Dish Pricing Update


So right now, the first receiver is the DVR fee and lease fee. When you add a second, you pay the dvr fee, lease fee and AO fee?

My bill just says"Classic Gold 250 With DVR 67.99", so its hard for me to know.

So right now, the first receiver is the DVR fee and lease fee. When you add a second, you pay the dvr fee, lease fee and AO fee?

Yes thats the way it is now, but that all changes on February 1st. Dish DVR Advantage is no more.

Believe it or not they seem to be trying to simplifying things at the same time.
Here is what I see


1st rcvr - $6 lease + $6 dvr fee

2nd - $6 lease + $6 dvr + $5 AO


1st rcvr - $6 lease + $6 dvr

2nd - $17

So its the same damn price?
So DISH doesn't have a programming price hike this year , the first time since like 1999, and now Charlie the Grinch finds a way to hike the receiver fees by bundling the extra made up fees into one big fee.This looks like a way to Jack every extra receiver by $5.00 more if you count this never heard of A/O fee . How does this effect those of us that OWN our receivers vs LEASE them? What happens to those of us that have the WITH DVR packs? The WITH DVR packs are basically the locals bundled with the dvr fee and you save .98 cents over doing it the other way. Do these now go away again , like the dvr advantage packs did last year?

Scott what happened to the idea to bundle the HD channels with the regular programming packs so DISH could say they offer FREE hd?
It will not matter if it's owned or leased it will be the same price.

The dvr fee is confusing me. There is a chance that your bill could go down since your first receiver is free. I am trying to get clarification on that. :)
If we install a 722k and 222k with phone lines attached with silver 200 w/ hd, the customer currently pays $74.99 reg price. How much more after Feb1st
200 pak $52.99
HD access $10.00
DVR Fee $5.00
additional tuner $7.00
total $74.99 plus tax
I have AEP and two 722k receivers. My monthly bill is about $119.00 per month. How much should I expect my bill to increase with this new receiver fee increase?
I think that at DirecTV I could get their Premier package for around $130.00 per month (right now, before they have a price increase). Also, how much will AEP go up if the DVR fees are no longer waved?
As I stated in my post, a new TiVo receiver for DIRECTV is coming. As you are aware, there are already older DIRECTV receivers with TiVo, which in my opinion, still are better DVRs than what DISH offers. Charlie should have bought ReplayTV to gain its patents (and also the TiVo / ReplayTV settlement) instead of a lawsuit that will never go away.

I brought up lifetime because of people complaining about TiVo's fees when they have never used one.
Those TiVos aren't even better than DirecTVs DVRs, so there is no way they are better than Dish's DVRs.

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What falls under the "duo" recievers. I have a 722K and a 612, I am guessing its the 722k, becouse I can get SD in another room??

Don't the majority of customers only have 1 duo HD DVR? So most people will be happy with this. Hate to say it but I feel that all the providers will do similar things with their billing. Even if I could go somewhere else I'm under a new contract for something like another 18 months. But I do really like the VIP722k it's spoiled me for any other HD DVR.
That would be cool. I might even add programming if that were the case. :up
We must be in the minority indeed if our prices didn't increase last year, and go down this year. I think last count there were around 34 of us on Absolute HD.

So 34 out of 14 million makes that about 1/4 of 1/1000 of a percent of all subs! :D
I have 3 x 722s and a 510 with AEP. For me, Dish has the advantage since dvr fees are waived. If they're going to start charging me dvr fees, there goes the advantage over cable. Will be time to start looking around.

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