46,000 VOOM Subscribers As Of 2/28/2005 Reported

danielle_s said:
Look James doesn't like nor does he want to support voom, it doesn't matter why he refused to release the numbers because if he did release the numbers he would've look like an freaking idiot for shutting voom down.
Is there a confidentiality clause that would have prevented Tom and Charles from releasing a number before tonight? If so, did Voom HD, LLC violate that clause in their first press release?

These are rhetorical questions.

Voom HD, LLC had two weeks to come up with a deal and to mention a number. They could have easily put out practically the same press release on February 10th when they signed the letter of intent. They could have been putting out a series of reassuring messages to let people know that Voom was doing well and under their guiding hand it would be able to stay in business. But they did not.

Perhaps Voom HD, LLC just doesn't understand public relations, but saying nothing doesn't say much for your company.

Let's leave justalurker alone and not result to personal attacks. Let's concentrate of what's going on with CVC/VOOM. Apart from us... there are a lot of people (mainly workers for both companies) that will suffer from layoffs or unemployment. It is not an easy situation for anybody working there. We only see as our HD programming but the workers of CVC/VOOM will have to deal with the consequences of the end result. Let's just hope that it is a happy ending for everyone.
Sean Mota said:
That's where you are incorrect... Voom has its own billing and finance system. You are basing all your stuff on erroneous calculation since you lack the inside information of how many subs have been installed in the past few months. You are speculating on the numbers. Believe whatever you want to believe... But the number was released and whether it is a public company or not, the number is what the number is. I can only say that to you. I have no way to prove it to you (because I would reveal information that I should not) and you have no way to prove it to me (unless you use your flaw premises).

So the revenue from Rainbow DBS was greater than 5.3 million for quarter 4?
So the audited financials have been falsified? why? Jim Dolan would rather risk going to jail than admit VOOM gained a few subscribers?

If the revenue wasn't greater than 5.3 million and VOOM gained 20,000 subscribers in Q4 where did the money from these subscribers go?

If all the new subscribers were added between Q4 and today then why was there no strain on the VOOM system since they went from adding 2,000 to adding 10,000 subscribers per month virtualy overnight?
Well I think Sean is correct about one entity surviving and not both. The only sure bet, (only from my point of view) is that Cablevision will not survive. All is needed is Time-Warner to make a bid...Stockholders vote... Charlie, Tom and partners vote their shares and Cablevision is done and VOOM Survives to the intent of both Charlie and Tom.

I won't comment on Justalurker. For whatever reason, he likes spending more time in the VOOM forum than his own DISH forum. Got to admit, more exciting here. I will never get my work done. Actually I spend more time in the last few weeks in this forum than I do watching all the channels combined on VOOM. That is how sick I am.
Sean Mota said:
Here is what I do not get about you people. There's nothing that VOOM can do wright in your eyes. VOOM releases no subs information and it was bad; that means that they have less than 20K; Voom releases the 46K information and now "I don't believe it" attitude. What is it? NOTHING Voom does is right in your eyes.

You cannot please everyone, Sean. If a majority of people is satisfied, then you are doing a good job. Hey, that's how Bush got reelected even though I did not vote for him.
dash2004 said:
You cannot please everyone, Sean. If a majority of people is satisfied, then you are doing a good job. Hey, that's how Bush got reelected even though I did not vote for him.

Hehe, that actually has nothing to do with the actual job success - only to political marketing. :)

Back to business - this is GREAT NEWS! :) 46k is exxxxxactly around I was expecting! :cool: Good work, Voom!
bradley said:
As mentioned by Tom Dolan, son of Charles (Chuck) Dolan, VOOM presently has a subscription base of 46,000 customers.

A substantial increase over the previously reported 26,000.

Great. 46,000 vs. over 25,000,000 E* and D*. I'm sure they are very proud.
jnardone said:
If the revenue wasn't greater than 5.3 million and VOOM gained 20,000 subscribers in Q4 where did the money from these subscribers go?
It could have gone to the cost of installs. There are very few real numbers from 4Q to deal with.
Revenue $5.3 million ($14.9 for the year)
Operating Loss $449.8 million ($203.8 before impairment, $415.4 for the year before impairment)
4Q Operating Loss $94.9 million (w/o impairment or $108.9 write-down)
The fourth quarter and full year operating loss reflect an impairment charge of $246.0 million, reflecting management's estimates of the excess of the carrying value over the fair value of long lived assets, which has been recorded in depreciation and amortization. In addition, fourth quarter and full year operating loss and AOCF include $108.9 million of technical and operating expense that reflects the write-down to net realizable value of certain assets consisting primarily of equipment inventory and licensed film rights.
Voom seems to have lost more on paper that happened to hit last quarter than in that particular quarter's operations.

