Comments from a lurker

if VOOM gets their act together they could get the new dishes up and roll out the new bandwidth with all the space they are going to have on their new Sats.
You gotta be friggin kidding!
New Dishes, New Bandwidth, New Sats!
how bout a friggin STB that works when you want it to!!!!!!!!!!
That's What Voom Needs To Working On
you people make me sick defending their sorry ass service
I think all the press that Voom has received over HD has put some heat on DTV to up the HD ante. That and they have one channel better than any on Voom.
Well... I realize that others like the cinema 10 and other Voom exclusives but the fact that I don't (My Opinion) and have cancelled VOOM is not a whining complaining post.

My reason for even posting to this thread was that when I read the initial post by Charrasqueado, I felt as if I had written the post. (It was so close to my exact feelings about Voom.)

In fact I have given up on HD in general. My HD set is in a dedicated HT and 95% of what I find myself doing in there is watching DVD's or listening to music

The other 5% are the HBO & Showtime original series and Network OTA in HD. & most of what I watch is now in re-runs... so I'm not even doing that much now.

So, in essence, what I actually Watch in pay HD are HBO & Showtime. & to get that with voom is $39.90 + $14.90 (HBO) + $14.90 (Show) + $9.50 (STB) = $79.20 a month for two channels with 4 or five weekly shows.

Thats too much. & I can get OTA for Free with my Samsung STB

I've had VOOM for 5 months and I have watched two Movies on cinema 10 and 3 concerts on rave. The rest of the time I have just spent flipping through the channels (looking at PQ) and never really finding much to interest me. (watching HD for HD sake instead of content)

I find myself watching most of my TV on my 27" in the bedroom from E* on the Dish DVR where the majority of shows I really want to watch are. ( USA, HGTV, SciFi, East&West Network feeds, HBO & Showtime)

The initial WOW! look at that HD picture, I'm never watching SD again buzz has worn off. If it isn't something Im interested in I'm not watching it just because the picture is great.

(All just My opinion)
vurbano said:
the reality is that D will probably match everything voom has less the HD exclusives in the near future. At that time, based on the current picture quality, the repetitive 2nd rate content of these 21 exclusives, and all of the problems I dont see Voom growing much further. I do believe that the "churn" rate of Voom subs is possibly in large part due to new subscribers watching the voom exclusives and realizing that theres just nothing compelling on them to watch and that they repeat over and over again. I dont even think its fair to have a comparison based on the number of HD channels because it promotes these exclusives as real channels. They are not. They are not even close. Put them OTA and they would go out of business unlike marc cubans channels which some affiliates are already buying blocks of and broadcasting OTA. I will eat my words when some idiot buys "flug tag" to fill OTA air time with an honestly thinks it could compete against anything.

Then switch to Dish already. One thing is to complain about Voom's PQ, but all you do is yap about Dish... GO SWITCH YAY!!!! Maybe Dish offers 100 HD channels straight into your brain WOOHOO!! YAY!

For right now Voom's Exclusives are pretty good and I watch them at least 1 a day, for right now Voom's trying to upgrade by the fall and have the capabilities to add mode HD and SD content. For now, they offer the most HD channels, and for now they are listening to their customers...if that DOES change or the competition offers MORE HD, well then it's lights out for Voom.
I'm pretty sure that this thread has convinced me to cancel Voom. Who cares if Voom's SD is better than anyone elses? I don't watch Satellite SD channels. I definitely don't watch any of the Voom exclusives. And due to the PQ issues and PG issues I never know if a movie is going to be in true HD or not. And most of the time, they're not in OAR. I'm better off watching movies on DVD and waiting for HD-DVD's/Blu-Ray to be released.

The only thing I like about Satellite HD is original programming from HBOHD and Discovery HD Theater. But even those don't look good on Voom due to PQ.

So, I believe I'm going to cancel Voom, hook up my E* 6000U receiver and subscribe to E*'s HDPack and HBO. I'll just use my Blockbuster Movie Pass for movies.

