Latest crawl:
Dear AMC Fans.....DISH has decided to drop us....Hop on over to our website and demand that DISH keeps us on so you don't miss the season premiere finale of Breaking Mad Men......well since it is our website we will demand it for you but we'll also demand they throw in Voom as well....if that doesn't work switch to AT&T.....umm, wait, that might not be a good idea....instead switch to, wait, the latest rumor is that soon DirecTv will only carry sports programming that DISH does not that case switch to, wait, even we can't believe we just said your only choice is Cablevision......but don't worry, they will never drop us as their business model is to do the exact opposite of everyone else....we're also part of the Dolan family so unless there is a family argument over Thanksgiving dinner about whether The Walking Dead is really about the NY Knicks or not we should be safe....
(Repeat until July 1st, someone blinks or this thread breaks 5,000 posts)
Dear AMC Fans.....DISH has decided to drop us....Hop on over to our website and demand that DISH keeps us on so you don't miss the season premiere finale of Breaking Mad Men......well since it is our website we will demand it for you but we'll also demand they throw in Voom as well....if that doesn't work switch to AT&T.....umm, wait, that might not be a good idea....instead switch to, wait, the latest rumor is that soon DirecTv will only carry sports programming that DISH does not that case switch to, wait, even we can't believe we just said your only choice is Cablevision......but don't worry, they will never drop us as their business model is to do the exact opposite of everyone else....we're also part of the Dolan family so unless there is a family argument over Thanksgiving dinner about whether The Walking Dead is really about the NY Knicks or not we should be safe....
(Repeat until July 1st, someone blinks or this thread breaks 5,000 posts)