Coolsat 8000

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Ok thanks. The box started re-booting again. So, i'm gonna try the 2025 .sgn. If that doesn't work. I think i need to go back to the original file that is now lost. That one seemed to work ok. Or at least for the 3 days i had it on there.

just a hunch but you may have a small intermittent short in your coax too. it will produce random reboots.

crackt out,.
You really must use that clean file when going from pirate to factory, and that clean file should only take a few seconds to complete. That file is only about 16 bytes long. I think it is just a vector to some routine that wipes the memory. It leaves the receiver completely brain dead, except for the loader.
However, I'm not sure why, but sometimes the remnants of the old firmware aren't completely removed by the clean file, particularly if you're switching between somewhat similar firmware versions.
One thing that I've always done with my 8100, is instead of loading the clean file, then going straight to the newest factory version, is to load the
clean file, then load an older factory firmware, THEN load the most recent firmware.
I don't know if this procedure really does anything, perhaps it's just a situation where re-loading firmware eventually gets it in there right. But if nothing else works, you might try loading the 1444A prior to the 2025A. When I did it, I generally went back to an even older factory than 1444A, but I don't have that one for the 8000 (most of my old files are for the 8100). In case you want to try it, I attached below.
With my current 8100, I've changed firmware versions 6 or 8 times or more. One time it came up in the continual rebooting mode. Basically, I just repeated the process a couple times going older to newer firmware, and eventually I got the rebooting to stop. But I really think that going to older firmware helps remove the remnants of what was on there before.


You really must use that clean file when going from pirate to factory, and that clean file should only take a few seconds to complete. That file is only about 16 bytes long. I think it is just a vector to some routine that wipes the memory. It leaves the receiver completely brain dead, except for the loader.
However, I'm not sure why, but sometimes the remnants of the old firmware aren't completely removed by the clean file, particularly if you're switching between somewhat similar firmware versions.
One thing that I've always done with my 8100, is instead of loading the clean file, then going straight to the newest factory version, is to load the
clean file, then load an older factory firmware, THEN load the most recent firmware.
I don't know if this procedure really does anything, perhaps it's just a situation where re-loading firmware eventually gets it in there right. But if nothing else works, you might try loading the 1444A prior to the 2025A. When I did it, I generally went back to an even older factory than 1444A, but I don't have that one for the 8000 (most of my old files are for the 8100). In case you want to try it, I attached below.
With my current 8100, I've changed firmware versions 6 or 8 times or more. One time it came up in the continual rebooting mode. Basically, I just repeated the process a couple times going older to newer firmware, and eventually I got the rebooting to stop. But I really think that going to older firmware helps remove the remnants of what was on there before.

Thanks for posting the file. But for some reason? My PC can't download it from the forum. But, anyways. Last night i ran the clean again and then reloaded the 2025 ".sgn" without renaming it to ".bin". Box has been on all night and it's still ok. I'm hoping i maybe the "posterchild" of "how not to load a file"!:o
You guy are way more adventurous than me...:o
I'm just glad my 8000 already had the latest factory software when I got it. I think if I had to do any of this type stuff to it I'd probably wind up rendering it a useless brick! :eek:
Thumbs up to you all. :up
just a quick question, I purchased a Coolsat 8000HD out of Craiglist from Canada. I do have a C-band/Ku FTA system with small offset dishes using 4x4 switches since I have 3 boxes in the house. I went ahead and did my sats/tps programation for my sats for my system and they're working fine. All I want to know if the box I got has the best FTA not pirate firware out there that can work well in my system. Here is the info:
Model ID h600c146
H/W 1.00.00
S/W 12.06.3F
Thanks to everyone!!
That looks like old hackerware...the newest factory is 2025 and the files are posted in this thread. If you have issues downloading it PM me your e-mail addy and I can e-mail it

As some folks have mentioned, old hackerware does allow a couple things that the factory doesnt
-Diseqc 1.1 compatibility for a 8x1 diseqc
-removes the ear piercing, dog howling tone when you go into the dish setup
Thanks Ice
Now that I read the complete post i see there is no differences between this and the 2025 eventhogh some of the guys recomend to stay with the hackerfirmware. Since I'm not familiarize with the complete process to do the cleaning and re-loading the factory I'l need to go thru a learning process. Do you think is a good idea at all?? Thanks
Personally, I'd get used to what you have, and maybe later play with loading different firmware. I've been using the 12060 Hackerware in both my CS8000's and I have no complaints about the firmware. I find the CS8000 to be a very useful receiver, as old as it is, and have a couple of them.
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