Nice try... I think the MLK one is Soledad O'Brien from MSNBC, or CNN, wherever she is now. I liked her best when she did that technology hour on MSNBC. Good show back in the day. She is an old hag now.
FBN has 30 million households thus far and is averaging 6,000 viewers during the daytime. No, that was not a typo.
Fox Biz Channel all but invisible.
FBN is a quality channel.. but of course you wouldn't know that since you are a Dish subscriber. I feel for those that have Dish and want the channel. Good luck convincing that douchebag Charlie.
I agree. They seem to have the best coverage of the porn industry (guests such as Mary Carey) and small business owners like "naked cowboy."
It is this type of hard hitting news that will help it to hurdle CNBC in the coming years.
Ok, I'm joking. The reality is that people don't want their business news "slanted." It is one thing to have your regular news fit your ideological perspective, but when it comes to the almighty dollar people want better reporting, and less fluff. More substance and less gimmick. At least I do. I don't think CNBC is shaking in their boots.
Maybe it will do well as a quasi-business/entertainment channel which is an entirely new demographic, separate from CNBC's core enterpenurial audience. I guess only time will tell.
In the mean time, Charlie should hold his ground, keep laughing at the (much worse then) horrid ratings and tell Rupert that they'd love to have the channel - but for 10 cents on the dollar of what I am sure is being currently asked.
I of course am of the opinion that both Fox News and FBN are fair and balanced with their news. They are not slanted at all.
I personally can only take Fox News in small doses (I watch for the Girls Gone Wild stuff and TMZ-esque reporting.) As an entertainment channel it has its high points. However, when they start comparing George Bush to Abraham Lincoln, I usually just snicker and turn the channel.
Enough of the Fox News porn comparison.... that is like saying watching a breast cancer special on Veria is porn. People aren't sitting home jerking off to Dominica Davis the way you play it up to be. We all know there are some good looking girls on Fox News and FBN (especially Greta, although I liked her better before she had her mouth realigned from that cigar mouth to what it is now).
I am listening to the Dave Ramsey show now. He had an emailer say he just got E* and noticed that FBN was not on. So he called a CSR and they said they get 30-40 calls a day about getting this channel on E* just for his show. The CSR says they are working hard to get it and it is getting closer to happening.
I am listening to the Dave Ramsey show now. He had an emailer say he just got E* and noticed that FBN was not on. So he called a CSR and they said they get 30-40 calls a day about getting this channel on E* just for his show. The CSR says they are working hard to get it and it is getting closer to happening.
I am listening to the Dave Ramsey show now. He had an emailer say he just got E* and noticed that FBN was not on. So he called a CSR and they said they get 30-40 calls a day about getting this channel on E* just for his show. The CSR says they are working hard to get it and it is getting closer to happening.
Still waiting... Bloomberg is not bad... but I'd like FBN. Sooner the better.