CSI: Miami

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Terminal Velocity:" When a skydiver is murdered, the CSIs discover that he has more than 100 children and all of them are suspects.

Malcolm McDowell, last seen in season 8's "L.A.", is returning for the season's final two episodes.

I was reading today that the season finale will be in April.They,I guess CBS,cut the series short and some new cop show about rookies in NYC will take it's slot !

Another thing I noticed in a rerun from 2007 in the "Throwing Heat" episode,parts of that were shot in Long Beach Ca.The Queen Mary & the Bubble in Long Beach Harbor are clearly visible at the end of the show in a roof top scene.I have been there several times.I thought the outside scenes were all shot in Florida.Interesting !
Csi Miami has been on 10 years come Sept. of this year. I didn't realize it was a direct spin off of the older CSI series. I google searced it today because I saw an older episode from 2003 and I wondered how long the show had been on.
Next Episode

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Last Straw": When the sisters of a Miami sorority are knocked off one by one, the CSIs try to end the murder spree.

Watched last nights episode. Bo Derek looks pretty good for her age, but her acting hasn't gotten better! Of course, that fits right in with the rest of the actors on this show.

I watch to see if Horatio can find a new pose, you know standing in the middle of nothing with no movement for a bit. The other thing I like to try to figure out is who will break more laws during the show. The criminals or the Miami CSI team! :)

The big draw is the babes though. Take them away and the show wouldn't have made it this far, imo.
The other thing I like to try to figure out is who will break more laws during the show. The criminals or the Miami CSI team! :)

The same goes for Criminal Minds...it takes one to know one, I suppose. I love how Garcia can instantly script complex querries (hundreds of lines of code in six keystrokes) that violate multiple privacy, health and intellectual property laws to instantly locate, sort and display digitized information from 40-50 years ago that most like doesn't exist or, if they the data does exist, it is most likely sitting in a storage room file cabinet. Who knew?

For the series finale, I would love the see the CSI team process the crime scene and go home after their shift...you know, like in real life. They don't interrogate witnesses (real detectives do this), they don't draw weapons (trained police officers do this), they certainly aren't involved in gun play (only a rare few police officers do this), they don't liason with the FBI, CIA and military intelligence agents and the certainly don't travel overseas on covert operations. They pretty much collect and analyze semen, blood, fiber and trace evidence. People would be like "What the heck did we just watch?" Well, you just saw a real life CSI in action. :)
Of all the CSI shows, Miami stretches how a CSI team actually works further. But the scenery is very good.

And you are right about Criminal Minds, I hadn't thought of all the laws they violate nor the fact that most of the data wouldn't be available via computer.
I still enjoy The Emily Procter show. She's in it less and less these days so I DVR it and just watch her parts. You'd be surprised how well you can still follow the plot.
Next Episode

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"No Good Deed": The investigation into the murder of a neighborhood do-gooder reveals he was planning on exposing something big.

Next Episode

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Rest in Pieces": When the Miami Taunter strikes again, Horatio meets with the matriarch of the suspected killer's family.

She looks damn good for a woman that is 72 years old.:D

Of course her boobs are only around 42 years old. Unless she has had them redone since the 1970s.;)

My mom was very attractive...I used to smack my goofy friends for ogling her too long. She looks great at age 75...but she's certainly not drinking from the same well (or has the plastic surgeons) that Ms. Welch has the past 30-years. She looks fantastic!