3Q Revenues: $5.920 million
3Q Operating Loss: $75.273 million
(And a DECLINE in subscriber count in September. CVC 3Q 10-Q )
Hmmm... they made 600k less in revenue and spent $19 million more operating the system. Where did the extra $19 million go?

It's all numbers but imagine the cost of a three room install. 3 Voom receivers and a dish installed. About $1k in my imagination (Voom charges $1100 without a promo). Now imaging giving that away for $1, losing about $1k (keeping nice numbers) per three room install.
$19 million / $1000 = 19,000 three room installs. Plus the 26k they had and voila - 45,000 subscribers! :D
jnardone said:
If all the new subscribers were added between Q4 and today then why was there no strain on the VOOM system since they went from adding 2,000 to adding 10,000 subscribers per month virtualy overnight?
It would also be a miracle turn around that should in itself saved Voom.

Assuming for the moment that the 46k is not a most unfortunate typo.
It could be a Dec 31st figure ... installing more than a net 200 customers per day including weekends and Christmas. or it could be an "end of month" figure for February reflecting 133 net installs per day including weekends. Not an impossible number. (V*'s growth through Sept 30th would have required around 100 installs per day - not counting uninstalls.)

But the $600k less revenue in 4Q looks more like a loss of customers. V* was having problems keeping customers and making them pay. E*'s application for the licenses for Rainbow1 stated that 39% of those who had activated Voom service had either terminated service or were 90 days or more past due. If Voom had added 20k throughout the quarter SOME positive impact should have been seen on revenues.

It's a cruel game of math that could easily be solved by having Voom's owners give a number that they must stand by. Even E*'s application to the FCC used the old September 26,000 figure.

Wouldn't it be funny if the number is still 26,000 and the Dolans made a typo?

How can you believe that Voom will be saved by Voom HD, LLC *and* that Cablevision will be shutting it down? That's where the question of whether you believe CVC's press release comes in.

It is easy to believe both. CableVision shuts down VOOM and terminates employees. 30 seconds later VOOM HD, LLC hires the terminated employees and begins providing service :D

gutter said:
Actually I spend more time in the last few weeks in this forum than I do watching all the channels combined on VOOM. That is how sick I am.

Hey gutter, just adapt like I have. Read forums while at work, watch primetime programming, read forums again until 2-4am, sleep from 4am-6:30am. For much of the weekend don't read the forums and sleep (nothing breaks on the weekend anyway). I've been doing it for over a month now. :)
gutter said:
I won't comment on Justalurker.
Really? Is that an honest statement?
gutter said:
For whatever reason, he likes spending more time in the VOOM forum than his own DISH forum.
I don't own a DISH forum, although I do spend my fair share in the E* and other forums at another site. That site doesn't have a vibrant V* forum ... I don't believe any other site has a V* forum as vibrant as these. :D

I've explained why I'm here before, but that isn't what this forum is about. Let's talk about Voom, OK?

Or is it the service formerly known as Voom?
Hey, Prince managed to become Prince again.
Perhaps Voom will be able to Voom again. :D

who_the said:
Great. 44 HD channels vs. 6 or 8 on E* and D*. Voom should be very proud.

If Voom broadcasts in a forest and there is nobody there to see it does it really matter? :p
You talk about the loss of subscribers just cause voom didn't make as much money in the 4th quarter as in the 3rd quarter. We'll let's see if they have 26,000 all at VaVaVoom and they ALL downgrade wouldn't that also result in a less profit?
Also during the 3rd quarter all new subscribers had to pay 100+ dollars to get installed. To expensive but it makes money right?

4th quarter, I can't say anything about packages but new subs only had to pay $1 to get installed. That's a loss of about $198 I believe per install. Now take that number $198 and multiply the total number of new subs and that comes out to be a very big loss in revenue wouldn't you say?

If you can prove that the 46,000 current subs is wrong and you can prove beyond a shadow of doubt that between September 30 and December 31 that Voom lost more subs than they gained then show us.

Otherwise I do ask that you stop repeating yourself. You sound like a broken record.
joemama said:
If Voom broadcasts in a forest and there is nobody there to see it does it really matter? :p

And who is your service provider? I would think that voom having 46,000 subs is a good thing considering that within the past 5 months they have practically doubled the number of installs that they were doing from October of 2003 to September of 2004.

