46,000 VOOM Subscribers As Of 2/28/2005 Reported

Whatever the number is... it is now plus one. I picked up my first HDTV last Saturday and signed up for VOOM this morning. Install is scheduled for March 19th. I'm hoping for more than a "6 month commitment".
(I'll keep Dish for the DVR until VOOM has their DVR available)
zombie said:
almost doubling subscriber count is nothing to sneeze at but...

I think the major issue voom faced (or is facing) is that a lot (vast majority) of people still don't have an HDTV, and while the picture is better than D* even on my bedroom (non-HD) set, it still lacks many of the channels they can find on other services.

Simply put the price per channel is higher with VOOM and it still lacks many of the channels that would bring in a larger number of people.

I really do love my voom so please don't kill me for my opinion :)

HDTV sales have to be on the increase,I know of 5 people that bought either plasma or some other form of HDTV durning the holidays or shortly there after,the first thing you hear after they are pluged in is who has the most HD content"I need IT" .Thats 5 people I know,how about the rest of you,when people spend 3-5-7,000 for a TV they want more than 5-10 channels of HD content,it is very possible for the growth rate to be where it is now.My installer(on 1/31/05)said he was doing between 2-3 install a day for VOOM at least 3 days a week(he also does E*) and that is one installer in an area that has at least 10-15 compaines with I don't know how many subs doing the work for them.Lets forget the west coast the east coast could easly add that many

Not going after anyone,just my view
branchbouncer said:
My installer(on 1/31/05)said he was doing between 2-3 install a day for VOOM at least 3 days a week(he also does E*) and that is one installer in an area that has at least 10-15 compaines with I don't know how many subs doing the work for them.

Interesting. Lets say 3 installs a day for 3 days a week is universal, stationary and that there are at least 200 people installing VOOM. Let's also assume a 10 percent churn rate when 6 month commitments have expired.

In one week there would be 1,800 new installs. In one month there would be 7,200 new installs. At six months there would be a total 43,200 new installs. Add in the 46,000 current subs we now get 89,200 subtract the 10% churn an voila on September 1st. we have 80,280 subs. From Sept.1st to March 1st. there are an additional 43,200 installs add 80,280 and subtract the 10% churn. We now have 111,113 subs on March 1st 2006, 222,226 on March 1st 2007, 333,330 on March 1st 2008.

I think VOOM can break even with 250,000 subs. It might take 4 years to get there, but new start-ups typically don't break even or make a profit until their 3rd or 4th year. I do think if VOOM exists into the next decade it will top at 750,000 subs and stay there.
justalurker said:
Whatever the number. It will be less in April.


He's baaack.
One subsequent beneficial outcome of this most unfortunate event... we won't have to read justalurker's incessant narcissistic bullsh*t anymore; a legend in his own mind.

I can't imagine anyone associating with him in any way, shape or form - be it professionally or intimately; he would manage to undermine it one way or another.
bradley said:
In the black was forecasted at 250,000 subs.

Curious, how could they get in the black with only 250K subs while E* and D* have millions and were still loosing $'s???
Sole reliance on AMC-6 w/ MPEG4, no locals provides 3x present bandwidth; lease satellite, end user equipment per/unit generates revenues offsetting expenditures.

D* and E* have substantial long-term financial commitments to large satellite fleets and exclusive providers.

250K * $75 = $18.75M p/mo

Once tier 1 goal achieved - investiture/expansion.

Keep it lean - it's doable.
bradley said:
Sole reliance on AMC-6 w/ MPEG4, no locals provides 3x present bandwidth; lease satellite, end user equipment per/unit generates revenues offsetting expenditures.

D* and E* have substantial long-term financial commitments to large satellite fleets and exclusive providers.

250K * $75 = $18.75M p/mo

Once tier 1 goal achieved - investiture/expansion.

Keep it lean - it's doable.

"Analysts estimate that he would need about $400 million a year to continue financing Voom..." from the WSJ. You come up with $225 million. I don't see it adding up.
Not business as usual...

Lean as in rare, blood rare.

No overpaid under achievers.

Minimalist operation - achievable goals - bottom line - exceptional service - not publicly traded.
Expect Voom's numbers to continue increasing. Fast or slow it doesn't matter. Now that their $1 install has been extended. This is awesome. We should put up a clock that starts at 46,000 and have it go up a number every 30 seconds or so.
danielle_s said:
Expect Voom's numbers to continue increasing.

Too bad the number that was increasing the fastest was how much money they were loosing :( CVC couldn't keep throwing $'s down the toilet, it has to end sometime. It's dead, move on.
rad said:
Too bad the number that was increasing the fastest was how much money they were loosing :( CVC couldn't keep throwing $'s down the toilet, it has to end sometime. It's dead, move on.

Voom is dead when no one is someone calls the voom number and the message states that voom has closed down or no one answers the phone.
jnardone said:
There was no vast increase in VOOM marketing and no one has posted that the VOOM CSR's are handling 400 orders per day which is what they would have to be doing to have this rate of growth.

I don't know what you have been watching for TV but I have seen Tons of VOOM commercials on several channels starting around December 04. Their marketing has ramped up big time in the last few months.
I am one of the new installs. I was installed in Feb.
Now I knew the company was having a little bit of a shake up when I installed Voom, but I figured with the $1 install if they closed up, I would not be out much.

E* subs are worried

danielle_s said:
I'm not personally attacking you, I'm just curious as to why & what your doing here.

Get your head on straight man, and wisen up. This is not preschool- there is no I'm right and your wrong here. Regardless of opinions we need to get along here.

He is concerned that E* is not going to get Rainbow-1... Its looks like the Comments filed by Voom LLC, etal, to the FCC about the sale is worrying the folks from the E* forums... and they should be worried.... The last few applications to the FCC from E* have been DENIED, even though very few, if any oppositions were filed concerning the applications! :cool:
jbphoenix said:
Its looks like the Comments filed by Voom LLC, etal, to the FCC about the sale is worrying the folks from the E* forums...
I'm not worried. The Voom HD LLC petition to deny does give the FCC the excuses needed to deny the transfer, but E* and CV still have a chance to oppose that petition and C Dolan has opened himself and Cablevision up to a lawsuit by not cooperating with the sale. I'd "worry" more about C Dolan.

BTW: 46k was wrong. The "correct" figure (for Feb 28th) was 40k.
And the question still remains - how many will be served next week?
The deadline IS Mar 31st and no extension has been announced.

justalurker said:
BTW: 46k was wrong. The "correct" figure (for Feb 28th) was 40k. And the question still remains - how many will be served next week?
The deadline IS Dec 31st and no extension has been announced.

Glad to see you have your facts in order. We won't have to worry about service for another 9 months. :rolleyes:

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