Either way for most folks are only looking at a $3 increase is all.
Except the Hd pack +AEP customers who will get the shaft with a $10.00 increase. Does your cable company charge you that for one price increase?

Either way for most folks are only looking at a $3 increase is all.
Then vote with your feet and pursue the better deal. Things won't change until enough people drive the churn number up. If he raises prices 10% and only 2% leave, then nothing will deter him from continuing the increases.
I think this will be the last big increase for a while. Fios is looming large and is almost ready for prime time. Right now, Verizon's DVR is the only thing keeping me from itching to switch...
Well most cable companies when they have price increase give you nothing at all. So yes some will have more than a $3 increase but most folks will not. Either way atleast Dish is giveing folks more for their money. Which is better than nothing at all.
...If he raises prices 10% and only 2% leave, then nothing will deter him from continuing the increases...
IPTV ?? For a 720p picture you need ALL of a high-bandwidth expensive broadband connection, let alone a 1080i connection. IPTV is fine for delivering niche channels to specific audiences, but it's not likely to ever be a way of delivering several channels at once to a residence -at least not in the USA.Eventually I can see the HD channels included in the basic packages and just needing the HD hardware in order to receive those channels unless IPTV / competition overtakes them by then. Satellite's advantages just seem to be dwindeling in many markets.
what I dont understand is they give me a 18 month contract and I would have thought it is 18 months at the same rate. for $3 more a month they better give me something more....
Don't know where that came from. As has been clearly posted, the contract allows for price increases. Your rates WILL go up in Feb, contract or no contract, unless you have "Family" or "AT60."
ok, in the AEP can you sub out say "Cinemax for Playboy" for the same price?
Jan 07 and still no USB Storage. Shame on Dish!