Spike said:I really do not think that this is over. How long will it take Mr. Dolan to get that other sat. up in the air? Does anyone know?
Which sat? Rainbow-2? If that one, it is already in orbit.
Spike said:I really do not think that this is over. How long will it take Mr. Dolan to get that other sat. up in the air? Does anyone know?
Don Landis said:Most negative people here, probably you included, are not true HDTV enthusiasts but place other aspects of DBS in equal importance. One of the favorites of many non-HDTV enthusiasts is receiving local broadcast stations through a paid service rather than free OTA. VOOM does not support that. They only have locals tunable on their equipment with an off air antenna. So not having locals by a satellite delivery is an issue with these types. In my case, I just want a few locals anyway they come in with the best PQ. That would be direct by a 4 mile path of signal without tons of electronics reprocessing the signal.
subdude212 said:So I check out the SatBiz news site here. and found the following text:
[size=-1]Ergen Not Target of ProbesHere's what the dictionary says:
[/size][size=-1]Accoster Communications Corp. added 430,000 net new subscribers in the fourth quarter of last year, bringing it in line for the first time in more than a year with the net subscriber quarterly additions of rival Direct, which added 444,000 net new subs for the quarter. [/size]
[/size][size=-1]It took a board room shakeup, numerous screaming matches with his son, conflicting memos, and a commitment to put up $10 million of his own money to do it, but Cablevision Systems Corp. co-founder Chuck DYLAN got a reprieve until at least the end of the month to keep his beloved Voom DBS service operational. But at press time, uncertainty continued to surround what would happen after that, with Accoster Communications Corp. Chairman Charlie Ergen likely holding the keys to whether Voom can continue in operation without a service interruption—if at all.[/size]
<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>ac·cost Pronunciation Key (</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>-kôst
tr.v. ac·cost·ed, ac·cost·ing, ac·costs
- To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request.
- To solicit for sex.
I'm certain that 'uncertainty' is not spelled 'UNCETAINTY ' and 'Chuck Dylan' didn't co-found Cablevision with Chuck Dolan. Hey, I feel good when I can put down other people - especially journalists.
subdude212 said:So I check out the SatBiz news site here. and found the following text:
[size=-1]Ergen Not Target of Probes
[/size][size=-1]Accoster Communications Corp. added 430,000 net new subscribers in the fourth quarter of last year, bringing it in line for the first time in more than a year with the net subscriber quarterly additions of rival Direct, which added 444,000 net new subs for the quarter. [/size]
[/size][size=-1]It took a board room shakeup, numerous screaming matches with his son, conflicting memos, and a commitment to put up $10 million of his own money to do it, but Cablevision Systems Corp. co-founder Chuck DYLAN got a reprieve until at least the end of the month to keep his beloved Voom DBS service operational. But at press time, uncertainty continued to surround what would happen after that, with Accoster Communications Corp. Chairman Charlie Ergen likely holding the keys to whether Voom can continue in operation without a service interruption—if at all.[/size]
No doubt that C Dolan will survive - even though he has put Cablevision at risk by opposing the sale of Rainbow1 and insisting that the money pit Voom continue.David Dietzel said:Michael Eisner survived at Disney for years because he stacked the Disney board with his cronies. I suspect that Charles Dolan will get what he needs from the Cablevision board for awhile at least.
Why would they do that? To see if they can get a new job on Charlie's board. LMAOjustalurker said:I think it would be interesting if the former board members of Cablevision wrote an opposition to Voom HD LLCs petition countering C Dolan's opinion that he could run a successful DBS operation.
SatBiz follows the story, and on the day they wrote their update that was the story.Sean Mota said:It looks like Satbiz makes these predictions very loosely. Here's the previous one were they stated that VOOM was shutting down by 2/6/05
Any response that starts with that just shows that you are a troll and out of touch with reality. A shame. Oh well.David Dietzel said:Racoon Boy:
That is my second avatar since joining in October 2003. I sure hope that respectable folks have changed their underwear more than once since Voom started. If you haven't, please DON'T SHARE THAT INFO!Vicki said:No, it just shows that some people change their avatars and signatures as often as most respectable folks change their underwear...Vicki
Maybe he didn't think VOOM was realy going to survive. And now he sees the tremendous growth that is ocurring in installtions. My installer is doing more VOOM installs that D* and E*. They are very busy with just V* installs. Now he himself isa believer.justalurker said:No doubt that C Dolan will survive - even though he has put Cablevision at risk by opposing the sale of Rainbow1 and insisting that the money pit Voom continue.
What will not survive under Cablevision is Voom. C Dolan tried his board stacking and made the mistake of putting intelegent people there instead of butt kissers. He plans to restack the deck again but it is too late to affect the next few weeks. (And, quite frankly, if I were on the board and knew that I was about to be taken off for not kissing butt I would not vote for an extension. This is the last chance for those targeted by C Dolan to have their say.)
I think it would be interesting if the former board members of Cablevision wrote an opposition to Voom HD LLCs petition countering C Dolan's opinion that he could run a successful DBS operation.
kfried001 said:Maybe he didn't think VOOM was realy going to survive. And now he sees the tremendous growth that is ocurring in installtions. My installer is doing more VOOM installs that D* and E*. They are very busy with just V* installs. Now he himself isa believer.
On a sad note, a friend of mine who is the Manager of the Home Theater Department at Best Buy is telling customers that VOOM will be gone by the summer because Dishnetwork bought them out. He is under the impression that Dish will be providing all the VOOM proramming and is informing customers to go with Dish. Apparently all Best Buy Home Theater Managers were told this.
This could never happen because VOOM does not have HD channels that are good enought for Charlie Ergen. I forgot the term that he used. But he thinks Showtime and HBO are good enough, so why not Cinemax, Starx and TMC.
If VOOM manuvers to get Hdnet, Inhd1 & 2, they will have the market. There is no doudbt in my mind. They will be the One-Stop-Shop for HD programming Content. They need to man the helm and get it right this time.
Every misinformed person hurts Voom more. It is a shame. The truth is bad enough without lies that make the situation worse.kfried001 said:On a sad note, a friend of mine who is the Manager of the Home Theater Department at Best Buy is telling customers that VOOM will be gone by the summer because Dishnetwork bought them out. He is under the impression that Dish will be providing all the VOOM proramming and is informing customers to go with Dish. Apparently all Best Buy Home Theater Managers were told this.
C Ergen's word is "compelling". Ergen doesn't like upconvert HD channels unless there is enough compelling real HD to make that channel worth carrying (TNT makes it because of sports coverage). Ergen isn't going to spend 4 SD channels worth of space on non-HD "HD" channels. Adding Cinemax, Starz and TMC would cost E* 12 SD channels (a full transponder) or 9 PPV/Movie channels (PPVs get a little more space than normal SD).kfried001 said:This could never happen because VOOM does not have HD channels that are good enought for Charlie Ergen. I forgot the term that he used. But he thinks Showtime and HBO are good enough, so why not Cinemax, Starx and TMC.