Agreed. I fall into the target crosshairs only because I've chosen to prioritize the new toys and HD programming in my utililities/discretionary spending. Being single and living in a one bedroom apartment with a 10 year old car I bought used has given me the flexibility to do that. Even when the 10 year old used car is a BMW...Meanwhile the low end customers who have one non-DVR receiver are getting no price increase. It looks to me like Dish is choosing to hold this price down in order to market it while they increasingly slide their profit-making crosshairs onto their higher-end customers. They need to remember that their "higher-end" customers are not all owners of fancy houses and BMWs.

I'm perturbed by the size of the increase but, I'm also aware of my options with Comcast and D* and am not interested in switching so, I'm willing to pay. I just wish there were more flexibility in the pricing structure and venting here makes me feel better