VOOM Shutdown Update

Just outta curiosity, I tried to go as far in advance on the channel guide as possible....and noticed that AFTER 3:00am, the ONLY channels showing ARE the VOOM21...NOTHING else shows.....which was interesting in it of itself.....but after 5:30am....for all the channels showing movies....it just says 'movie' ...HD NEWS still shows up stating NEWS, Weather and Sports.....hmmmm
If E* picks up some of the Voom channels then I'll definitely be subscribing, and hopefully can get a good deal on a DVR. I'm also hoping their OTA tuners in their STBs work as good as Voom's.

I'm actually rooting for Dish right now to do something big. I currently have D* (as well as Voom obviously) and as far as I know the only plans for more HD in the near future are LIL HD channels which I couldn't care less about. That seems like they're only trying to compete with cable, and nothing more.

I'd love to see E* ramp up their selection of national channels and force D* to do something besides their unimaginative plan of LIL HD.
"What a long strange trip it's been", more true words have never been spoken. :rainbow
I am an employee @ HD News and it's been a crazy year for sure. on one hand, we are constantly breaking new ground and going further than anyone expected us to go in a year's time. It has been one of the most memorable years of my life. We have a great group of people all working together to make this thing happen. And I'm really touched by all of you out there with nothing better to do than sit around and watch our work. Some of you need a life ;) , but I am really grateful all the same.
On the other hand, and I can't for the life of me figure out why, we seem to be dieing at the very hands that could make it HUGE if we were left alone to do what we do best. And believe me - you can't begin to know our collective frustration. :what
But through it all, and with very few exceptions, we are all sticking it out to the end - or a new beginning - and continuing to produce quality programming for you. We will be here shooting, reporting, writing, editing, and getting it all on the air until they tell us to go away.
Thank you to all the people who make it happen and thank you to or dedicated (if not obsessed) ;) viewers.
ChrisDuncan said:
If E* picks up some of the Voom channels then I'll definitely be subscribing, and hopefully can get a good deal on a DVR. I'm also hoping their OTA tuners in their STBs work as good as Voom's.

I'm actually rooting for Dish right now to do something big. I currently have D* (as well as Voom obviously) and as far as I know the only plans for more HD in the near future are LIL HD channels which I couldn't care less about. That seems like they're only trying to compete with cable, and nothing more.

I'd love to see E* ramp up their selection of national channels and force D* to do something besides their unimaginative plan of LIL HD.

I guess you havent read any of the D* press releases.. Yes they are trying to roll out locals in HD, becuase some people just cant get them with an antenna.. I've had issues in Pittsburgh becuase i'm in the center of a few stations and need a rotor, which means if i wanna watch ABC in one room no one else can watch any other locals in HD in my house. It's a huge PITA.

Beyond that they are comitting to roll out more National HD programming, i believe the expected capacity is something like 100 National channels (don't remember off the top of my head)
Just a reminder V* is still shutting down on May 1st at 3AM EDT...

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://scripts.franciscocharrua.com/services/countdown-clock/countdown-clock.php"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
countdown_clock(5, 5, 0, 3, 0, 3558000, 2, '1');//--></script> Left of Voom DBS / Time till 10 Voom Channels could be on E*

(don't click the link it just takes you to where I made the script :))
And thanks for all your hard work!

hdshooter said:
"What a long strange trip it's been", more true words have never been spoken. :rainbow
I am an employee @ HD News and it's been a crazy year for sure. on one hand, we are constantly breaking new ground and going further than anyone expected us to go in a year's time. It has been one of the most memorable years of my life. We have a great group of people all working together to make this thing happen. And I'm really touched by all of you out there with nothing better to do than sit around and watch our work. Some of you need a life ;) , but I am really grateful all the same.
On the other hand, and I can't for the life of me figure out why, we seem to be dieing at the very hands that could make it HUGE if we were left alone to do what we do best. And believe me - you can't begin to know our collective frustration. :what
But through it all, and with very few exceptions, we are all sticking it out to the end - or a new beginning - and continuing to produce quality programming for you. We will be here shooting, reporting, writing, editing, and getting it all on the air until they tell us to go away.
Thank you to all the people who make it happen and thank you to or dedicated (if not obsessed) ;) viewers.

