CSI: Miami

Season Finale

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Mayday": After Horatio finally captures the last prison escapee, their transport plane crash lands, and the CSIs discover this fugitive has more planned than just a getaway.

Beginging of the next season, I can see the rest of the team arriving, they had to be on the way already, (you never go anywhere without others knowing where your at) ...
Someone will save Natalia, if none of them, I will ! :D
Season Premiere

SUnday, September 25, 2011

"Countermeasures:" As NAtalia and Horatio's lives hang in the balance, the team tries to catch an escaped prisoner.

I'm glad the show is back (still enjoy it) but I found it hard to believe that Horatio could dive into the ocean to save Natalia...then...check himself out of the hospital moments after being stitched together and on the brink of death. :rolleyes:
Next Episode

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Stiff": The CSIs are led into the sexy world of male gigolos when they uncover an unusual murder weapon.

Next Episode

Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Blown Away": A tornado touches down on a murder scene, damaging the evidence and putting Ryan and Walter in grave danger.


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