What is up with Dish! These fees on top of fees are starting to sound like the airlines, the fee shuffle game. Any way you slice it it is the same more costs. The SAT companies enjoyed an advantage for years over cable, but with FIOS and UVerse now I don't see the clear advanatage. Actually when you start bundling services I think the SAT companies in the long run are in for bigger competition. Verizon and ATT want to own all data/voice/media coming to your home and they are both well positioned to do that, time is the only thing against them as they need to roll out infrastructure that Comcast already has. I think if you roll foward 5-10 years unless you are in an underserved rural area the SAT companies will begin a long decline. I am do fed up with Dish polices and am just waiting in ATT to provision 3 concurrent HD streams and I suspect I'll be moving to UVerse. Dish has had constant glitches with the NBC feed here in ATL and the HD package issues. I was PRO Dish when they had HD only packages that is what kept me, but they ditched them and want me to pay like $20-$25 more per month to get an SD package just so I can get the 3-4 HD channels I am missing. At that new price point Cable and UVerse are compelling deals especially when you look at bundling voice and Internet. I thinks the way Dish can stay compelling is ot offer true a la carte programming, this can easily be done with soe software development, the problem will be with negotiaging deals with the program providers, since I suspect their deals are based on tiered pricing. Personally until then I love my NetFLix and ROKU as I get a much better value there than from Dish. Honeslty NetFlix and Roku are one of those thinsg where I feel guilty, like I am getting a way better deal than I am paying for.