Fox Business Channel!

Its nice that the Socialist Nazi Theocracy is alive and well in this thread... but is there any news on FBN?
That didn't take long! ;)

Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies

The latest news is FBN is is going to be added to Dish right after the Distant networks come back to grandfathered waiver holders...

What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet....

FBN will be on Dish... merely a question of days or weeks. Murdoch knows the value will go up sharply... early on.

I suppose if I check on Dish's site once a week or so... since this thread has a low S/N.
This is a great thread, I enjoyed reading it. I still find it funny people are really saying Fox News is not the most right-leaning news station on the air.. Thats the most laughable thing Ive ever heard. Its the most obvious biased news station imaginable. Take a look at their primetime lineup... The difference between foxnews and CNN, (ill have to find the charts again) but I think it was something like 80% of foxnews air time consitied of opinion based reporting where has only 40% of CNN was, the rest was acutely news stories? You can google it if ya want I think it was a gallup thing done.

Secondly I also find it funny how the republicans assume just because someone ownsa business and has money they are republican.. The 2 richest people in the world are liberals. Along with countless other multi-billionaires. Including the owner of this Satellite company..

I guess next you guys are gonna say Rush Limbaugh reports only the facts? And is not biased in anyway?
...I guess next you guys are gonna say Rush Limbaugh reports only the facts? And is not biased in anyway?

You mean he doesn't? And he isn't? Next you are going to tell me that Billy O'Really isn't fair and balanced to every one of his guests and really isn't interested in the truth. :eek: :what: :eek: :what:
Secondly I also find it funny how the republicans assume just because someone ownsa business and has money they are republican.. The 2 richest people in the world are liberals. Along with countless other multi-billionaires. Including the owner of this Satellite company..

It is surprising when successful business owners are liberals because democrats are [FONT=&quot]notoriously
[/FONT] in favor of unions, which hurt business, in favor of higher taxes for business, which hurt business, in favor of environmental restrictions, which hurt business, tighter restrictions on daily operations, free trade with the right countries, etc. Of course it surprises me that a business owner would be in bed with a party that puts more restrictions on it and taxes it higher. The answer to this though, in most cases, is that the liberal business owner gets something out of the deal. For example, a medical mal-practice attorney isn't going to like how republicans put a cap on mal-practice lawsuits, because they make less money. If they are limited to suing for $250K under a Republican backed law, and they would otherwise sue for $1M under democrats, obviously the difference in what they will make, even with the higher taxes brought on by the dems, outweighs the Republican way. So, I am of the opinion that there is usually an underlying reason for the rich businessperson to be a liberal. My first thought when finding out Charlie is a liberal is why??? Something is benefiting him to be backing Hillary.

I am a business owner, and frankly I couldn't get by without the tax breaks that I get that were brought on by Republicans. I often work 12-16 hour days between offsite and onsite and billable and non-billable hours, even on weekends. I have a technology company and must stay on top of new computer technologies in order for my business to have an edge. When it comes to tax time, I take advantage of every legitimate business break I get and it helps me keep some money in my pocket, as well as grow my business (which incidentally helps the economy).

Last spring, I had a major surgery and was told that I would probably be out of work for 3 months. Three weeks after the surgery, I was just itching to get back to work. Sure, I still hurt but I wanted to work, so I went back to work. This is me, the Republican (actually I am more libertarian , but you probably don't care). The socialist democratic liberal, working for the US Postal service for example, in his/her union, would have milked that surgery and recovery for all its worth and not gone back to work for three months or longer. Even if their body was OK with going back to work, they'd sit home and ride the couch for as long as they could. They would have been a drain on the employer and taxpayers through disability pay. Liberals have an entitlist mentality. They think the country owes them the comforts of a good life, TV and radio (subsidized PBS and NPR), health care, food, clothing, subsidized busing that loses money left and right in rural areas, subsidized daycare, etc. Nevermind hard work! I work hard and I am rewarded for it financially and in other ways. Liberals want what I have, and believe since I have it they should too. But they don't want to work for it! I know this, as I have family members with this mentality. They don't want to work and they want to drain the richer family members who work hard. Sounds a lot like this country, I know. We are becoming more and more socialist all the time. Now the liberals want national healthcare. Yeah, that will go over real well, like it is in England right now. We need to stop feeling entitled like the country owes us something and go out and earn it if we want it. Shame on all the liberals. They don't like Fox News because it is a reality check. Fox Business Network is against new taxes and business restrictions, sure, it isn't good for any business. The democrats will have you believe hogwash like unions are good for the employee. What about individuality? What about the stand out employee who busts his but to get ahead. Meanwhile you've got Joe Lazy standing next to him, in the same position, never going above and beyond or stepping outside his "job description," and he earns the same paycheck because of unions. So the hard worker sees that he won't get ahead no matter how hard he works, and he becomes lazy like Joe Lazy. Two socialists standing side by side, getting unfair raises, negotiated together, with nobody looking at their work performance as an individual. How sad. How very sad what this country is becoming with these liberals feeling like we owe them something.

