Do you have NFL games including Monday Night Football on ESPN? Thats a major part of the increase just for one channel. Plus they added the NFL Network, another expensive channel, and other channels also riased their pricing as per their contract with Dish.
These increases are passed on to the customers.
Me I never watch ESPN, and actually wish I could turn it OFF, everytime I hear ESPN announce that they just signed a deal with some sports league, I can hear my wallet yelling NO!
I expect that most if not all of this increase wil go to pay these increased costs and that we will not see a boost in Echostar earnings because of it.
$5 a month for those 2 channels? From every sub at AT100 or higher. I don't think so Scott.
PLUS the $5.00 more for my HD pak? WHY?
If NFL was that much, maybe DISH should have held out like these cable companies, or had it a-la-carte for those that wanted to pay for it.
As for ESPN and MNF, if I recall ABC had MNF for years, and we didn't pay more for it then. ESPN is a Disney company just like ABC. With that logic, shouldn't we have had a reduction in price for ABC, so it would be a wash?