As a last resort, I have a copy of CSUpgrade v3.01.exe which I use for my CS8100 . I really suspect that both the 8000 and 8100 most likely use the same uploader, but I'm not positive. An advantage of the CSUpgrade v3.01.exe that I have, is that it doesn't include all those DLLs and things in the CAB file. Ie I think it already includes them, whereas I think the file that Ice has, has an older file, and files needed to upgrade it, which is somewhat complicated. So if you can't get anything to work, you might try this version.
I also have a copy of an older factory firmware for the 8000 if you can't get the 2025A, ie the 1444A, which I downloaded to compare with the 1444A version for the 8100 out of curiosity. The version for the 8000 was a bit smaller, apparently due to the lack of the USB functions. The 1444A firmware actually might be easier for you to use than the 2025A. The older firmware, which I think included the 1444A had a somewhat strange arangement of satellites in that it had a small sat list, something like 31 sats if I remember, that you could use, however you could choose the sats from a big list which included virtually all the sats. The 31 sat list was somewhat annoying, however if I remember right, it had the advantage that you could change all the parameters on any of the sats, so you can change longitudes, and other parameters. The newest firmware got rid of the 31 sat limit, but has limitations relative to some parameters you can't change on the user sats. So it might be worthwhile to try the 1444A firmware. If it proves stable for you, and you don't need more than 31 sats, then it has it's advantages. I, however found the 2025A firmware a little more stable than the 1444 on my 8100, with respect to freezeups/reboots. However this seems to be a receiver specific behavior, since my old 8100 was quite stable with old firmware. Anyway, you might try the 1444A first.
However, other than being afraid of the DN police, I really think that the pirate version of firmware on there now is equal or better than the 2025, and I don't think it functions at all for pirate use, so I don't see any harm leaving it on there.