It appears you will still be making new in HD!

Still enjoying as I type HDTV via VOOM under rainy Seattle skies, Gill
You know what as much as I loved Voom for it's offering of HD channels and the PQ, I have reached the end of my rope!!!! At this point F Voom, why couldn't they tell us 2 weeks ago that they would be giving channels to Dish and at the same time cut some sort of deal for us "loyal customers" to get a discount on moving to Dish. I have just come to the point of giving up on getting HD at reasonable cost without putting up lots of money up front.

Right now I am staring af a fuzzy Comcast picture and cursing Voom for shutting down!!! I really tried to get people to realize what a value Voom was but I am beyond words now!!

Sorry for the vent and rant but I would have moved to Dsh had it worked out in advance!!!
cmslick3 said:
You know what as much as I loved Voom for it's offering of HD channels and the PQ, I have reached the end of my rope!!!! At this point F Voom, why couldn't they tell us 2 weeks ago that they would be giving channels to Dish and at the same time cut some sort of deal for us "loyal customers" to get a discount on moving to Dish. I have just come to the point of giving up on getting HD at reasonable cost without putting up lots of money up front.

Right now I am staring af a fuzzy Comcast picture and cursing Voom for shutting down!!! I really tried to get people to realize what a value Voom was but I am beyond words now!!

Sorry for the vent and rant but I would have moved to Dsh had it worked out in advance!!!

I couldn't have said it better. I'm sick of the drama too. As for the new announcement of the Voom 21 or whatever they will call it, big woopie. I never found anything worth watching on these channels. With the exception of a few movies on Monsters HD. But how many times can you watch the same 6 or 7 movies repeated over and over? Now if E would add Starz HD, Cinemax HD, etc then I could get excited. But the Voom 21? No thank you.
I think your countdown clock is messed up.......

According to my clock which is installed on my desktop and is set to go off at 2AM CDST on Sunday, it shows that there is only 1 day and 11 hours remaining until shutdown and not 2 days and 9 hours.
zombie said:
I guess you havent read any of the D* press releases.. Yes they are trying to roll out locals in HD, becuase some people just cant get them with an antenna.. I've had issues in Pittsburgh becuase i'm in the center of a few stations and need a rotor, which means if i wanna watch ABC in one room no one else can watch any other locals in HD in my house. It's a huge PITA.

Beyond that they are comitting to roll out more National HD programming, i believe the expected capacity is something like 100 National channels (don't remember off the top of my head)

I actually have read the press releases, but they've stated no actual dates and no actual channels, other than locals in HD. The best I've been able to actually confirm is that they'll have some national channels up by 2007. I'm not willing to wait that long.

Even if it is a long wait, they need to make some actual announcements of what they're getting, instead of just vague promises of more national channels because that doesn't cut it with me anymore, and I'm basing that on their past behavior of failed promises of more HD (yes, E* is guilty of the same thing, but now they're finally doing something).

BTW, I don't mean to undervalue the importance of HD LiL. I totally understand its importance, but apparently their capacity will extend far beyond that, and we need to know where they're headed.

I still find the commercial where they mention "1,500 HD channels" to be deceptive because the vast majority of those are locals where each customer will probably get about 5 or 6 actual different channels.
Does anyone know what happened with VOOM DBS' lease of AMC-6? In other words, will VOOM continue to pay for unused transponder or will someone make good use of these in the near future? How will Rainbow/E* distribute VOOM21 programming to other providers...AMC-6?

Also, does anyone know if Rainbow DBS cancelled their contract with Lockheed to build 5 additional satellites? Would E* be interested in assuming this contract?
I would hope they keep AMC-6 transponers.......

With talk of Dish Network having partial ownership (small percentage from what I've heard) to the channels, it may be the sole distributor of the channels. I would seriously doubt that this would happen, but there has been no news in relation to the unused transponders leased by Cablevision. There has also been no report on an uplink station being rented out by them either to transmit the channels to AMC-6 for distribution. As far as the satellites being contracted through Lockheed Martin, someone had said something about that Cablevision must put a stop order on it before sometime in the fall or else they'd really owe on them. In relation to cablevision having direct distribution of the channels, there has only been rumors of other cable companies or Direc satellite getting involved by carrying the channels for customers.

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