There are other contributing factors to my decision:
  • Voom's constant unwillingness to release an update to their receiver.
  • Their decision to use Motorola in the first place.
  • The fact that they use 10 HD channels of bandwidth for old movies that could exist on one channel, but they use them as a numbers game to lure subscribers over. That's almost deceptive practice.
  • The other HD offerings (such as StarzHD, EncoreHD, CinemaxHD, and BravoHD) are mostly bad SD upconverts and don't run HD programs most of the time anyway.
  • Honestly, I don't think their picture quality is going to increase any time soon. You need to ask yourself one question: And be honest with yourself: Do you honestly think they're going to upgrade to WP9 or Mpeg-4 when they say they are? These are people who can't even release a software update within a reasonable amount of time. Same goes for a decent-working PVR. Voomers will be lucky to have a decent-working PVR by this time next year. :eek: That's right...I said it! How long has Voom been live? Since Oct.? And they still have a SHI++Y working receiver? No thanks! Homie don't play dat.
  • I joined because I was afraid that the price was going to go up and that I would have to sign a contract if I didn't sign up in time. Well, they keep extending that offer. And, if they really want me to come back later, they're going to have to work hard to win my business back. So, I'm not really afraid to leave them now. I'm sure they're always be running some kind of promotion when/if I decide to come back.
  • I really, kinda, do miss HDNet. I'll get that back with E* HD-Pack.

So, after evaluating Voom's service and putting up with all of those things listed above (and more), I'm leaving Voom. I'll stick around here (this forum) and see if Voom gets any better, but I don't think it will any time soon.
NOHDjunkie said:
I really just watch DVD's in my theater and enjoy watching just about everything else SD From E* on my two 27" TV's (in the bedroom and office)

You keep saying you only watch DVDs on your TV, which I do to, but since I watch Voom I'd rather watch movies on 1080i than on DVD (480p). The sound is great the image is usually better than DVD, and DVD does not provide the dynamic content Discovery HD and ESPN HD have. You also mention that you don't mind watching SD again, which I do too for the content, man but you can't possibly compare a good HD show with a good SD show.

Also how is the quality of your TV image maybe that's why you are unphased by having Voom or having HD from cable or something. I've have a few friends with older Sony RPTVs that can't tell the difference but then again their TVs are kind of whacked and out of tune.
ChetK said:
. The other HD offerings (such as StarzHD, EncoreHD, CinemaxHD, and BravoHD) are mostly bad SD upconverts and don't run HD programs most of the time anyway.


Good luck to you. You made your decision but again I do not agree with all of them. If the above look like bad SD upconverts to you then when I watched LOTR TT Extended Edition OAR I was badly deceived by the tremendous PQ it had. (Yes, I am trying to be sarcastic). Don't want to create a debate between you and I but even though you have good points, you have also exaggerated your point. As I said good luck with Dish. I am about to drop Dish and subscribe to D* for NFL Ticket Season in HD. E* is the worst company I have dealt with in my entire life.
One person's trash is another person's content.

One person's trash is another person's content. If you don't like Voom content, the service is not for you.

Don't switch to Voom and then complain that Voom is bad because it is not like some other provider. If you like another provider, stay with them.

Some of us enjoy the Voom content as it is.
ChetK said:
I'm pretty sure that this thread has convinced me to cancel Voom. Who cares if Voom's SD is better than anyone elses? I don't watch Satellite SD channels. I definitely don't watch any of the Voom exclusives. And due to the PQ issues and PG issues I never know if a movie is going to be in true HD or not. And most of the time, they're not in OAR. I'm better off watching movies on DVD and waiting for HD-DVD's/Blu-Ray to be released.

The only thing I like about Satellite HD is original programming from HBOHD and Discovery HD Theater. But even those don't look good on Voom due to PQ.

So, I believe I'm going to cancel Voom, hook up my E* 6000U receiver and subscribe to E*'s HDPack and HBO. I'll just use my Blockbuster Movie Pass for movies.

There are other contributing factors to my decision:
  • Voom's constant unwillingness to release an update to their receiver.
  • Their decision to use Motorola in the first place.
  • The fact that they use 10 HD channels of bandwidth for old movies that could exist on one channel, but they use them as a numbers game to lure subscribers over. That's almost deceptive practice.
  • The other HD offerings (such as StarzHD, EncoreHD, CinemaxHD, and BravoHD) are mostly bad SD upconverts and don't run HD programs most of the time anyway.
  • Honestly, I don't think their picture quality is going to increase any time soon. You need to ask yourself one question: And be honest with yourself: Do you honestly think they're going to upgrade to WP9 or Mpeg-4 when they say they are? These are people who can't even release a software update within a reasonable amount of time. Same goes for a decent-working PVR. Voomers will be lucky to have a decent-working PVR by this time next year. :eek: That's right...I said it! How long has Voom been live? Since Oct.? And they still have a SHI++Y working receiver? No thanks! Homie don't play dat.
  • I joined because I was afraid that the price was going to go up and that I would have to sign a contract if I didn't sign up in time. Well, they keep extending that offer. And, if they really want me to come back later, they're going to have to work hard to win my business back. So, I'm not really afraid to leave them now. I'm sure they're always be running some kind of promotion when/if I decide to come back.
  • I really, kinda, do miss HDNet. I'll get that back with E* HD-Pack.

