmas. The Dish Grinch telling me Merry Christmas!!

Here is the thing...It takes 2 to showing on my TV screen that FOX REMOVED THE CHANNEL is very tacky. In fact... it's BS. Over 90 percent of what is Dish broadcasting is never watched or listened by most customer's...including me! What a surprise! So I am paying $100/month to watch a few channels (mostly locals) AND DISH is going to raise my FEES in January. Humm... AN finally you are cutting a station (with a strong-arm tactic) that I DO WATCH AND HAVE BEEN PAYING FOR TO WATCH. What BS!!!

Question WHY should I pay Dish more to NOT have the station that I watch? I have been a customers with Dish for years and surprise, I do have other choices that I could go with for my TV. Humm... like DirectTV or a Cable Company! Guess what I am going to be looking into changing to the competition. FIX THIS QUICKLY or I will abandon Dish Network for your piss poor corporate bulling policies.


I only hope that a Dish CSR will pass along our complaints to the Big Guys behind the magic curtain that are pulling the levers of corporate decisions.
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