But... recent developments with Directv (ie getting my grandfathered HD distants back) give me 3 possible timers for CBS 2 for NBC & Fo
E & W plus OTA), while keeping 2 with dish (OTA & Dish feed)

Is it just me or are the story lines getting pretty weak?
Come on, CSI responding to a fire call in the middle of nowhere? Wouldn't the fire department investigation handle the call and request assistance? Where was OSHA?
Sunday, January 2, 2011
"Match Made in Hell": When the investigation of a dead millionaire leads the CSIs to an elite dating service, Ryan poses as a wealthy businessman to expose the matchmaker's lies.
My guide is fine. I got the title from the guide and the description from the official page.
Your talking Jan 2nd at 10 pm right ?
My guide still says "Fallen"
A psychotic genius runs wild in Miami
I KNOW I have seen this one already, it's dated 10-3-2010 as the original airdate.
Now when I go to the website, it shows the one you listed.
I hope the tribune updates my guide as I expect it to Record if it's a NEW episode.
My guides are fine on my HR24s. Tomorrow's episode has shown for over a week.