It also shows that they are finally getting everything together and getting subs that believe in the value of HD programing.
danielle_s said:
You talk about the loss of subscribers just cause voom didn't make as much money in the 4th quarter as in the 3rd quarter. We'll let's see if they have 26,000 all at VaVaVoom and they ALL downgrade wouldn't that also result in a less profit?
An interesting yet wild speculation. Do you have any reason to believe that mass numbers of Voom subscribers would downgrade their service?
danielle_s said:
Also during the 3rd quarter all new subscribers had to pay 100+ dollars to get installed. To expensive but it makes money right?
Voom had 25,000 customers on June 30, 2004. (only 8,000 on Apr 30th)
Voom had 26,000 customers on September 30th, 2004.
The price paid by customers for the installs would be counted as revenue.

Assuming all 26,000 paid for service (and we know from E*'s FCC filing that they didn't) the average customer contributed $227.69 to the revenue figure, or $75.89 per month. That would include the installs (averaged out).
danielle_s said:
4th quarter, I can't say anything about packages but new subs only had to pay $1 to get installed. That's a loss of about $198 I believe per install. Now take that number $198 and multiply the total number of new subs and that comes out to be a very big loss in revenue wouldn't you say?
The loss of revenue would only come on NEW installs, not existing customers who continued service. 26,000 customers should still have continued to pay for their service, and additional revenue should have come from those who added service. The $1 offer didn't start until halfway through the quarter, so any installs before then would have added to revenue just like in 3Q. The later in the quarter the customer was added the less revenue for that quarter. But that also places a time pressure on installs.

Adding customers should lead to INCREASED revenues. Net 1000 customers added in 3Q didn't add that much to the revenue figures for the equipment. And the balance of pre-$1 offer subscribers plus people who refused the $1 offer would have contributed at some level to the 4Q revenue.

There is a gap in the numbers. If V* added customers they should have at least met the previous quarter's total. And (as noted before) they should have bragged about their numbers before "D-Day".
danielle_s said:
What they meant was that you should stay in the dish forum, just like the voomers stay in the voom forum.
It's only fair, and right
No. It's fair to engage in conversation on the topics, not on who belongs where.

justalurker said:
(snip)…I've explained why I'm here before...
I can't agree you've explained what your motives are. Just my opinion. I asked you why several weeks ago, but found no explanation in your response.
justalurker said:
…but that isn't what this forum is about. Let's talk about Voom, OK?JL
Why now?? It is my observation that you like to talk about all sorts of other things…until the temperature starts to rise…and THEN you become very pious as to "the cause" and conciliatory for a while…until the heat starts to rise again. Not just in this forum, either. What were you doing mid-December? :what

On a more positive note, I've seen some excellent comments and good advice in most of the posts in this thread…too many to respond to individually, so just a small sampling…
bryan27 said:
It is easy to believe both. CableVision shuts down VOOM and terminates employees. 30 seconds later VOOM HD, LLC hires the terminated employees and begins providing service :D
Hey gutter, just adapt like I have. Read forums while at work, watch primetime programming, read forums again until 2-4am, sleep from 4am-6:30am. For much of the weekend don't read the forums and sleep (nothing breaks on the weekend anyway). I've been doing it for over a month now. :)
Makes good sense to me, especially your advice to Gutter. Gonna have to try that myself, soon! :D

Sean Mota said:
Let's leave justalurker alone and not result to personal attacks. Let's concentrate of what's going on with CVC/VOOM. Apart from us... there are a lot of people (mainly workers for both companies) that will suffer from layoffs or unemployment. It is not an easy situation for anybody working there. We only see as our HD programming but the workers of CVC/VOOM will have to deal with the consequences of the end result. Let's just hope that it is a happy ending for everyone.
RE: 1st sentence…I sure wish we could leave him alone…VERY ALONE! He only complains about personal attacks when he is being bested, either by a poster's fact or humor...and we all have the right to keep and bear arms against such intruders, particularly when we know he usually fires the first volley. RE: the balance of your post…SPOT ON!! I don't envy your job.

who_the said:
46,000 us us were in the forest. You missed a hell of a party.
And that's a fact!! Funny too!! :clap

As always, ever-optomistic in closing…this seems to fit..."Who does not know fellows that always have an ill-conditioned fact or two that they lead after them into decent company like so many bull-dogs, ready to let them slip at every ingenious suggestion, or convenient generalization, or pleasant fancy? I allow no ''facts'' at this table." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes (No, I didn't supply the quotations around "facts").

Goodnight, sweet Princes and Princesses. (VOOM ON!!!) :rainbow :bow :wave

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