Sorry - I understand how being put in reference to a republican senator could be considered a personal attack.
My deepest apologies.
I bet you have LOTS of friends......
Sorry - I understand how being put in reference to a republican senator could be considered a personal attack.
My deepest apologies.
Its nice that the Socialist Nazi Theocracy is alive and well in this thread... but is there any news on FBN?
That didn't take long!
Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies
The latest news is FBN is is going to be added to Dish right after the Distant networks come back to grandfathered waiver holders...
...I guess next you guys are gonna say Rush Limbaugh reports only the facts? And is not biased in anyway?
Secondly I also find it funny how the republicans assume just because someone ownsa business and has money they are republican.. The 2 richest people in the world are liberals. Along with countless other multi-billionaires. Including the owner of this Satellite company..
You mean he doesn't? And he isn't? Next you are going to tell me that Billy O'Really isn't fair and balanced to every one of his guests and really isn't interested in the truth. : :
Roger Eugene Ailes (born May 15, 1940) is the President of Fox News Channel and chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group. He was a media consultant for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as for presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989.
OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
It is a little old, but still of value.
Lucky for Fox News they have a "Fair & Balanced" President who does not have a historical pattern of partisan affiliation:
I'll remember your status quo when somebody working for Hillary "Hildabeast" Clinton or John "Two Americas" Edwards takes a job for a non-partisan entity.
OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
It is a little old, but still of value.
Lucky for Fox News they have a "Fair & Balanced" President who does not have a historical pattern of partisan affiliation:
This is a great thread, I enjoyed reading it. I still find it funny people are really saying Fox News is not the most right-leaning news station on the air..
What are you TWO doing up here polluting? You guys holding hands singing Kum-by-ya.You mean he doesn't? And he isn't? Next you are going to tell me that Billy O'Really isn't fair and balanced to every one of his guests and really isn't interested in the truth. : :
There is no hope of reason if you think David Brock and his of production "outfoxed" by Media Matters is the truth. You would get more 'truth' from Pravda, your news source of record. .
THe only reason you have a problem with FNC is that it doesn't follow the move-on template like NBC CNBC MSNBC CBS ABC CNN.
Well we agree, Sox all the way.
The part of OutFoxed I was referring to is the Fox Anchors and Producers themselves saying that Fox is biased. You can't really do any better in this argument then having the actual people from Fox News calling it can you?
The fact is, Fox News Channel is popular, the MOST popular cable news outlet in the US.
There are disgruntled employees in all businesses that would shat on their ex employers all day long once they are out the door, especially for money and getting back at them after feeling wronged by that employer.