Charlie- It's time to add Fox Business and kick yourself in the ass for being a liberal.
You mean he doesn't? And he isn't? Next you are going to tell me that Billy O'Really isn't fair and balanced to every one of his guests and really isn't interested in the truth. :eek: :what: :eek: :what:

Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reily are opinion shows. They are not presenting themselves as news programs. They are opinion shows.There are liberal opinion shows too. We are talking about biased news broadcasts here, not these opinion shows.
Skottey, you just describe it perfectly.. Business owners and people in general will choose the party that benefits them most. Duh... And dont think for a minute these big business owners will not switch teams, based on who will benefit them most. Why do you think tons of Big Business interests shifted toward dems in the past year or so? Because of their policy on immigration. Big business loves the chap labor it provides so they are supporting the libs. When that fight is over or a new one arrives they will support the cons, they follow money not partys.
OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

It is a little old, but still of value.

Lucky for Fox News they have a "Fair & Balanced" President who does not have a historical pattern of partisan affiliation:
Roger Eugene Ailes (born May 15, 1940) is the President of Fox News Channel and chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group. He was a media consultant for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as for presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989.
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OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

It is a little old, but still of value.

Lucky for Fox News they have a "Fair & Balanced" President who does not have a historical pattern of partisan affiliation:

So Roger Ailes should never work again outside a job that involves strict partisan lines? He is branded for life as partisan and should never take a non-partisan job like running a news station?

I'll remember your status quo when somebody working for Hillary "Hildabeast" Clinton or John "Two Americas" Edwards takes a job for a non-partisan entity.

Don't be foolish with your standards.
I'll remember your status quo when somebody working for Hillary "Hildabeast" Clinton or John "Two Americas" Edwards takes a job for a non-partisan entity.

Hahaha! You make it sound like he had a 5 minute internship with a Republican candidate and then got the position at Faux News. He was a major player and media consultant in Three previous victorious Republican presidential campaigns and the Gubernatorial race of the current Republican Presidential front runner! LOL!

I noticed you didn't comment on OutFoxed. You must have watched some of it. I knew that hearing about the "Fox News Point of View reporting" from former Faux News anchors and producers would pretty much put an end to this "debate" about bias.
OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

It is a little old, but still of value.

Lucky for Fox News they have a "Fair & Balanced" President who does not have a historical pattern of partisan affiliation:

There is no hope of reason if you think David Brock and his of production "outfoxed" by Media Matters is the truth. You would get more 'truth' from Pravda, your news source of record. .
This is a great thread, I enjoyed reading it. I still find it funny people are really saying Fox News is not the most right-leaning news station on the air..

You mean he doesn't? And he isn't? Next you are going to tell me that Billy O'Really isn't fair and balanced to every one of his guests and really isn't interested in the truth. :eek: :what: :eek: :what:
What are you TWO doing up here polluting? You guys holding hands singing Kum-by-ya.:rolleyes:

BTW this place is funny. I came up here to get some sane news on the FBC and I find the place is worse than the PIT that I just left. With some of the same kook players no less. Hi steve and slam.
There is no hope of reason if you think David Brock and his of production "outfoxed" by Media Matters is the truth. You would get more 'truth' from Pravda, your news source of record. .

Pravda? Is that another Murdoch Property or did he just steal the idea and clone it as Fox News? I guess that is for the trademark lawyers in the Motherland to decide...

