Fox Business Channel!

Well, considering there is a $2300 per person meet and greet at Charlie and Candice's house for Hilary...

Wow... what a loser. I'd love to debate Charlie on the issues. Why he feels the way he feels vs. why I feel the way I feel, with factual information to back our viewpoints. I'd stomp him.

Is this meet and greet for real? god, what a loser.
Wow, you've actually watched Al Jazeera? Have you even watched, actually watched, sat and watched, Fox News Channel?

Didn't think so. Typical liberal koolaid drink, you are. You are probably basing your opinion of Fox on out of context Youtube snippets of Bill O'Reilly, which is opinion, not a news broadcast, or you have read liberal blogs bashing it. But I doubt you have actually watched the channel like I and many others have.

Again, whether or not, or when, Dish will offer Fox Business is the real question here. If you don't like paying for Fox Business, too bad. There are stations I don't like paying for. Every channel has its crowd that would like to see it gone. It is irrelevant that you don't think Fox is fair or should be offered. The channel will at some point be offered on Dish, we all KNOW that, so it is a matter of when? Have they signed a deal yet? When?........when when when? not IF! If it is true that Charlie is a lib and Hillary supporter, sure, it may end up in the AT250. Fine... put it in the 250 package.. but it will be added. But when?

I have watched Fox News in context before and it is really, really bad if you actually want to watch news. I do occasionally flip over to watch War Stories with Ollie North but that is about it. Bill O'Reilly is not even that bad and I actually watched him before he permanently ingested his foot. Sean Hannity is another story all together. One of the most malformed talking heads on television.

....but there is not any actual news on that channel so I am not sure why they call it Fox news. It is just one large editorial mouthpiece for the radicalized right wing faction of the Republican party.

I think as an entertainment channel it is great if that type of comedy is your thing. I think it should be offered as a channel in AT 250, but do we really need a selection of Faux News Channels, business or otherwise? If we are going for more news lets add the Onion News Network! - (Art imitating life or life imitating art?)

The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Stay in Maine, please:eek:

Don't worry. We are building a fence around New England to keep you out.....
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I have watched Fox News in context before and it is really, really bad if you actually want to watch news. I do occasionally flip over to watch War Stories with Ollie North but that is about it. Bill O'Reilly is not even that bad and I actually watched him before he permanently ingested his foot. Sean Hannity is another story all together. One of the most malformed talking heads on television.

....but there is not any actual news on that channel so I am not sure why they call it Fox news. It is just one large editorial mouthpiece for the radicalized right wing faction of the Republican party.

I think as an entertainment channel it is great if that type of comedy is your thing. I think it should be offered as a channel in AT 250, but do we really need a selection of Faux News Channels, business or otherwise? If we are going for more news lets add the Onion News Network! - (Art imitating life or life imitating art?)

The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Don't worry. We are building a fence around New England to keep you out.....

Wow! That's a lot of bloviating! :rolleyes: Do you have any FACTS to go with your statements? If not, I can point you to some good NON-BIASED sites that will stop your bloviating with facts. :D
Wow! That's a lot of bloviating! :rolleyes: Do you have any FACTS to go with your statements? If not, I can point you to some good NON-BIASED sites that will stop your bloviating with facts. :D

Non-biased? I have a feeling any tidbit of knowledge that goes against your ingrained partisan opinion would fall into the biased category...

Here is a quote from a UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SPONSORED (PBS) study:

Online NewsHour: Cable News Wars

CNN was primarily a newsgathering network. It:
Relied on its corps of correspondents in the field
Concentrated more on the top stories of the day
Adhered to an objective and restrained interviewing style

FNC was primarily an opinion network. It:
Staged most interviews in a confrontational format
Asked questions in an opinionated and combative style
Selected interview guests with partisan, forensic and military backgrounds
Relied on a panel of in-house analysts for interpretation

Below is a short list of informative articles to wet your whistle. There are MILLIONS AND MILLIONS more covering this subject if you are interested. Even though I am sure there is no hope of your views being salvaged, I'll give it a shot ;)

Fox's Slanted Sources
FOX News Fails at Presenting Genuine News
The Ratings Mirage
An Aggressive Conservative vs. a "Liberal to be Determined"
Fibbing It Up at Fox by Dale Steinreich
TV watchdog checks claims of bias on Murdoch channel | Special reports |
San Jose Mercury News - Home
By the right, Fox in step with brass - War on Iraq -
The True Facts About The Fox News Channel
Specific Examples of FOX News Hosts Conservative Bias
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You had me rolling on the floor with PBS. Sure it is Government sponsored, and most government employees are democrats in favor of unions. The fact that PBS, like NPR, is government sponsored alone should send up a red flag to anybody that it is probably not the most reliable of sources.