So, after evaluating Voom's service and putting up with all of those things listed above (and more), I'm leaving Voom. I'll stick around here (this forum) and see if Voom gets any better, but I don't think it will any time soon.


You and I don't always agree but we mostly do on your post. Voom does pad it's numbers and waste bandwidth that we'd all enjoy- if they used it to bring to HD up to 19 mpbs. They have only a very few WOW, watchable HD channels at this point. Minus the SD content that many like.

I do like DTV better than Dish because of Sunday Ticket- so I'm gonna check out those deals this week. I was already pissed for your reasons and my install that I finally had to fix myself. I guess I'm starting believe DTV will catch up with HD and I get to dump this junk Moto STB, yeah!

Voom must be have very high churn rates at this point. Good luck to you, your voice, happy or not is- needed here.
Actually the last installer I had was actually Voom certified, and knew his stuff pretty well, he says he's branched out into his own business, has now 7 technicians that work with him and only has 2 guys working on DirectTV (they don't do dish) and him and the other 4 are only working on Voom service calls and installations. He is saying that he does at least 2 installations for Voom a day. Which is what the previous guy said as well, said he became his company's dedicated Voom tech and was doing at lest 2-3 Voom installs a day here in South Florida. That's pretty impressive.

What I, and anyone I think that loves High D. content would want to happen is that Voom gets the recoginition it deserves, can steal a million subs away from Dish and DirectTV, and they use those revenues to pimp out their service more.

Currently 22,000+ subs is an awful number, I'm happy they are still dedicated to it though, since before Voom came D* and E* could give two squirts about HDTV IMO. Now they are starting to take more notice.
Purely speculating, but I don't think that 20,000 sub number will stick by the end of August.

My VOOM de-installer said he pulls 20% of the jobs he puts in.
occammd said:
Purely speculating, but I don't think that 20,000 sub number will stick by the end of August.

My VOOM de-installer said he pulls 20% of the jobs he puts in.
That means, they install another 5000, and 1000 cancel, leaving 4000 new subscribers staying with Voom.

20% cancellation is still a steady increase in subscribers.
And 20% churn is very bad,when D* and E* keep it around 1-2%(and they consider that bad) what does 20% look like to future investors?
Dvlos said:
You keep saying you only watch DVDs on your TV, which I do to, but since I watch Voom I'd rather watch movies on 1080i than on DVD (480p). The sound is great the image is usually better than DVD, and DVD does not provide the dynamic content Discovery HD and ESPN HD have. .

The point is that I have already seen the movies I want to watch before they hit HBO. And I prefer to choose when I watch something and/or be able to pause or rewind it if I choose. (DVR or DVD) I do find some stuff on Disc HD and watch that. I have no interest in ESPN (HD or SD) except for an occasional Sunday night Football game.

Dvlos said:
You also mention that you don't mind watching SD again, which I do too for the content, man but you can't possibly compare a good HD show with a good SD show..

My point is that what I consider GOOD HD are the Original series on HBO & SHOW. (Sopranos, Deadwood etc.) And THe OTA Network shows I get for Free. (CSI, West Wing etc)

VOOM does not offer me any GOOD HD choices (my opinion) other HBO & Show HD which are available from everyone who offers HD.

Dvlos said:
Also how is the quality of your TV image maybe that's why you are unphased by having Voom or having HD from cable or something. I've have a few friends with older Sony RPTVs that can't tell the difference but then again their TVs are kind of whacked and out of tune.

I can tell the difference. PQ is not the issue, Content is. My TV is 6 months old and is well callibrated. (obsessively) The Tonite show and HDN News are incredible. But for content HDN news is.... and I get the Tonite show for free on my Samsung STB.

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