All intelligent people know Fox news is biased. Most watch because it is biased. A heavy conservative slant and sugar coating of conservative issues to provide positive affirmation on perceived Republican desires is its bread and butter. Even the people responding to this thread regurgitating Fox News propaganda know this to be fact, so why play this game?

If it was not biased we would not be having this discussion. If it was fair and balanced over half the population would not have an issue with it. The fact that it is conservative leaning is the reason we are talking about partisanship right now.

The part of OutFoxed I was referring to is the Fox Anchors and Producers themselves saying that Fox is biased. You can't really do any better in this argument then having the actual people from Fox News calling it can you?

I know I am talking to a wall but I have nothing better to do until the Sox come! -Drat!
Well we agree, Sox all the way.
THe only reason you have a problem with FNC is that it doesn't follow the move-on template like NBC CNBC MSNBC CBS ABC CNN. IT stands out and alone as going against the lame stream liberal literary vomit.
THe only reason you have a problem with FNC is that it doesn't follow the move-on template like NBC CNBC MSNBC CBS ABC CNN.

You are correct, it is not mainstream media like the venerable cast of networks that you mentioned above. Others that deserve a place on that list are the BBC and the CBC which are also great sources of news in their perspective countries. I catch them when I can as well as use the plethora of available sources the age of technology has brought us with the internet.

Faux News it takes it cues from the Heritage Foundation and has an obvious conservative bias. It is not mainstream media. It is not even news, but rather a chanel that provides an educated opinion on world events. There is nothing wrong with that. Just calling a Duck, a Duck. I don't think anyone here is saying it is a bad thing that Faux News a Republican mouthpiece, just an obvious thing. I say good for Republicans to have their very own channel. Just understand the rest of the world is watching THE NEWS...

Well we agree, Sox all the way.

I actually am enjoying this minor distraction as thinking about, reading about or watching the Redsox is a full contact sport in itself and just to darn stressful! Lets hope they come out firing like last night and take it easy on us :)
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The part of OutFoxed I was referring to is the Fox Anchors and Producers themselves saying that Fox is biased. You can't really do any better in this argument then having the actual people from Fox News calling it can you?

OutFoxed is old news. You act as if you sure stopped me in my tracks and my opinion with you giving me a link to this. I heard all about it when it came out. I don't agree with you that having actual anchors and producers themselves bashing the channel is as good as it gets. There are disgruntled employees in all businesses that would shat on their ex employers all day long once they are out the door, especially for money and getting back at them after feeling wronged by that employer. There has also been a lot of talk by insiders of NBC and the NYTimes revealing that they are not only left leaning, but heavily nudged (read: knocked over!) to skew the stories to the left. You don't see conservatives running around blabbing about NBC News nearly as much as you do liberals crying foul of Fox News. We are used to the media being left leaning. A network comes along (Fox News) and stomps the competition because they give fair and balanced news, rather than left leaning news, and the liberals are all over the place bashing the network crying foul.

The fact is, Fox News Channel is popular, the MOST popular cable news outlet in the US. Fox Business will be a huge hit too. Charlie better get his shat together and add this channel soon, if he knows what is good for him. If he doesn't, he'll lose plenty of subscribers, maybe even me. (The only reason I say maybe is that I have money and can afford cable and a satellite provider. I like Dish otherwise and it is not critical that I have Fox Biz on Dish, since my cable provider has it. But I would never accept lack of the channel on my sole provider).
The fact is, Fox News Channel is popular, the MOST popular cable news outlet in the US.

MTV is popular too. That doesn't make it news.

There are disgruntled employees in all businesses that would shat on their ex employers all day long once they are out the door, especially for money and getting back at them after feeling wronged by that employer.

Do you carry around a book of canned excuses? You are just screwing with me right? You know Faux News is a conservative leaning opinion network, right? Do we really need to keep going in circles!

Am I missing the punch line? I must be. Anyone who really believes Faux News is Fair and Balanced is a complete idiot. It is a Conservative leaning Opinion Channel. No more, no less. You can love it or hate it, but just give up on the Fair and Balanced part as no one is buying it.

As for Faux Business, I think Charlie should add it to the lineup as well! Just like Playboy and all those other pay as you go channels...

P.s. Here are some entertaining pictures that are sure to make you chuckle.

Oh...and This is a Fox News Classic! ;)
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