Your list of bias on Fox News means nothing. I could find you examples of CNN, like the NYTimes and many others, showing to be biased the other way. Just admit it, you haven't really watched any Fox News Channel. You read the blogs that tell you it is all conservative and do a Google search for "fox news not fair and balanced" and you have convinced yourself that it is right wing propaganda. Do yourself a favor and sit and watch the 7PM evening Shepard Smith NEWS broadcast for one night, any night, and write down on a notepad examples of how right wing it is. Then come back here and tell us some of your own examples, not a list of websites. Don't be a koolaid drinker.... go and actually see for yourself. You'll form your own opinion and begin wondering why and how the left wingers (lefter than yourself) came up with such a lie. Go on. See for yourself. You'll see. Go on.

PS- Sean Hannity is an opinion show, not a news broadcast. He is balanced out with left winger Alan Combs. Well, maybe he isn't balanced out, since Alan is such a fruitcup, but he is a good example of a lefty in America, and either way, the show is an opinion show, and has never been presented as news and fact. The Shepard Smith news at 7PM EST is factual news. There is a difference. Just like other channels, there are opinion shows and there are news broadcasts.

One more thing....

Did you check your links before you posted???

Half of them are dead links to stories that no longer exist and the other half are so old I had to dust off cobwebs. Of all your links that did work, the newest story dates back to 2004. I gave you more credit than I should have just thinking you actually did a google search and found some links that actually backed your point. You don't even deserve that! Sheesh.
One more thing....

Did you check your links before you posted???

Half of them are dead links to stories that no longer exist and the other half are so old I had to dust off cobwebs. Of all your links that did work, the newest story dates back to 2004. I gave you more credit than I should have just thinking you actually did a google search and found some links that actually backed your point. You don't even deserve that! Sheesh.

We can sit here and argue this all day and no one is going to budge. I enjoy news, you enjoy propaganda. So be it. To each their own.

I provided valid resources to help further your knowledge on the subject. Take it with a grain of salt. In the end we are not going to get the Faux Business Channel anytime soon on Dish, to the betterment of everyone involved. Deal with it.
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We can sit here and argue this all day and no one is going to budge. I enjoy news, you enjoy propaganda. So be it. To each their own.

I provided valid resources to help further your knowledge on the subject. Take it with a grain of salt. In the end we are not going to get the Faux Business Channel anytime soon on Dish, to the betterment of everyone involved. Deal with it.

Dead links are not valid resources.

Why are you telling me to "deal with it?" I get Fox Business Network in my home. I have enjoyed it since Monday when it launched.

You said you enjoy news, while I enjoy propaganda... where do you get your news?
I take it you are declining my suggestion to grab a notepad and watch the 7PM EST news broadcast and report back to us on your right wing findings? Keep drinking the kool aid and enjoy lala land.

Wow, you are really obsessed with Kool aid. You have repeated that phrase over and over. It must be a "standard response" that you picked up during your programming.

Dead links are not valid resources.

I fixed the two links that you speak of an hour ago. I think that the PBS article was truthfully more then enough to make my point about the opinion based stance that Fox takes rather then an objective one.

You said you enjoy news, while I enjoy propaganda... where do you get your news?

I watch BBC, CBC, PBS and CNN primarily, but I am game for anything but Fox News. At least the previous mentioned channels put on the assumption of being somewhere around the center of issues, unlike the latter.

In the end the internet is the best source of news (using something like Google news that gives 1000's of links for a single story.) That way you can really see an issue from all sides.
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I watch BBC, CBC, PBS and CNN primarily, but I am game for anything but Fox News. At least the previous mentioned channels put on the assumption of being somewhere around the center of issues, unlike the latter.

You ARE kidding right? The ONLY reason that many people think Fox new is not fair and balanced as they claim is because they have been brain washed for years by one sided reporting by all of the networks. Kind of like saying if it taste bad, it has to be bad for you. The truth may taste bad to a lot of people who and wouldn't know it if it knocked them up side of the head.

Funny how Fox News consistantly whoops up on all the other cable news networks. Funny how CNN, MSNBC, Etc, etc, now have token conservative shows so they can try to keep up with Fox.
You ARE kidding right? The ONLY reason that many people think Fox new is not fair and balanced as they claim is because they have been brain washed for years by one sided reporting by all of the networks.

There is that other reason: Actually watch the channel without the "choir ears" and listen to the partisan sludge that spews from the mouths of the anchors at just about every moment of every day.

Why do you think people need a blogger to tell them the sky is blue? Just flip it to channel 205 and start counting down from 60 seconds and see if you can make it to zero before copy straight from the Heritage Foundation is bestowed upon you.

Fox News is Republican News. It is written to make Republicans feel better about themselves.

Please keep your comedy routine up. The fact that people joke around about Fox News actually being "balanced" news is hilarious! :D
He must be. It's amazing how many people can't deal with facts and common sense and have to resort to personal attacks.

Sorry - I understand how being put in reference to a republican senator could be considered a personal attack.

My deepest apologies.

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