I would swap ports 2 and 3 of the sat inputs on the DPP44 and run another check switch. As previously stated, Solo Node should be hooked to ports 2 and 3 of the receiver outputs of the DPP44, power inserter should be on port 1, 211 can either go on power inserter receiver out or port 4 of the DPP44. Hopper goes on HOST port of the Solo Node. If tuner 3 still gives issues, check all connectors on the cable, make sure that they are good compression connectors, the "stinger" should be at least level with the connector, if not a tad longer. There should be no braiding coming through the center connector, white dielectric should not be sticking out or recessed. If all else fails, check all cabling and connectors, and if that doesn't work, replace the cable between the Hopper and the node with 3GHz-rated RG6.